Clara Holzinger is a doctoral student at the Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences (ViDSS) at the University of Vienna. She works at the Department of Sociology. Her research focuses on migration, social inequality, and societal plurilingualism.
Dealing with (linguistic) plurality has far-reaching consequences for social justice and influences the lifeworlds of all people living in a migration society. Clara’s research is focused on the tension between traditionally monolingual organizational structures and de facto social plurilingualism. This contradiction can transform into barriers that obstruct access to social rights. Her research provides institutions and policymakers with evidence-based insights and raises awareness of the topic.
Clara Holzinger ist Doktorandin an der Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences (ViDSS) an der Universität Wien und arbeitet am Institut für Soziologie. Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf Migration, sozialer Ungleichheit und gesellschaftlicher Mehrsprachigkeit.
Der Umgang mit (sprachlicher) Pluralität hat weitreichende Konsequenzen für die soziale Gerechtigkeit und beeinflusst die Lebenswelten aller Menschen, die in einer Migrationsgesellschaft leben. Claras Forschung konzentriert sich auf das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen traditionell monolingualen Organisationsstrukturen und faktischer gesellschaftlicher Mehrsprachigkeit. Dieser Widerspruch kann sich in Barrieren verwandeln, die den Zugang zu sozialen Rechten behindern. Ihre Forschung liefert Institutionen und politischen Entscheidungsträgern evidenzbasierte Erkenntnisse und schärft das Bewusstsein für das Thema.
00:00 Migration, social inequality, and societal plurilingualism
00:09 Intro
00:22 Monolingual organizational structures
00:31 Example: Austrian Public Employment Service
00:47 My daily job: fieldwork and analyses
01:06 Access to social rights
01:31 Vienna Doctoral School of Social Sciences at the University of Vienna
01:47 Outro
👉 Read more in Rudolphina:
👉 How public organizations deal with linguistic diversity? That's what Clara Holzinger is researching:
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👉 Open positions: ViDSS Spring 2023 Call for Applications:
👉 In the video series 'Presenting early stage researchers', doctoral candidates of the Vienna Doctoral Schools talk about the burning questions they investigate, let you to look over their shoulders during their research activities and show how their ideas contribute to shaping the world of tomorrow:
#Uni_Wien #University_of_Vienna #Education #Universität_Wien #College #University #education #Clara_Holzinger #Linguistic_diversity #social_Justice #soziale_Gerechtigkeit #Mehrsprachigkeit #Gesellschaft #Impact_Award #migration