Which Type of Childhood Traumas Did You Experience?

Which Type of Childhood Traumas Did You Experience?


3 года назад

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@Psych2go - 20.11.2020 00:59

We released two videos in one day! Did you find the other one? :)

@spheruIe - 26.11.2023 06:27

I got threatened to be slapped if I don’t sleep at a young age. (at that time I didn’t have much rest every day)

@ezazkhan4233 - 15.11.2023 15:33

hello mam childhood neglect people please what solution

@noteworthy07 - 12.11.2023 00:51

I was trying to find atleast one kind of abuse I didn't go through, but I failed. I hope I can cope and heal soon, thank you for spreading awareness Psych2go 🎉❤

@McGyuricsko - 11.11.2023 15:17

Let’s not forget older sibling abuse, not sexual, but physical and mental.

@senseideidara650 - 11.11.2023 14:56

Ive experienced 3 of those: abuse, negelect and problems at school (together) for first 17 years of my life, will turn 20 soon and still trying to cope

@Justtheavargeperson - 07.11.2023 06:31

For me, the bullying just had me isolate myself from people for years. They eventually got bored, though. I had to learn more vague social cues, though. They might still talk negatively about me, but I never hear it (I've been told they insult me behind my back).

@robertpolnicky7702 - 06.11.2023 05:14

Those mean mean elementary school teachers. And that God awful principal. East side of Wichita. Kansas seemed awfully communist. The puritans ran it.

@FeelgoodLovejoy - 24.10.2023 04:46

Trauma, karma, and physics are all the same. When someone "adds heat" to ur life, it will stay there until it is transferred in an equal and opposite way. Once you find out how much "heat" came in, all you must do to "heal" is do good deeds in equal energy to help others

@Isa_puggy - 20.10.2023 04:00

Why does childhood trauma effect us so much later on???

@thEultimateTide_Pod - 06.10.2023 22:28

i wouldnt really consider myself a person with a bad childhood, in fact i have a great childhood with loving and caring parents. but i did have some stressors from my past that still affects me to this day. i wouldnt consider the following as trauma tho, because it isnt as bad as something like a car accident, loss of a loved one, or witnessing a friend dying.

- my parents wouldnt really give me much attention, despite me being an only child because they're busy with work. i completely understand tho, it's probably really stressful for them, but it still hurts for me when im finally spending time with my parents and they pull out their phone to make a phone call or reply to a text from a customer. but i do understand work is more important

- my parents would force me to do lots of extra homework when i was about 8 or 9. it was really stressful for my young self, which made me fear homework and procrastinate now.

- i fear teachers' authority and opinions because i made an invention prototype when i was 9 and i was really excieted to show my teacher and thought she'd love it, but she completely roasted it and said how it was useless, ridicoulous and a waste of time. she also judged how my brain worked and said i need to stop thinking like this. i developed a fear of expressing myself since then.

- i was also bullied a lot in grades 6-8. it was rough. i had a screwed up school at the time. biased and racist principal too. this is why i dont trust schools anymore

- when i was 3 or 4, i was scared of people laughing at me, so i'd always criticize myself and call myself a dumb loser because other people wont hurt me if i do it first. i also became the funny kid because instead of fearing people laughing at me, i would want them to.

@sunny...advntr - 29.09.2023 19:07

the closest one that makes sense for my trauma is 'problems at school'. My trauma is framed by shame and humiliation when I was 5 years old on the very first day of school. It's been terrible for almost 10 years now and I still can't let go of what happened. Now I have PTSD and many MANY anxiety disorders. It's not fun to have things that haunt and that literally stop you from living your life. I have Social Anxiety Disorder and........yeah, it's not fun. I'm sorry to all those people who got traumatized, however it was! Trauma is different for everyone and all your feelings are valid! Everything will be okay. <3

@CapnMadelyn - 11.09.2023 00:02

abuse,neglet,mental health,bullying
and im 19 now and my life is getting worse as my health too the longer im stuck in my home that i cant leave
two things happened when i was young. my brother hung me when i was in second grade and thats where my life started getting worse and 2 i fell on a tree root back first 4ft from the groung and my brother laughed while i couldnt breathe

@jackyer5954 - 10.09.2023 22:33

My mother is a narcissist and my father wasn't loved by his parents... Unfortunately, it also had an impact on my life 😞

@chrishilton1490 - 05.09.2023 02:33


@brittanynorrod203 - 25.07.2023 04:33

When I was a child I experienced emotional neglect because after my grandmother passed away from lung cancer. My mom and dad got separated and this was my traumatic experience

@rhincodonwhaleshark - 11.07.2023 16:46

My dad thinks peppa pig is demon

@starssszzz - 10.07.2023 04:56

ive had awful mental health in the past and id say ive been bullied my whole life, when i tried therapy it really didnt work for me i couldnt open up to my therapist i dont know why. anybody else???

@ashleessingingsensations7294 - 04.07.2023 08:21

It was number 5 for me. I got bullied in elementary school, middle school, high school and after high school. I put all that behind me thankfully.

@godpleasesaveus2112 - 12.06.2023 05:13

For me most of my childhood trauma are injury's, creepypastas, death and screamers, also for those who are suffering from abuse by there parents i hope your ok.

@issacolarina802 - 30.05.2023 18:10

im ten im a boy it all happend to me

@kb8511 - 25.05.2023 08:12

I’ve been through (and still go through) some of these traumas 6/7. It explains why I am still alone, lonely, and have never had good relationships with others.

@MarkReda-hy5ey - 22.05.2023 23:48

I’m 42 always had I’m realizing the damage school put me threw

@liljuz1981 - 21.05.2023 07:18

7 out of 7 lets go even more reason to ctb. having to constantly deal with the consequences of others actions since i was young and learning more and more about how that never leaves you is even more demeaning and insulting to me.

@tanker7757 - 20.05.2023 22:12

My mum had a brush with death when I was aged 12 i rember the morning vividly: me and my brother where playing minecraft together in a rare moment of us getting along i rember hearing somthing from the other end of the house i didn’t know what I herd but I had the sound in the back of my mind and I started to think it sounded like my name and it was my mum had shouted my name as she fainted onto the bathroom flaw I came in I found her there i collapsed onto my nees when I saw her I didn’t know what to do what could I do I started shouting her name she wouldn’t respond I was to scared for a little while to go near her my mind ussualy calm and collected even at that age left me I eventually found it in me to go up to her and shake her so I did 6 times then I got a response from she asked if it was me I said yes she didn’t know what was going on fully so I told her that she had past out and fallen over she said she couldn’t move I knew what that ment a broken spine (I was wrong thank what ever god there is for that) and asked me to call an ambulance I had the only panic attack ive ever had half way to the phone and started riving on the flaw I couldn’t handle it my mum who I love so much I got up in my panic attack and had to ask my younger brother 9 at the time to call the ambulance I couldn’t I was hyperventilating at that point and couldn’t tell him any thing extra so I let him discover my mum in that position I fear I’ve done permanent damage to him asking him to go in there unprepared he is realy tough to deal with these days ever since that day realy he’s not only regressed into his own closed off world but is hurting everyone outside it what was I supposed to do I always imagined my self a righteous warrior at that time centred in my world everything was destroyed that day I lost my ablity to be self assured I also lost my naïveté about death seeing your mum so close to it is a good catalyst for thorts of will this be me one day that day echoes though my the last thew years of my life I got out of the rut I was in but I was immediately thrown back in by my dog getting cancer I rember seeing her eyes they looked the same as my mums on that day blood shot red and muscles bludging out and I went straight back to standing over her figure in the bath room I’m 17now and she has made a full recovery but I still check every morning to see nothing has happened i her or if there’s a sound witch sounds even vaguely like the one I herd that day I go into panic and need to see her before I calm down I don’t know what I would do if anything truely bad would happen

@KlocekLegozChin - 11.05.2023 15:30

Mental health inssues lets go

@dorothychasie6974 - 04.05.2023 13:40

All of them lol

@Takecareofyourself01 - 01.05.2023 11:17

One of the moments that impacted my personality the most was in the third grade when a girl told me “stop being such a crybaby “ after I was crying because a kid had set me up with freaking muffin and told the teacher and it still baffles me how such a small comment had such an impact on me now I rarely find myself being vulnerable especially being able to cry at times when I should

@RaggyTheCloneRabbitMonkey - 29.04.2023 23:54

I was a victim of school problems and abuse, but when i was very young, i also experienced neglect and risky behaviours, my both parents were addicted to drugs and alcohol till i reached the age of 7. Our life was slowly fixing, my parents started to be better for me, and from my parents's perspective our life started to be good, but for me that was only a beginning of the worst. My life started to be finally normal when i was 11. My traumas caused me to act like i was 7 when i was already 11 years old.

@mintic6253 - 15.04.2023 16:13

Damn. ... i know that it's not about numbers but i got 4/5 😕

@SonGoku-qq6rp - 08.04.2023 06:20

great video

@teto85 - 02.04.2023 21:50

YAHTZEE!!!! I got all 7. Where's my prize?!?!?!?!? Well, I'm not dead or in prison and have made it to over 50 with a good career and pretty good life after moving across the continent and across the Atlantic for education and early career. Abusing adults and siblings are all dead. And their tapes are all erased and eradicated. Moving away helped get over it and on to a new life.

@joshuamorency7808 - 30.03.2023 02:58

Whoever... said we should make this for adults that have lots of problems...

@anbhnjjgjnikkemmemekeje4776 - 28.03.2023 18:49

1: abuse
2: neglect
3: bully

@tylerporter8923 - 21.03.2023 04:00

I’ve been through a lot and didn’t realize how traumatizing it was, watching my dad drink and do drugs as a kid, which I didn’t develop a drug addiction or alcohol addiction, was diagnosed with diabetes at 14, was bullied by kids and adults, hell even my baseball coach. My dad had a really bad car accident when I was in middle school and walked up to the scene and seen the van flipped over and mangled. Just to name a few experiences off the top of my head

@peachy1835 - 12.02.2023 21:58

how did i just realize ive been through trauma

@minthang1372 - 26.01.2023 02:41

I feel like everyone have childhood traumas, mine included

@starwarsfan1332 - 26.01.2023 02:33

for me , I feel lonely everyday when no one near me and I get bullied everyday when I was small , and when something bad happens, it will trigger my bad memories

@reed6436 - 20.01.2023 05:00

Was emotionally abused, neglected from the ages of 2-4, watched my mom struggle with an eating disorder and depression, was in 2 car accidents and heard my mom joke about them. All before thirteen.

@scrappytheratbeewillowtree4456 - 19.01.2023 01:21

My parents are both depressed and they don’t give a F that I have PTSD even though my mom was there with me when I got diagnosed with it

@brandonjohnson7729 - 11.01.2023 17:26

All of them except bullying

@nekopet6168 - 09.01.2023 05:39

Speaking honestly, I was a victim of numbers 1, 2, 3 and 7. Interesting thing about 7 is that I was told by teachers that it's my fault for being bullied because I always reacted and let it get to me. I grew up in the 90s, so not sure if that was a common belief back then, but yeah, between school and home, I never really ever felt that there was ever a secure place for me and just detached myself from reality and people, letting myself be absorbed, instead, by the internet where I don't ever have to make real connections.

I come to terms with the why now, but it was a huge journey trying to figure all this out tbh. I think I'm still figuring things out. Anyways, I just wanted to put this up here for anyone that goes through the same thing to read so you know that you're not alone.

@shraddhaanikhindi620 - 05.01.2023 02:38

Who else freaked out when the saw the noose?

@mellovestodraw - 03.01.2023 04:35

I relate to the 5 topics that’s talked about in this video which is actually really concerning

@night.2257 - 24.12.2022 19:04

I was around 5 when my 9 yo brother (I’m also a male), he forced me to watch 18+ stuff, and forced me to almost do it with him. Almost. I talked to him about it a couple months ago, I’m 14 now and he’s 18, and he told me ’bro I was nine how was I supposed to know huh ?’ now I’m questionning my sexuality and can’t sleep one or two consecutive nights without dreaming of an old man raping me.

@MarcMouvet - 16.12.2022 11:34

I may be late to this video, but I think giving up a baby for adoption could also be considered. Separation from the birth mother at birth can be a trauma in itself, manifesting separation anxiety, fear of rejection and abandonment issues.

@Monica-zg2rr - 11.12.2022 09:28

1. Abuse (Emotional, Mental and Sexual)
2. Neglect
3. Street drugs addict (my soon to be step-dad is and was smoking a lot)
4. Bullying since grade 0

@MARIAriaria1999 - 06.12.2022 00:49

All of them...

@lenel8684 - 03.12.2022 03:34

I don't think is this bulying or not but when I was younger some classmates were calling me names ( that I din't like) amd they were making pranks :/
