This MMO SCAMMED its Players | MapleStory

This MMO SCAMMED its Players | MapleStory


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@paulvictor7489 - 09.01.2024 19:57

I think the biggest appeal to maplestory is the near infinite character progress, the way they have set up stats, gear, character progression allows for infinite power creep and the ability to always make the next big boss.
That and the very unique art style which obviously works well in Korea as the cute astetic in korea is big.
They also have a Monopoly on their niche because the very thing that makes it appealing is also a reason to not switch to a new game.

@dlwogur5462 - 09.01.2024 16:01

check kms

@rippedgms - 09.01.2024 02:46

crazy ive probably burned thousands of dollars trying to get round glasses. just for it to be rigged? are we going to get $ compensated or just cubes? this is insane.

@phant0mcast489 - 08.01.2024 21:27

Stop giving this game your time and money. It’s as simple as that. They’ve shown their true colors long ago, yet we still have people that whine about this stuff while continuing to log in. These same people probably talk about “corporate greed” and the little man getting screwed by big corporations, yet they enable it.

@brianmarion143 - 08.01.2024 18:19

Yeah I found this out wayyyyy before during the introduction to the star-force system. Consistently getting fails at "90% success", and booming a LOT with a "1.7%" or whatever low chace? Yeah, fuck these dudes. Ruined the game over a decade ago.

@RoyRope - 08.01.2024 17:57

I have a lot of nostalgia for Maplestory but I will never play a Nexon game again, I hope they go bankrupt.

@andrewdesalvatore7262 - 08.01.2024 11:20

i've always hated Nexon/Maplestory ever since they did that "free haircut coupon" which butcherers your hair (i got the shaved head with a bald spot). And to get another haircut, you'd have to pay money for an item.... no thank you & goodbye.
Few decades later, i tried "Riders of Icarus" when it was early-in-development.... was fine, until they went pay2win & made "hard modes" which prettymuch required you to spend money on re-rolls to make your gear OP. Was fun, was artsy and nicelooking; but wasn't about to Whale my way for digital clout.
Pay2Win sucks sooo much.

@lua7882 - 08.01.2024 04:08

so yeah, this kind of situation just shows how bad intentioned they were. lowering rates without telling the base. thats why they lost things every now and then

@ChillHills - 07.01.2024 22:48

When it said this game scammed you, I instantly thought of the $100s I spent on cosmetics only to be temporary. 😡
I was a jr high kid. And I had to beg my parents to make me a PayPal account so can use could pay for stuff.

@AL-dr3op - 07.01.2024 12:25

I like how you make content off of this game and would dare to talk bad about it.

@vitorcosta5161 - 07.01.2024 08:42

Quitting the game right now.

@tatioliveira8598 - 07.01.2024 05:58

Using cubes has never got my equip better. For me they are the same as those item pot itens, my pet gather them, I throw them away...

@zachkoa - 07.01.2024 05:14

typical korean game devs. always predatory.

@plaguedoctor5657 - 07.01.2024 05:03

Now all the players need to do is actually boycott this life sapping, money leeching, dead game….. but no… the only thing the players think about when they hear news like this is “so that means I’ll have a free channel to grind 12 hours because ** is boycotting hehehe”

@kyuirah - 07.01.2024 03:08

I remember when I was a teen , spending hundreds of NX cards on miracle cubes trying to get better stats on weapons...if only i knew.

@DennisFinancialDoctor - 07.01.2024 02:21

Interesting... I knew the triple boss line was impossible. I spent thousands of NX attempting.

@soratarz7830 - 07.01.2024 01:54

mmo gamers not knowing the meaning of "scam" lmao

@GuyWithTheCapitalJ - 06.01.2024 20:57

Apart from the high level of time commitment the game expects from players, this is one of the many reasons I decided to pull the plug on continuing the game.

With so many content becoming cash-gated and when spending becomes an expected norm, you know something is seriously wrong. I’m seriously dumbfounded at such a move, to misuse and eventually forfeit the trust the remaining players have in the game

@mattlangley - 06.01.2024 19:26

I remember it being 2005/2006 and the game being in beta. good times

@gominboda_go - 06.01.2024 16:16

I've been loving Maplestory since I came to the Netherlands in 2007. By the time, I couldn't speak any other languages except Korean and fortunately, it was the only game that helped me to adapt in the new environment that was far from my home country. Having Dutch friends to play the game together, and play soccer and so on.

I came regularly online to feel the nostalgic moments like most of players I reckon. It's really tragic to hear the news recently from Nexon to scam us, the players.

As of now, I lost my interest in playing Maplestory but I will still watch Coppersan's video.

@ReaperX7 - 06.01.2024 11:44

Honestly, new leadership at Nexon Korea is badly needed. These same corporate suits with their hard-nosed attitude towards the playerbase, and the developers, especially Wonkie, all need to be dismissed and fired. We need leadership that is Gamer and Community friendly and developer leads that are willing to listen to the community.

@KirikomiMoon - 06.01.2024 10:10

Oof... It's hard to believe that a game with such an innocent appearance at the top is really so dirty under the cover. It is turning me away from getting back into it knowing that it will munch away at my bank account. Maple, why are you doing this?!

@andreygunz179 - 06.01.2024 03:17

Wizet buy your game back and maket it legendary again 😢

@FAQUERETERMAX - 06.01.2024 02:52

This is the EXACT SAME REASON why I stopped spending money in the game and never looked back. When the permanent pets were first released, they made an event where you had to open boxes to get them. After the first few days they changed the rates, so pets were 10 times more difficult to get, without any notice to players. That day, I decided I would never give them money again until every item they sell for cash is cosmetic, and I've kept that promise

@solomander8627 - 06.01.2024 02:15

Why are we playing this game? WHY?

@kamaha0010 - 05.01.2024 23:48

Lmao "this game scammed it's players" and it isn't even the first time, and you're still gonna play it. What a joke this game and community is. Would not be surprised if the "compensation" for this was clown make up and a wig.

@AnonYmous-hu7jo - 05.01.2024 23:07

Now im SURE, RNjesus has always been on my side 😂

@Willnickf - 05.01.2024 23:04

shady harry potter lookin guy, you can literally see the smug look in his face.

@user-gr7fg6mj5v - 05.01.2024 22:56

Does any1 have any ideas how I can play Maplestory in VietNam, been hitting a dead end for weeks

@sleepenjoyer - 05.01.2024 21:36

Loot box mechanics are already a scam, even without RNG manipulation by the developer

@lilianne959 - 05.01.2024 19:59

Of course the creator of online gacha will try to make it even worse

@maygodguideustohaven - 05.01.2024 19:38

If the game hates me then it shouldn't be surprised. i uninstalled it.

@tasselkaneso608 - 05.01.2024 19:33

So bad

@Mehecanogeesir - 05.01.2024 17:54

Imagine having one of the oldest surviving games in a "dying genre" and killing it because of greed T_T

@StucklnAWell - 05.01.2024 17:30

Take me back to pre-CS Maple

@DronkenKater - 05.01.2024 15:27

bank account balancing purposes

@Brosephh - 05.01.2024 13:30

Greedy Korean companies.

@zoolapin - 05.01.2024 13:29

can't be scammed, if i don't purchase anything from nexon

@DarkMoJoX - 05.01.2024 13:02

One of the main reasons that I stopped playing this game because the potential crap made it P2W when the mechanic was first introduced several years ago. Then Nexon and Wizet pretty much made a lot boss fights near impossible to beat without cubing all of your gear. IMO, this was the beginning of the game's downfall.

The equipment customization seriously needs to be overhauled. I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for suggesting this, but it would be better if you can just enhance equipment with monster etc items that are near the level of whatever gear that you're upgrading. Etc drops for LVL 140 monsters can be used to upgrade 140 gear, or something like that. Every 100 items can enhance your gear by 1% of whatever stat that you want. At 4th job you can add 1 line; 5th job the second line; and at 6th job a 3rd line. Each line can be up to 10% for most stats. This'll probably be seen as a noob gameplay mechanic, but I think it's a lot better than the BS that they have going on now, and there's no way for Nexon to intentionally screw with hardcoded percentages of stats appearing while cubing/whatever.

@jerrytnu - 05.01.2024 12:52

still not as bad as MapleSEA which till date REFUSE to have a reboot server but doesn't allow you to play Global.
*yes you can play via VPN, but there will be delay. I have 10 gbps by Singtel and I still feel it.

@FromHJH - 05.01.2024 10:09

thanks for telling me this, I am gonna be making a report on asiasoft too

@Kryzvlogs - 05.01.2024 04:13

Just STOP playing the game. It's really that Simple. Now don't get it twisted. Yes you can say just don't throw money on Nexon, but lets be honest your gonna spend at some point. NEXON KOREA 🐖

@Poogimuns - 05.01.2024 03:13

i love coppersan video maplestory, and this video. if anyone is interested I have some information on a similar issue with some other video games and companies if anybody is interested in giving it some attention and doing some videos or getting it to a news outlet.

@Ja-eu6gj - 05.01.2024 02:42

Why would you cut away right before the level up? :(

@MegaLpso - 05.01.2024 01:25

Cool! i'll just stay playing FFXIV then, i really need to find more mmo's...does anyone have any reccomendations?

@Shawn12832 - 05.01.2024 01:22

@coopersan what’s the software you use to play Maplestory remote

@yorotheporo934 - 05.01.2024 01:08

I knew i wasnt insane when i only get 3 lines ATT% on Matt classes and vice versa. :*(

@1080pBrokie - 04.01.2024 23:55

Lmao this game is scamming people for more tn 10 years and you players just pretend nothing happens and try to ignore it and suck nx dk only because you like the way the game looks 💀 simping over a dead game

@lorde5878 - 04.01.2024 21:50

Compensation where 😢
