How to Stop A Bully

How to Stop A Bully

Brooks Gibbs

10 лет назад

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Arko Ganguli
Arko Ganguli - 25.11.2023 02:57

This kind of shit is whats wrong with society. Bullying is just predatory behaviour that is instinctive in human beings of all age groups. This entire shit of "you need to deal with the bully yourself" does more harm than good. Say your neighbour breaks into your house everyday and takes your shit and leaves, humiliating you in front of your family just because he is physically stronger than you, what would you do? Yes, you will call the cops on him for tresspass. Because thats how civilised society works (or should).

Acting as if "nothing wrong" as this guy suggests can go horribly wrong as it is trivialising not only the aggressor but also the bullied individual, if it is more pervasive in a wider group, which would make others thinking treating someone like that is accetable behaviour.

There is only way to address bullying. Criminalising it, because of its adverse effects to society. If you are convicted of bullying in school, you should be sent to a correctional facililty.

This guy needs to really get bullied properly once to understand how shattering it can be to young minds and souls.

HeavyGaming - 24.11.2023 09:44

I disagree with this video. There just talking like verbal abuse not physical or mental.i think we need harsher punishment for bullys in general. Too many times have i tried telling a teacher and they did absolutely nothing like what a freaking joke good bye mental health. Some people have there child hood bullys follow them through life. Through middle school, high school. College . Bullying has been shown to destroy peoples lives. I believe this guy is on crack. And this idea to just shake it off or dont let it bother is ridiculous. All im saying is we sent a guy to the moon why cant we protect our kids from kids like wtf and its always older people talking about bullying and the study. they made it out there living life . Growing up your mental state changes as your body grows so to claim to just let it go but not being in the mindset of a 8 9 or 13 year old is just crazy to me. Lets not forget bullys make more bullys so we got to figure somthing out to stop it in its tracks. This problem is global. I get what he is saying but kids are brutal.

AMXXN's - 22.11.2023 16:35

what is logic took up public speaking instead of rapping as a career option!

seven - 22.11.2023 13:10

I'm captivated by the profound depth of this material. A book with parallel content reshaped my worldview entirely. "The Art of Saying No: Mastering Boundaries for a Fulfilling Life" by Samuel Dawn

Widdekuu91 - 19.11.2023 04:25

I don't know, I have kept in a lot of anger and frustration around bullies and in the end, I was fed up (they were nice and relaxed from venting their anger on me) and the teacher or authority would say; 'They probably didn't know you hated that, because you kept playing around with them, laughing in response of their cursewords and nodding whenever they insulted you."
It is a nice tool to handle casual insults from randoms on the street, but systematic bullying needs to be stopped by the bully him/herself, not by the victim.

Brooke Beck
Brooke Beck - 17.11.2023 21:38

Ok but what about women? Who control, demean, defame, and cut you off, instead of speaking negatively to you?

Mick Mc
Mick Mc - 17.11.2023 15:43

In the majority of situations bullies are simply people trying to take back power that was taken from them at somepoint through a perceived weaker target. You deal with this in almost every occurrence through the only language they understand - by assertively standing up for yourself or if needs be physical violence (especially the latter in a school setting).

Katherine McIntosh
Katherine McIntosh - 16.11.2023 11:43

In my experience, of living this “not getting upset” when bullies hurt my feelings, it did not work to ignore them. They kept at it, I kept smiling. Over the course of years between 7th to 12th grade, a group of people worked to beat me down every day and I kept smiling and behaving as if I was uninterested…by the time I was a junior in high school I was severely depressed. Senior year I sat one night, deciding finally, once and for all, to either kill myself or live…I lived with severe depression for 8 more years and, sure, I became invincible, finally, but teenagers see so much to be black and white and that could easily have gone the other way. EASILY.

Baron Ghede.
Baron Ghede. - 11.11.2023 10:26

Eat a high fiber, high protein diet and lift weights, Blessed Be.

coquettez - 08.11.2023 19:46

This is just a cap. Be a mirror to them. I'm not saying that go and bully them back for no reason, but never and NEVER be kind to them when they're attacking you. Attack them back but don't give them your energy. If you are kind to them, that'll give them more confidence to bully you. These types of people don't know what niceness is!! Okay? "Kill them with your kindness, be kind, kindness is the strength" do not and do NOT fall to those! And remember, bullies do not even love themselves, that's why they're hating on people.

Jade Green
Jade Green - 07.11.2023 15:39

Be careful you don’t end up being a fawner and fawning over your abusers to get them to stop harming you. Remember it is a tactic but you’re not actually loving someone who is harming you, you’re just interrupting them with something they don’t understand.

eight - 07.11.2023 02:10

This content is exceptional. A congruent book I read was like an epiphany for me. "The Art of Saying No: Mastering Boundaries for a Fulfilling Life" by Samuel Dawn

Ivana Trento
Ivana Trento - 07.11.2023 01:08

Excelente! En todas las escuelas deberían ver este video!

★KYLE♥︎ - 02.11.2023 01:23

is this a life lesson or a make out session?

Pollianna - 31.10.2023 17:55

I have two middle aged women trying to bully me into reacting. They throw me under the bus and refuse to help me. I am losing my patience

discombubulate 2
discombubulate 2 - 28.10.2023 06:39

my neighbour kept on bulling me until he screwed up and i got enough evidence to take out a restraining order on him.
he moved a couple months later.

J. Tanis
J. Tanis - 25.10.2023 16:18

Bully sounded like Batman😂😂

Carrie Ramsey
Carrie Ramsey - 17.10.2023 21:35

I'm a school counselor and just showed this video to one of my really helped them understand how to handle a bully. Thank you!

Karpian - 07.10.2023 23:26

You say that to a bully is going to treat worse than before....

System Loading
System Loading - 06.10.2023 10:51

Brooks, I have an idea for a great series that will make you blow up. Do live performances where you try to stop bullies just like in this video but with different contexts or starting phrases, I think people will find it really engaging.

Id CWC - 28.09.2023 02:51

Don’t listen to him jus hit em back, most of the time they all talk, use ur fists

Sedulous - 25.09.2023 01:13

People bully me for pooping in the school toilet

Satanen Perkele
Satanen Perkele - 16.09.2023 15:03

I was interested to date a guy, but the more I spoke to him on the phone (getting to know him) the more he casually started telling me that I am a idiot/retard (we are both adults in our 30s btw!). I haven't had a single bad thing to say about this person. But now. I want nothing to do with him! Very disrespectful, negative and immature behaviour. I refuse to let bullies into my life!

Airwind4000 - 16.09.2023 14:21

Tried this once. Doesn't work. The bully called me G** for saying he prob had a big peen.. probably missed the point of this video tho.

🎀 𝓝𝓪𝓸𝓶𝓲 🎀
🎀 𝓝𝓪𝓸𝓶𝓲 🎀 - 08.09.2023 19:30

Ive always just been nice to people despite how they treat me, it usually makes people leave you alone because they get bored, bullies bully because they are bored and have low self esteem or whitness abuse in their homes

Natavan Quliyeva
Natavan Quliyeva - 05.09.2023 18:57

I want to ask a question. If a kid hits my kid in the kindergarten or on playground and I ask his mom to make her son apologize and she says it is ok I wont do it. What should I do? I mean how to deal with the situation without getting angry? (Cos I want to punch that mom)

Strawberries Blueberries
Strawberries Blueberries - 31.08.2023 16:07

That never works for me

dakito chav3nia power
dakito chav3nia power - 25.08.2023 08:47

I broke my hand today. A got made fun of at school today and I ignored it but then they started throwing rocks at me so I fucked up one of the guys and the other little bitch ran away. I think the only way to stop bullying is by putting then in their spot.

Jessgamer - 25.08.2023 00:10

My daughter has endured a bully for a few years now, she has been tough in doing all of the things you said I'm your video, but now the bully has not been getting the reaction she wanted from my daughter, has resorted in telling lies to get my daughter into trouble (my daughter is in year 4) this girl has taunted her for 4 years now. How do I get her to overcome this now when the teachers are shutting my daughter down when she tries to explain? I have sent an email to the principle and hoping for an intervention meeting soon. Thanks for you help

Grand Master Mario
Grand Master Mario - 24.08.2023 02:53

It's not true at all some do it because they think it's a joke or fun and games

MokeeVRS - 22.08.2023 22:19

how i dealt bullying and make them felt like a toy, i give them enough bullets to say shit random things everyday... until i caught their lies thats when i be a tranquilizer, i named this the oppenheimer effect imagine you launched a nuke where that guy cant do anythig.. just sit there looking at you feeling stupid. they regret messing with u when they know you clever then them.

Yumna - 21.08.2023 20:16

Can u help me with a speech on how to tackle bullying at school

Gul Muhammad
Gul Muhammad - 19.08.2023 15:04

If Ur manager bully you at work place and isolated you , and even don't call you in office meeting,, what Should You Do ?

Eric - 18.08.2023 00:30

"When someone punches your face" was 100% of the interaction I faced as a child. And this crazy idea that a bully will leave you alone? Never happens. And you have all the elements to figure out why, yet you get the answer wrong. No bully "gives up" precisely because they need to show dominance; it's a Compulsive/Obsessive Disorder. Failing to establish dominance on any triggers narcissist collapse; any failure proves that their core identity beliefs are false. Every bully I grew up with acted like stalkers; they never gave up trying to dominate and enslave me - even at the risk of their own lives.

I don't know what "amateur hour" bullies you are thinking of, but my bullies were of professional quality.

And there was no help for me as a child. Everyone sided with my assailants - including my parents and the school faculty.


The #1 thing that everyone can do to not only reduce bullying from ever happening but to make a current bully waiver in their attack is to have good posture. Stand up talk with your shoulders back and your head up. (not aggressively change your posture during an episode. But slowly begin focusing and improving your posture all of the time and the rest will follow)

Fancylad 117
Fancylad 117 - 09.08.2023 08:18

I’d have this guy in tears running to his mummy in 10 mins 😂

NOAH - 01.08.2023 02:33

Something even better, just look at them, poker face, and stay silent. When they are done, you can say anything or nothing. Whatever you say, it will be powerful

Jimmy Jax Jelly Stax
Jimmy Jax Jelly Stax - 25.07.2023 18:26

Power imbalance puts things into perspective. Just calling it "bullying" is essentially remaining a victim. Some people are so under-qualified and sore at losing they resort to bully tactics - it's pathetic.

MeKola Shelton
MeKola Shelton - 24.07.2023 01:04

I can't wait to become a teacher to become a high school history teacher AdventureQuest professor but neither no here no there all I'm saying is crazy because that's exactly how I always treated my bullies and I am 46 I knew I was doing the right thing because they're my friends till this day

hamed - 22.07.2023 13:47


Liam Holmes
Liam Holmes - 14.07.2023 22:40

now i understand a lot better what bullying's like. i know now not to go along with it. School rules are school rules.

Jeffrey Law
Jeffrey Law - 12.07.2023 16:03

Do that to a male bully and see what happens lol

Lady - 08.07.2023 16:21

My only son is the one who bully me everyday. He is 33 and am 61. He is bullying me for 25yrs since he is 12yrs old. He is a sadist too. He is happy to see me angry and fed up. I learn what is mean by bully through my own only son. I regret giving birth to him

yikes - 04.07.2023 05:07

I'm 23, I have a coworker in her 40s that bullies me. It's very immature. It drives me crazy. I don't think i won't be affected by it, but I think I'll be super weird and call her progressively strange nicknames (like "sweet cheeks") until she doesn't want to deal with me anymore.

If I cannot defeat my enemy, I shall confuse my enemy

Meirav Harel
Meirav Harel - 03.07.2023 11:52


Matt1991 - 02.07.2023 03:35

I got bullied once in school 1st year of secondary school or high school for the Americans, was walking and talking to a girl I liked at the time and Tom a guy who also went to my football practice at the time who I didn’t get along with ran up on me with a bunch of his friends and pushed me into the bush… I was taught to never start a fight and I never have but to end one as my dad taught me, that lunch time I walked straight up to tom in front of all his friends didn’t say anything and just punched him as hard as I could in the face caught him in the upper jaw just bellow the ear and he went down crying and I just walked away never had any trouble after that bract we’re now friends
