Discover the intriguing story of Slack Chapel in Heptonstall and the dramatic events of 1984. In this first part, we delve into Barbara's bid to buy an old deconsecrated church, driven by her vision of creating a space for her seven children and various animals. Learn how the local community and the press quickly took sides, sparking a conflict between local Christians and Barbara's unique vision. This captivating tale is a must-watch for pagans, witches, and anyone interested in the clash of beliefs and the power of community. Stay tuned for Part 2 to uncover the conclusion of this gripping saga.
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#Slack_Chapel #Heptonstall #Pagans #Witches #1984 #Deconsecrated_Church #Community_Conflict #Pagan_History #Witchcraft #Local_History #Historical_Drama #Cliff_Richard #Barbara #Pagan_Community