Hello, I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina and one day I plan to go to England just for 2 things, 1 to see London and 2 to go to the Bovington tank museum, but my dream would be to see the tiger in motion, on what dates do you drive it? because I was watching the tankfest and I saw a lot of beautiful tanks but my favorite tank was not there, precisely the tiger
ОтветитьDads army butchers van is missing !!!
ОтветитьATTACK THE B POINT!!!!!!!
Ответитьbret panther not germanys
ОтветитьThis is top notch stuff
ОтветитьT-34-85 Poland's tank
ОтветитьI don't know, but why germans crew's don't have ww II uniforms? This is some problems with reconstruction and low in UK or? Swastikas is forbidden but sickle and hammer on t 34 85 are ok...
ОтветитьIs this real or fake?
Ответитьif they are flying the USSR flag on USSR tanks, then why not the Nazi flag on Nazi tanks?
Ответитьel t34 es diferente prominente
Ответитьfeo el sherman
ОтветитьValentine sounds amazing
Ответитьt34/85 is from Ukraine
ОтветитьSome like the T34 but it had some flaws and drawbacks, the tracks were crude, poorly designed and had issues, the inward sloping of the rear armor took away from interior volume, the sights were worse than the Germans. The good thing is it was cheap, effective gun and produced in large quantities so in that sense it's better, the same goes for the Sherman, quantity and logistics won the war.
ОтветитьThe engines don't sound as throaty or terrifying as you would expect. Always suprises me.
Ответитьwhy they showed those caricatures made by british? They were useless and VERY UNRELIABLE, as were their planes too. They not even nowdays are't able ma build A CAR reliable, what to say about mire complexe machine? 🤣
Ответитьwhats up with the leopard 1? it says it is from canada yet it is german (im pretty sure, seeing this made me question it), was it made by canada, were they given to or bought by canada but built in germany???
ОтветитьWhen the Sherman Fury came out I said 👀👀 FURY!!!
ОтветитьWell , very impressed , but missed Director , David , with his always tie and sports coat
Ответитьhetzer czech
ОтветитьDam I still can't get enough of that Panther! Pure rolling art Deco in military form...
ОтветитьAwesome machines.
ОтветитьWhat is with 283 people who hate history.?
ОтветитьWoT fan: Battle starts in 10...
ОтветитьLEOPALD A1A1!!!😡😡😡
Ответить¿Por que no los pintan en sus colores de guerra originales incluidas la cruz alemana y la estrella roja soviética?.
ОтветитьWhere is Waffentragger Auf E100 and Grille 15 or Maus?
ОтветитьT 34 85 is not a Russian tank, but only a Soviet one
ОтветитьSorry but the panther is the dulaphine one
ОтветитьIt's fun and all until the Tiger Panzer came along.
Ответитьthey dont use live ammo anymore??
Ответитьsherman firefly where here panther where here tiger where pz. 4 where umm okey stug here try tiger where oh no
ОтветитьFv4005 FV215 b183
ОтветитьThat is not a Type 59 from China; it is a Swiss 61/68.
ОтветитьPack den Jagdtiger V aus xd
ОтветитьТ-72 russian tank, not iraq
ОтветитьТ72 is Russian tank
ОтветитьT-34s look so crude when compared to the other tanks, especially the Shermans. And in a bad way. I don't want to bash Russian engineering but...
ОтветитьACHTUNG...Panther !
It's a true privilege to see so many historical vehicles ! Even the 'Cold War' era tanks are impressive !
BUT... where is/was 'the King' ?!?
And... I hope they will complete their great collection with a IS/IS2... ! JUST imagine... the Tiger I and IS2... 'shoulder to shoulder'... saluting the public... !
I went to the 'Tank Fest'... in 2015...
Where is tiger
Ответитьgerman tanks nice
ОтветитьNem sei pq fiz esse comentario que não tem nada a ver com o vídeo, mas tá aí
ОтветитьOs caras lá na Europa faz vários eventos pra relembrar a Segunda Guerra, testando Armas, Tanques, vestidos com os uniformes da Segunda Guerra, e me pergunto, tem gente que fica chamando os cara de nazista?
Aqui no Brasil eles polemizam tudo, tudo quando se trata de Alemanha, essas coisas