Exploring the Silurian Hypothesis: Detecting Ancient Civilizations #shorts #SilurianHypothesis

Exploring the Silurian Hypothesis: Detecting Ancient Civilizations #shorts #SilurianHypothesis

Information TV

3 месяца назад

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"Exploring the Silurian Hypothesis: Detecting Ancient Civilizations"

The Silurian Hypothesis, proposed by scientists Adam Frank and Gavin Schmidt, suggests that human beings may not have been the first intelligent life forms to evolve on Earth. They propose that an advanced civilization could have existed around 100 million years ago, during the time of the dinosaurs, but virtually all signs of their existence would have been lost over time. While it might seem logical to expect evidence of such a civilization, given our ability to find dinosaur fossils, the fleeting nature of their presence on Earth makes it challenging to detect any remnants. Instead, Frank and Schmidt's research focuses on identifying methods for detecting ancient civilizations on other planets. One potential indicator they explore is heightened levels of carbon in the atmosphere, similar to what we're experiencing in the Anthropocene period. By examining ice cores for sudden spikes in carbon dioxide, researchers may uncover evidence of past civilizations. However, the challenge lies in recognizing these signals amidst the vastness of geological records.

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