That man is just plain trouble
ОтветитьDont believe anything that man says he is a liayer an wants everthing for him self just plain lazy
ОтветитьLove you Tuyet . God bless you ❤❤🎉🎉
ОтветитьTranslation into English does not make scene ?
ОтветитьAdesso che l'ho letto in italiano, devo dire, che l'ufficiale giudiziario non è una persona corretta, dopo tutto quello che ha fatto nei confronti di tuyet, mentendo, sia a lei che a sua madre, non merita più essere amico, di tuyet
ОтветитьYou're better than that Tuyet, if his mother want to get him a wife let her do so he's a good friend to you help you in difficult times, but don't sell yourself short ,
ОтветитьTraduire en français merci
ОтветитьI'm sorry but I've never liked the look of this man ,I wish the policeman who went off could have stayed but he was really ,scary when he grabbed her hand and said they where lovers lol ,I hope he never comes back near her .😪
ОтветитьТает,дай себе шанс быть любимой и счастливой.Он тебя любит.Будето тебе заботиться.А ребенка возьмёте из приюта
ОтветитьSemoga jodoh mbak tuyet semangat 💪💪💪
Ответитьฉันกำลังดีใจที่ฉันเห็นคุณหัวหน้าชุมชนสนใจคุุณตูเยตแต่แล้วคุณแม่ก็เข้ามาทำลายความหวังของฉันพัง ะลายหมดต่ ไปฉันก็ไม่อยากติดตามแล้วฉันใจสลายทร่ทั้งสองคนต้องมาขัดใจกันจะมีทางที่จะดีกันได้ไหมขอให้กลับมาดรกันเหมื นเดิมนะจะต ดตามถ้ากลับมาดีกัน..จากคนประเทศไทย
ОтветитьGood afternoon miss tuyet I'm happy for you congrats.❤
Ответить한마디로 진실성 이없는 남자예요 절대뚜엗씨하고어울 릴수없는 남자예요절대로마음주지마세요
Ответить내가볼때그남자는ㅊ디음부터 뚜엗씨한테접근 할때부터 야심이 있었어요
Ответить뚜엗씨는 현명하시고똑똑하힌분 박수를보냅니다
Ответить성급하나람 믿지마세요
Ответить뚜엗씨 최고예요🎉🎉🎉❤
Ответить존겅하는 뚜엗씨 정말현명하신 분예요
ОтветитьTough girl. You just dealt with a lie. Don't let anybody ever use you for their lies. You can take care of yourself.
ОтветитьLady your son Is not a child do not follow him. Oh Ms Tuyet is a beautifu person
Ответитьknpa rmh Tuyet ko ga ada bnyk jendela,ko cm dpn aja yg ada
Eres muy testaruda este hombre es un señor te ayuda en todo mas que tu propia familia porque le pides tantas explicaciones si sabes que esta enamorado de ti de lo contrario no te prestaría tanto dinero eso es amor por ti dale una oportunidad te ara feliz 😊
ОтветитьJe vous croyais plus honnête il vous a aidé 😢soyez plus reconnaissante un homme présent dans tous les moments difficiles toiture cloture etc la patience 😊 il en faut surtout dans de telles relations joyce❤
ОтветитьDon't understand why she's not accepting his love for her he's not like your husband he really loves you accept his love for you
ОтветитьOjala lo piense mucho señora Tuyet el oficial parece un hombre trabajador, digno y buena persona, la intromision de la madre es muy lamentable, cuide su salud y siga lo que le dicte su corazon. Saludos desde Ecuador Sudamerica.
ОтветитьNossa que situação difícil, mas não deixe de ajudar o seu amigo,ele é leal e te ama muito, procure uma forma de ajudar. Sei que você também o ama. Vamos pensar em outro meio de como ajudar.
Não deixe de batalhar por sua felicidade ❤️❤.
Vocês forma um casal lindo.
E o amor fala mais alto que tudo.
Hola tuyet saludos desde costa Rica 🇨🇷🇨🇷🇨🇷🇨🇷, primero me gusta mucho como va quedando tu cass muy hermosa, yo sería feliz viviendo en tu casa 😊, bueno vamos a lo mas importante wue es tu felicidad, mi niña se que ustedes tienen tradiciones y respetan mucho lo que ellas conllevan, pero cariño estamos en otros tiempos, y usted ya es grande eres mayor y puedes tomar buenas decisiones, no te importe lo wue los demás quieran es tu felicidad, dale una oportunidad al oficial, esta enamorado de ti t tu también, los dos se aman y no saben cómo expresarlo , por favor comienza una nueva vida con el , comiencen una nueva historia juntos, ya ustedes no son niños, son adultos, creo que todos aqui quieren verte feliz, por favor piénsalo , 🙏❤un abrazo a la distancia
ОтветитьHello Tuyet i hate what happen Huong mother followed him to your place, he love you he confessed his love to but the way he did it was wrong. He should have told his mother not to pick his wife it's not her place and he really confessed his love to you. The way he did it was wrong i really feel he loves you the way he did it was wrong, he really needs to put his mother in her place he is a grown man. I don't no where he came up with this contract thing from he really needs to apologize to you he kinder made me mad he should have told his mother to stay out his life. When the mother pick a wife that what you call a contract he just need to tell her no. Tuyet i thank you to need to talk again i feel hs really love you i felt really sorry for him and he really confessed his love to you the wrong way just think about talking to him one more time you guys had a good friendship. ❤❤🎉🎉🙏🙏
ОтветитьDon't do your friends like that he was needing help to release his mother's pressure. And he does love you
ОтветитьPoderia fazer assim com ex sogra que fez vida dela um inferno. deve está esperando ex
ОтветитьQue pesar que esto allá sucedido😢😢
ОтветитьEsquce pasado mulher ame ele.seja feliz
ОтветитьGente eu não acredito no que está acontecendo,quer dizer que esse tempo todo que ele se aproximou da tuyet foi para mostrar a mãe que estava envolvido com alguém 😮😢 não acredito que ele fez isso com ela. Tô passada 😮.
ОтветитьQ ingrata y dura eres con el despues q el te ayudo con muchas cosas y ahora tu le das la espalda a el no pense q tu eras asi de egoista solo piensas para tu propio beneficio asi como vad te vas a quedar sola vieja y amargada
ОтветитьHappy for you Tuyet. Congratulations🎉
ОтветитьIn Vietnam mamele aleg iubitele baietilor lor ,si ei nu au acest drept ,oare asa sa fie in tot Vietnamul ?Rusine mama ofiterului ,nu doresti fericirea fiului tau ,doar tie sa -ti fie bine ! Cum poti sa traiesti cu o femeie aleasa de. mama,fara sentimente de iubire !Acest video m-a socat ,la noi nnu mai sunt timpurile alea ,cand parintii alegeau nora Fata frumoasa ,tu decizi ,tu simti daca merita iubirea ta Daca ai sentimente nu -l pierde ,mai testeaza -l Sanatate !
ОтветитьMrs tu yet, you’re very intelligent lady , u need to open your heart to be happy again, this nice officer has feeling for you , he helped you a lot, , don’t be rude to him , give your relationship another chance
ОтветитьТает милая выходи за него замуж ведь он тебя любит а за своего мужа забудь он тебя не достоин и еще неизвестно у кого нет детей может он бесплодный
ОтветитьHola hago una consulta porque su hijo si es grande le tiene que decir a su madre donde va es adulto señora
ОтветитьMy dear you need to put him straight on this matter, tell him you only regaud him as a friend and that his all. You aren't looking for a husband only a good friend.
ОтветитьEğer gerçekten sevseydi sözleşmeli sevgililik teklif etmezdi .Annesinin yaptığı hiç hoş değildi
ОтветитьNe veszisd el a boldogságot ne törődj senkivel a szívedre hallgatsz
ОтветитьAh cher Tuyet la vie n'est pas facile, ce que j'ai ressenti à ton égard, tu n'aime pas qu'on te mène en bateaux, mais prend le temps de réfléchir, ne sois pas si dur avec lui ,sa mère ne devait pas se pointer chez toi à l'improviste pour surveiller sont fils, se n'est pas à la mère de chercher une épouse pour sont fils, tu as été choquée mais prend le temps de réfléchir et lui donner une chance Tuyet, bon courage et bonne chance