Top 5 Cyberpunk Comics of All Time!

Top 5 Cyberpunk Comics of All Time!

Cartoonist Kayfabe

1 год назад

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@giffica - 15.03.2023 05:59

Alright guys listen, I’m a turbo manga fan and cyberpunk addict. Thank you for picking ghost in the shell. It is almost a philosophical text for us otaku.

And don’t get it twisted I when I open up a page of akira I start crying I’m so awestruck. But ghost in the shell drives my soul, and it’s the reason I exist.

@Harvdigity - 18.02.2023 02:20

Grim Jack maybe?

@OrangeRingo - 07.02.2023 23:15

Tsutomu Nihei's BLAME lives through its intricate cyberpunk imagery, considering how much of that story is communicated through its visuals.

@sts54 - 01.02.2023 12:32

Channel Zero - Brian Wood
The Surrogates - Robert Venditti and Brett Weldele
Tokyo Ghost - Rick Remender and Sean Murphy
Doktor Sleepless - Warren Ellis and Ivan Rodriguez

@twins521 - 30.01.2023 19:32

OMAC is cyberpunk tokusatsu by way of Captain America superhero comics. Super serum delivered by satellite biotech AI.

@snacklunch5607 - 28.01.2023 16:51

My fav cyberpunk right now has got to be Vaughn and Martin's PRIVATE EYE

@JonathanMoffat - 28.01.2023 09:18

Lots of 2000AD strips had Cyberpunk themes, and Car Warriors by Chuck Dixon and Steve Dillon was a kinda Cyberpunk/Mad Max Road Warrior mash up.

@hodag - 27.01.2023 21:40

I thought the first Cyberpunk novel was Shockwave Rider by John Brunner in 1975 or Alfred Bester's Connection from 1975?

@the_joe_reynolds_foundation - 26.01.2023 19:58

i love that as soon as you slap down the heavy metal books we can see some possible inspiration for otomo. the left heavy metal mag has the dude riding the flying creature with his arms folded, and we see tetsuo doing the same on his motorcycle. chillin, confident, cool as hell.

@StandUpRecordsdotcom - 26.01.2023 05:30

I have to think 2000AD has to be cyberpunk. Judge Dredd at the very least, which I just heard mentioned in the video as I'm typing, has most if not all of the elements. The overall tone of that, D.R. & Quinch, Nemesis the Warlock. They all seem to fit the aesthetic to me.

@pogodanderfluff9390 - 26.01.2023 00:45

Judge Dredd

@cghirardo5951 - 26.01.2023 00:12

Juan Gimenez "The Fourth Power " nobody can do technology like Gimenez.

@japanbookhunter - 25.01.2023 16:48

I was waiting for Ranxerox, but still a solid list my friends. Akira forever...

@stevekasan3105 - 25.01.2023 15:49

I find for me among many qualities of what makes Cyberpunk to sci-fi is that there is an analog awareness. Why the 80s is the blueprint as you have future tech but it's not fully connected. Characters and the world logs off where as today we are always logged in. As much as you have all this junky technologie they are still analog

@chrisdragnet722 - 25.01.2023 13:30

Martha Goes To Washington???

@chrisdragnet722 - 25.01.2023 13:28

John Byrne’s OMAC mini series.

@dino_matt - 24.01.2023 23:48

There's an older manga puplished by dark horse after the success of Akira called "eden it's an endless world" that is some tough, gritty cyber punk. One of the cooler books I've ever scene with amazing concepts and story

@francescorisalto819 - 24.01.2023 23:28

Alita Battle Angel, Yukito Kishiro

@pixelphil79 - 24.01.2023 23:11

AD Police 2500 Hrs by Tony Takezaki is a great 80s manga, which is available as a bilingual english/japanese release

@kapasousa - 24.01.2023 21:44

Low written by Rick Render and drawn by Greg Tocchini.

@johnhunt6555 - 24.01.2023 21:16

The ultimate cheat would be Judge Dredd Magazine and 2000AD. Tons of cyberpunk stories in those spanning decades. Some newer Cyberpunk stories I really enjoyee recently are E.X. Mag #1: Full Metal Dreamland and GLEEM. Both were put out by Peow Studio in the last couple years and were really good. As for manga, No Guns Life is a great cyberpunk noir story. I can't speak on the anime but the manga is fantastic.

@PR0M3TH3IUS - 24.01.2023 21:05

Spiderman 2099, and Ghostrider 2099

@gavinconnor5946 - 24.01.2023 13:11

One of your best videos ever. The Kojima love was nice too.

@Newinfluential - 24.01.2023 12:27

Awesome video! I love Deathlok as well, think he is a great undeveloped concept.

@icepick_method3439 - 24.01.2023 12:05

Stray Toasters. It's future noir, detective protagonist, robot hacking, and wires!

@silverhair_bearded_fox - 24.01.2023 11:17

"Hey man don't discard Willie Mays like that"

@LumberjackNick - 24.01.2023 10:04

Alita Battle Angel

@misterb9786 - 24.01.2023 09:34

I was pretty blown away by Tony Takezaki's "Genocyber" when those early 90's Viz floppies came out. (Too bad it was abandoned after a few issues)

@timodland49 - 24.01.2023 09:00

SUPER PATRIOT!(Dave Johnson), Battle Angel Alita, Tokyo Ghost, We 3.

@akolvek - 24.01.2023 08:35

Marvel did begin to adapt Neuromancer in their Graphic Novel line, but the first volume (covering the first part of the novel) was all they published.

@milyu - 24.01.2023 07:43

cyberpunk is "high tech, low life"

@scorch3k - 24.01.2023 07:35

Another vote for Ronin. So many wires!

@chrisquick7596 - 24.01.2023 07:19

I'm going to join in on all the requests to do a spot on Battle Angel Alita, an amazing manga with an iconic and serviceable OAV anime that alongside Akira/Ghost In The Shell was a gateway into anime/manga for those that grew up in the pre internet 90's, what James Cameron/Rodriguez did to that movie was a crime against art.

@robertjacques6812 - 24.01.2023 07:07

Neuromancer was the definite cyber punk novel and was even partially adapted into a graphic novel

@nickdaring - 24.01.2023 07:01

Do a follow up!

@tdfellrath - 24.01.2023 06:44

Carbon + Silicon by Mathieu Bablet (Magnetic Press) has a lot of cyberpunk elements. And is freaking fantastic.

@jordanwitkofsky7957 - 24.01.2023 06:43

Most Gary Panter would be sorta cyberpunk.

@tolgaberk7364 - 24.01.2023 05:55

1-Eden:It’s an Endless World is not only a CyberPunk beauty, it’s with Berserk maybe the best manga made (no disrespect to the GOAT’s). It has 14 English volumes another 4 volumes in (German, Italian French or Japanese). 2- Battling Boy series (+ The Rise Of Aurora West) by Pope 3- Aster of Pan by Merwan 4- Biomega Tsutomo Nihei 5- Carbon & Silicon by Mathieu Bablet 6- Castle in the Stars 4 volumes in English and will continue 7- Deadenders by Brubaker 8- Dominion by Masamune 9- Edgeworld by C.Austen 10- Fear Agent by Remender 11- Girls Last Tour by Sukumizu (6 volumes) 12- Gung-Ho by Benjamin von Eckartsberg 13- Francois Schuiten's THE HOLLOW GROUNDS trilogy. 14- Heavenly Delusion by Masakazu Ishiguro 15- some of the Judge Dredd 16- King City by Brandon Graham 17- Frank Thorn’s Lann 18- Memories from the Civil War by Marazano (3 volumes) 19- Monolith by LRNZ 20- Negalyod God Network by V.Perriot 21- Old City Blues by Milonohiannis 22- Rocketeer by Waid 23- Rust by Lepp (3 vol) 24- Sandland by Akira Toriyama 25- Speed Grapher (2 in English 1 not translated) by Yusuke Kozaki 26- The Spire by Spurrier 27- The Wall by Alberti 28- Dave Dorman's Wasted Lands 29- Wasteland by Johnston (5 HC’s) 30- We Live by Inaki Miranda I know some are more apocalyptic than punk. I tried to stay away from Space Science Fiction (would have been much easier for me). Hope you can add one or two. Love your channel and love the variety!!!

@neilsanzari9723 - 24.01.2023 05:23

Deathlok was inspired by the 6 Million Dollar Man, which was a big tv show back then exploring a cyborg superhero made by the government. He’s an astronaut who crashlands during reentry into earth’s atmosphere. The 6 Million Dollar Man also inspired Enki Bilal’s astronaut character from Metal Hurlant.

@scottruhl4710 - 24.01.2023 05:04

I always thought of Wolverine as a cyborg.

@fiveways - 24.01.2023 04:58

On the Akira level you are forgetting like a lot of people do otomo's love of film. Like if you take crazy thunder road and scanners you have a lot of the foundation of Akira.

@bernarddestroyerofshopkins7019 - 24.01.2023 04:48

Transmetropolitan is a good one. The punk in cyberpunk imo .

@ITSHEROTIME.TIS2 - 24.01.2023 04:48

I'd like to see A review on Joseph Michael Linsner creator of DAWN in the near future. That guy was on A whole nother level.

@jeffreydowson6666 - 24.01.2023 04:46

I think the cyberpunk genre always contains transhumanism...simulacra and simulation....the destruction of the natural environment...extreme social stratification... fetishized weapons and high tech...probably a hundred other things too

@serviettedetable - 24.01.2023 03:59

I would recommend Blame! and Transmetropolitain

@serviettedetable - 24.01.2023 03:47

I hope they will reprint Appleseed one day. It's pretty hard to find now.

@Frisenette - 24.01.2023 03:40

Cyberpunk started after 1990 is not cyberpunk.
It’s simply too late. Way too much dilution and other things going on. Cyberpunk with 90s grunge/rock/gradient colour put-on flippancy is just not cyberpunk anymore.

Lawnmower Man is not CP and Johnnie Memnomic only just scrapes by, by virtue of its origin.

I was sorely missing RanXerox. It’s cyberpunk if anything is. And quite early.

@upwithgravity - 24.01.2023 03:37

ETC from Tim Conrad and Michael Davis from DC's Piranha Press, 1989.

@rendertank897 - 24.01.2023 03:30

Ranxerox is represented by Heavy Metal. So. You did get that one. 2000 AD should be dissected more. Very cyberpunk!
