Project Airway IG: @projectairway

2 года назад

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The goal of this video is to share my SARPE journey to finding a cure for chronic fatigue syndrome. I have suffered with brain fog and chronic fatigue syndrome for the last 10 years of my life. I have chased doctors all over the world looking for a cure, not willing to accept that there are no answers. I am 44 years old, own a gym and work out every day and eat super clean and haven't had a drink for over 3 years now.

I have tried every therapy, test, supplement known to man at this point. I have spent around $200k on medical bills over the last 6 years trying to find answers, and I have spent the last 3 years of my life learning everything there is to know about our airways, it's effect on our sleep, and why so many people suffer with FSS (Functional Somatic Syndromes) and that led me to where I am today. After finding Dr. Avram Gold, a sleep specialist out of Stony Brook University in Long Island, NY last year in August, I finally found some answers that made sense to me.

His belief is that I suffer from UARS (Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome). It's what I call modern day Skinny Man's Sleep Apnea. I cam across his work from a podcast he was on, hosted by Dr. Steven Park, a world renowned ENT out of NY who wrote a book I had read on sleep called Sleep Interrupted.

Dr. Gold's Theory on why this happened:
What he believes at happens at some point in these people’s lives, is they experience some type of great stress: Some type of ABUSE, SEVERE ACCIDENT, SOME TYPE OF INFECTION, SOME TYPE OF SURGERY, and during that time they have some type of activation of their HYPOTHALMAIC PITUITARY ADRENAL AXIS, and a part of their brain known as the LYMBIC SYSTEM becomes sensitized to snoring as a threat aka a stress. And these people snored before said incident, but following the event they changed their relationship to the snoring and it becomes a threat to them.

When we experience a threat in life, my limbic system activates preparing me for said threat and action and when it’s nothing major, my brain records a memory in my hippocampus that it’s no big deal. What he believes w people w Central Sensitization Syndromes is there was an INCIDENT OR TRAUMA which set off the lymbic system and it recognized snoring as a threat in the hippocampus and it keeps holding on to it like it’s a threat, and it’s not giving up that sensitization.

He believes through the use of a CPAP or surgery that opens up the airway that we can desensitize our systems and return our nervous systems to a state of peace. This happens to people who are already predisposed to breathing issues to begin with. That being said, even if I used a CPAP, I have always had breathing issues, and having had 4 sleep tests before going and seeing him, he diagnosed me and told me when I got into deep sleep, I would always get kicked out, thus never feeling rested.

I have read about 50 medical journal articles on this, coupled with 100's of podcasts and many books and lectures from the best ENT's, Functional Dentists, Orthodontists, Sleep Docs, Jaw Surgeons, and breath work coaches and through Dr. Gold I've become aware that most sleep docs don't really know how to diagnose UARS. For many people with FSS, they test according to what they use for Fat Man's Sleep Apnea, which looks for Apnea/Hypopneas. The problem is, testing someone with UARS based on those standards and they either show up as NO or MILD sleep apnea, and most docs send them home, or have them try a CPAP. The problem with the CPAP I've learned is because these docs don't really know how to test for it, they end up setting the pressure on the CPAP too high, like they did for me in the past, and it doesn't work.

What I've learned from him is:
1. You need to be measuring pressure at the nose and the mouth w a pressure transducer (this gives you a quality reading on the inspiratory airflow) to test for this properly
2. Need to be titrated in a lab where they’re not looking at the number of apnea/hypopneas to titrate, but where they are actually looking at the shape of the airflow curve and making sure they stop at the point where there is no more airflow limitation for people w UARS (however most docs don't know how to do this- they don't understand how to the data truly evaluating inspiratory airflow limitations w efficiency) So all these people end up slipping through the cracks.

I have read multiple medical journal articles of his that he has published on
the success he's had in the past, and after going to a surgeon with him after we met in NY, I learned what I need to and found a team (Facial Surgeon/Airway Centric Orthodontist) in AZ, and pulled the trigger. My goal here is to bring awareness to what this procedure can do to help people with UARS and those suffering with FSS (IBS, Fibromyalgia,


#UARS #upper_airway_resistance_syndrome #sarpe #Chronic_fatigue_syndrome #CFS #ME #myalgic_encephalomyelitis #airway #sleep_apnea #functional_somatic_syndromes #fss #sleep_disorder_breathing #palate_expansion #ibs #fibromyalgia #insomnia #chronic_pain_syndrome #adhd #tmj #tmj_headaches #health #autoimmune_disease #epilepsy #bed_wetting #teeth_grinding #attention-deficit/hyperactivity_disorder #allergies #asthma #orthodontist #functional_dentist #orthotropics #breathing_issues
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