Culture Shocks from living in Germany?

Culture Shocks from living in Germany?


1 год назад

419,698 Просмотров

We decided to ask as many people from all over the world living in Germany in Munich. What culture shocks they have got since moving to Germany. What about reverse culture shocks when visiting where they originally come from. Many wonderful people in this video we spoke too.

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@michaelgibtsnet8195 - 03.01.2024 21:26

You talk about culture shocks in germany and then you dont even take Germany. You take Bavaria Munich, which is the most not german city ever

@waxedlatexpanda8496 - 20.11.2023 23:28

If anyone not from the UK is confused about the Scottish guy saying he misses the crack. He doesn't mean he misses the drug, he means he misses the humour. Scottish people call humour "crack" (sometimes)

@schuppenerglobaltransition7858 - 25.10.2023 17:26

I like your clips they are fun. To match the prejudice about the Germans: you have to work on your German it is quite poor. 🙂

@kelloxx - 16.10.2023 11:52

der is einfach in münchen

@kelloxx - 16.10.2023 11:50

wack video

@hima1520 - 28.08.2023 19:09

the music deferent vibe ...very nice

@elif-ub3bt - 22.08.2023 11:05

the first person who talks about clean public transport, should definitely come to berlin:::-)

@ulihanel7078 - 21.08.2023 13:49

dumb USies

@grislyv2564 - 20.08.2023 16:17

Yea speak awkward angry german than you sound german lol. You just sound like a fuel than nothing more

@Smaragdschloss - 19.08.2023 22:50

Cash is freedom, card is slavery!

@beageler - 19.08.2023 21:44

As interested as I am in views on Germany, I'm not a fan that your videos have that nationalist slant. No other videos I've seen on the topic have people always generalise and the host almost only repeating stereotypes.

@Hyperactivman2 - 19.08.2023 11:45

Was für eine Ehre und wirkliches Privileg die zu sein die Wir sind, danke für diese Videos und danke an alle Ausländer😉 den interviewten die ihre eindrücke hier mit uns teilen. Es ist immer wieder schön zu sehen und zu hören das wir mit unseren eigenarten doch etwas besonderes in der Weltgemeinschaft darstellen und darauf können Wir gut und gerne stolz sein und wenn es ebend solche videos dafür braucht um mal ein bisschen stolz auf seine Nation zu sein dann ist das gut, da aus deutschen Mündern in Nachrichten oder egal welches Medium es anscheinend verpöhnt ist seine Heimat toll zu finden und ja egal wo man auf dieser Welt hinfährt kein Land ist wie Unsere Heimat und das müssen wir uns bewahren für unsere kinder dessen kinder und dessen dessen ihr wisst wad damit gemeint ist. Danke an alle die unseren makken doch was abgewinnen können, we Love and be Germany thanks to all our Guests.❤❤❤

@paullewin8615 - 18.08.2023 19:55

Well personally I think German people are generally quite unfriendly and arrogant.

@user-ye5zd2ov8r - 26.07.2023 13:27

high income taxes, high insurance, bad internet, cash only culture, difficult to make local friends, f-cking weather in winter, dirty cities

@teniente_snafu - 14.07.2023 11:16

Skillful storage of food, in your larder, your fridge and freezer is also a germanic cultural trait. Many people, even those without their own gardens regularly make their own marmelade and pickles.

@teniente_snafu - 14.07.2023 11:14

If you want to experience a germanic culture really heavy in communicating indirectly and in colorful idioms, visit Austria.

@33z980 - 09.07.2023 04:24

" Germany is worse than a jail " ( Anna Sorokina, who first lived in Germany and then in the USA ).

@Bubatzo - 28.06.2023 14:33

Germans plan out everything, if u cancel 5minutes earlier, that destroys all plans

@heinerlanvers4551 - 24.06.2023 14:11

For me as a German i say :give a smile to the people and you get it back

@CTBauer - 21.06.2023 19:07

I lived in Italy for about 7 months back in 1980. When we would travel (always by train), we loved going to or through Germany because the trains were always clean and on-time. What happened to DB?

@dixjam2258 - 16.06.2023 12:46

The key with Germans, maybe more than any other people is NOT to try to pretend and expect complete inclusion if you are a foreigner NOT born there, no matter how long you lived there. I would say that if you are not born and raised in Germany in the first 15-20 years, that train has left the station permanently. Unlike most peoples, they do not wish or expect that, they are more practical and genuinely interested in other cultures, rather than expect total acceptance. I have worked there for a little over a year and been there numerous times, and have not experienced a single hint of racism or distance, and I am half East-European and half East Asian, so I don't exactly fit the ethnic norm, not even the white race norm. But unlike a lot of foreigners that complain about them, there are 3 key things where I did/am different. 1. I speak the language somewhat fluently. 2. I am always genuinely curious about them rather than constantly parade my own culture. 3. I did not present myself as a representative of my own culture and background and I didn't expect that from them either. Whereas in my own country/countries I am constantly expected to conform to either culture. There is something very relaxing in Germany that they are more interested in the practical things that work, including having foreigners there, rather than be obsessed about some abstract notion of total conformity. Having said all that, depending on the person, of course you are going to have some culture shocks - for me, the biggest ones are the exaggerated obsession with order and an innate inability to relax once the work is done. These aspects are really a national problem, which affects them more than they realize.

@riturajborah382 - 24.05.2023 16:21

In my first week in Germany to visit my girlfriend (I dont live there) in Aachen, I went to a supermarket and asked an employee: Excuse me please.. (in all politeness). He turned back and looked at me head-to-toe, then almost shouted: No speaking in English in Germany. Ja? I got shocked.
I will give your some context: I am from India, do not particularly look dangerous, I am a research scientist so I don't require that. You also cannot dump the western stereotypes of Indians (ofcourse the media fed negative stereotypes) on me, I am a millenial, grew up with a global and open mindset. As a stranger in a new place you of course feel a bit intimidated, if I knew German and Germany a bit better then, I would not let it go like that. We all know racism is everywhere. We should fight it. To the expats in Europe are who vulnerable to racism, I only have one thing to say: always fight against it. If you came here on your own right, you also deserve to be treated equal and fair. Never back down!

@quattrotobi - 17.05.2023 17:34

Japan, i missed my Breze or Bread at all. Im from bavaria

@tubz - 10.05.2023 10:17

It's so funny that all the Americans in your video never say they're from America, it's always the city of state -- and they just assume everyone knows that's in America

@SimonB. - 01.05.2023 17:58

Come to the Ruhrpott and get the hardest culture shock ever

@MrHappyyellowhead - 21.04.2023 14:28

The nightlife in germany is really scary

@marinbar8170 - 20.04.2023 01:01

0 NUNI from beginning to end saving my BLOOD IN REAL life

@fitzhugh2542 - 19.04.2023 20:03

I thought only Irish people said Craic and I got confused when he said he worked at an Irish bar even though his accent was clearly Scottish.

@dietrichengel2149 - 13.04.2023 21:56

OK, your German is not bad. And it's getting better and better. But I was surprised about the French Guy. I know for Frech people German is very difficult because German and French words and pronouncatian is very differnt. Because of this there is mostly a strong dialect. But this Guy was nearly perfect... Tres bien. 😊

@TheGoodmusic2011 - 11.04.2023 23:43

Places closed on Sunday sounds nice. It was that way in the USA when I was growing up there. Nice! Gives everybody a chance to rest.

@AS-gj9hs - 11.04.2023 02:17

i live in Munich and this is a delight to watch. so nice to have so many cultures here!!! i feel i dont even need to travel :D

@itsvjlbfwaqqycbmljfdxvxafv - 08.04.2023 14:31


@C_555 - 01.04.2023 06:04

"if people say lets meet at 8, its actually 8"
and "9o clock means 9o clock, if u not on the train by 9o clock u out"
that. and i cant even imagine anything else lol. other side as well, if u are on time, and nobody comes, u dont waste ur time and just leave after 2-4 minutes, also bc its disrespectful imo

@juergenernst1320 - 31.03.2023 06:24

Germans don't make friends easily, but when they do it means a lot. Switch to the US: you're gonna make 10 friends at the first gathering you attend. 9 of them will never invite you to their bbg they seemed so eager to have you at. And yeah, strangers will ask you how you are, but you're not actually supposed to answer because nobody actually cares. It's just a cordiality. Switch to the Philippines: basically nobody says kumusta on the street because like most Asians, Filipinos are a little shy but they lack the reservedess of the Japanese and if you give them an opening, they might spontaneously organize an impromptu bbg for you that you missed in the States.

@ilyashulika3538 - 28.03.2023 20:29

Great video, great channel, interesting opinions ))))

@FabionaH - 24.03.2023 23:13

well ever time I go back to the U.S. from Germany I’m getting a culture shock 😂

@Eldermonkey25 - 23.03.2023 18:41

The English girl at the beginning is very much like so many brits. We are very disorganised in England and eat as we go. She's eating cereal for dinner because the supermarket is closed for just one day! So many English workers won't even bring lunch with them and rely on meal deals.

@user-we1ty5mu5z - 16.03.2023 09:40

Немцы обращаюсь к вам. Вам не надоело такое засилие чужаков в вашей стране?

@jamesneilsongrahamloveinth1301 - 12.03.2023 23:04

The best thing about Germany is the German national anthem - it's a great tune by Joseph Haydn . . .

@malcolmnicholls2893 - 12.03.2023 20:22

Employees should have a family day- Sunday. You don't get any extra once it's been eroded.

@herrsonnemann3182 - 12.03.2023 01:20

In Germany it's not about the kind of people you interview, it's about the fact that Muslims will soon be the majority in Germany and we Germans don't want that. You always ask the wrong people. The people you ask are the minority and nobody has anything in Germany. About 80 Germans have something against Muslims and we don't want them here!

@mehmetcengiz3583 - 11.03.2023 18:28

not many nazis abroad probably

@yildizkernchen1737 - 11.03.2023 14:50

An example, you found smth in a shop ,but they dont have your size, in Germany I asked the shop assistant if it is possible any other shop of theirs nearby , shop assistant' s answer was howam i supposed to know, in England it would be let me check our this area shop, they would call thenearest shop and reserve the product for you,but in Germany a supermarket worker didnt understood when i said Zucker, i tried so hard to sat zucker how difficult saying zucker misunderstood, i repeted after 5 min she said ahh zucker, i told her sorry it is my acsent, ( i ve been nice )she told me "you should have learnt better"
Rudeness shocked me . I have been in different countries but in Germany it was overthe top. Even worse west or southern Germans say that they even find Germans in Berlin very rude. Before Beelin i lived in west and south too . They all are same.

@schattensand - 10.03.2023 06:31

The girl from Columbia could easily be a sister of Columbian pianist Gabriela Montero, same face, same hair.
And I adore the accent of that Scottish lad, so lovely. The two Russian girls from Moskow had a good Kinderstube.

@MrMarkhall1 - 09.03.2023 22:24

Maybe it's a good idea that shops are closed on a Sunday, nowadays in the UK, every day is the same Monday thru to Sunday people go shopping, every day is the same.

@kyzmitch2 - 09.03.2023 10:18

You can have your opinion in Germany, but only if you speak it in German, lol
