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@jeremiahfino7905 - 04.03.2024 14:56

Worst cartoon ever. Self insert agenda. No respect to the source.

@NoHandle44 - 14.02.2024 22:38

I think these Velma videos are how I found this channel. Now I'm all up to date on current gaming news. 😅

@sammywilliam8156 - 08.02.2024 19:54

😮 You know you have to suck when you make a product that brings together liberalsand conservativesand actually for ones makes them agree for something and actually brings them together to hate on something different than themselves

@ucantcsmitty - 16.01.2024 18:13

I’m a paraplegic and this is ridiculous. It would be physically impossible for a paraplegic to do anything near this

@servine1212 - 15.12.2023 04:55

Nah bruh they aint "barely legal" they are 15/16.

@JustTooDamnHonest - 03.12.2023 11:39

-JRR Tolkien's rage would equal that to the fires of Mount Doom itself if he saw what Amazon did to his legacy.

-Dragon has destroyed ROP in terms of viewings as well as story along with its characters.

-Mindy Kaling is the picture of low self esteem.

-Sun-Spider is just one of the many reasons why US comic books are failing and why manga has been dominating the scene.

@bluemagician9724 - 02.12.2023 07:02

I agree with most of what you say, and I know this is pedantic nitpick, but I feel like, even(/especially) when used ironically/negatively, the term "woke" is dated meme slang that passed its expiration date at least three years ago--not saying it invalidates the objective weight of your points but it does undermine them because it makes you sound like Steven Crowder and given how thoughtful most of this video is, you really don't need to paint yourself as the uncle that gets political over the thanksgiving dinner (Aka Crowder)

@indiajohnson - 19.10.2023 02:37

From what I remember from the original cartoon, Shaggy was NEVER a stoner nor stupid. He may not want to do mysteries all the time, he gets scared alot (but he's NO coward), he may not have ALL the same interests as his other human friends but he's a good guy and he LOVES food.

@sachinraghavan4556 - 18.10.2023 17:27

I would never allow my story ideas in the hands of these writers. But I don't get what's so problematic about Sun Spider, that's actually a good idea. There are already many Spider-heroes so in this case it's just another.

@bronykingamethystrain5676 - 03.10.2023 01:26

If I ever get into producing comics for Marvel and DC, I'm turning all these creator's pet superheroes like Sun Spider and Ironheart into supervillains.

@rareblues78daddy - 30.09.2023 20:32

So much of this video is assuming I know what "The Witcher" is. I do not.

@HuskyDog88 - 30.09.2023 19:59

What happened to good old-fashioned, old-school storytelling through the medium of television and film? Stories that grip the readers/viewers, and convey emotions, makes them happy or sad or scared, and whatnot? That seems to be a lost art now. Hollywood now lost sight of what it used to be. Now everything is woke and politically correct. I guess that's the cultural climate we're living in. This butter soft millennial Gen-Z nonsense. Leave politics and wokeness out of it and tell a good original story and not try to rehash or remake or reboot a property that has been already established and mess it up in an attempt to make it more "modern" and not doing the source material justice.

@d3ltazer0judgement - 24.09.2023 18:04

Paraplegic spider trans woman 💀

Bro lmao, what the fuck

@tysonvienneau1830 - 26.08.2023 01:41

I also want to mention that there are movies out there that are also tellings of the mystery gang around high school
The difference is not that it's live action, but it really feels like a Scooby-Doo movie. Unlike whatever vomit garbage this is

@devynjessome - 18.08.2023 21:05

will they make steve gay in the minecraft movie?

@paulelikemyaodovi911 - 17.08.2023 13:17

these writers did not even represent the original scoobydoo

@lyndonwatson757 - 16.08.2023 01:48

I'm 65 years old and these times makes me want to cry.

@retroradfilms - 14.08.2023 18:44

I hate what they did to Halo...

@JCTBomb - 14.08.2023 17:47

Damn. The rise of narcissism in our culture ruins and spoils what once was a semi-free enterprise of creativity and expression with insecure and shallow characters, idea takeovers, self projection onto the audience and pushing manipulative propaganda.

@superjumpbros64 - 12.08.2023 23:45

JRR Tolkien was a Christian, there is no way he'd write anything like that. I better not see Narnia hyjacked

@superjumpbros64 - 12.08.2023 23:36


@jinwu9423 - 12.08.2023 14:58

Even Shaggy is too good for mindy so she forces him to like her in this version. velma's messge is that you don't need anyone if you're mindy because she will turn you off..

@nyxebit8200 - 12.08.2023 10:48

Its pretty sad to see and watch these writers and studios destroy and ruin the cartoons and books that we all grew up and enjoyed.

@Devious_Reviews - 11.08.2023 15:22

Step aside, Charlotte Webber ... uh... y'know what I mean. Here comes a new "non-binary" homosexual OC named Guy Widower, paralyzed from the neck down! Don't question how he gets around the city to fight crime! It's fiction! All you have to do is believe!

@jacobperrone858 - 09.08.2023 03:12

Ok Freds 40 years older than them how are they in highschool with him?

@tacticalgreen1296 - 03.08.2023 21:26

guess who isnt watching Trans-Formers

@Momoka7 - 02.08.2023 11:24

After watching the new He-Man, I skip that fire Velma here.

@CAD2039 - 22.07.2023 04:48

there is nothing 'woke' about Velma.... its racist, misogynistic, hateful... the only social message it has is anyone and everyone can be an asshole...

@nurovolt7 - 21.07.2023 22:40

I heard you laugh at Sun Spider as the Bruh Look at This Dood guy 😂😂😂

@thatoneguy3883 - 20.07.2023 23:15

Ah yes, arachnoplegic-woman

@JimAirborne25 - 20.07.2023 00:50

Knowing Kaling initially wanted to do an original character, but the studio insisted on her working with a familiar property does show some insight as to why she might inject so much vitriol toward the characters and mismanage the Scooby gang.
The "Rings of Power" creators and "talent" act like women dwarves were never mentioned. Everyone should remember that Aragorn says to Eowyn as Gimli speaks on just this topic, "It's the beards." Now, maybe, the creators and "talent" didn't actually know that Tolkien had made reference to women dwarves. They also probably don't pick up on the anti-war and concerns about industrialization and mass deforestation where it concerns Isengard and Saruman's efforts to make the Uruk-hai. Sociological and ecological concerns well before any of these SJW's were born and shouting concerns about either subject. I've never read through Tolkien, I doubt many of these creators and "talent" have either. But, I have an appreciation for what others have written about his work and appreciate what an effect on fantasy as a genre. So many authors after him imitated it, and some very obvious ways. Still, imitation being the sincerest form of flattery and all...
I doubt many will be dying to imitate "Rings of Power." From some of the material in the DVD extras, Jackson made a few changes, even some that made it into the final cuts, but they weren't sweeping changes that disregarded much of the source material.
To be fair, as seen in the last Bond film, making a woman the new 007, they were clever enough to say they weren't trying to make Bond "Jane Bond" or "Jaimie Bond." Plausible deniability for those wanting the change to say, "We didn't change James Bond, we gave the position/title of '007' to a woman."

@kristins8438 - 16.07.2023 03:13

the woke agenda is just satanism in disguise... the religion of self... viewing existence from the perspective of self

1. convince you you're different
2. convince you you're a victim because of that difference
3. convince you to act selfishly and take from this world, now that you feel entitled to do so because now you feel like you're getting back something you're owed

your race is as important as your eye color, it's just a difference they've used to trick you into thinking you've been victimized

the reason why the woke agenda will eventually have you arguing for segregation (we've seen this on college campjuses) is because segregation benefits the perspective of self, as people segregate they mate with their own race, and that makes the boxes they can put you in by races easier and clearer, they don't want race mixing because that blurs the boxes, its far more difficult to convince you to hate white people if one of your parents is white

you are the universe, we are one, and you will never be alone if you can just see that, there's more to this world than self, and it's beautiful... let go of self

@blackpearlbp - 15.07.2023 01:17

I think Russia invaded the wrong country...if Hollywood keeps producing crap then please put us out of our misery

@anthonydahinden4650 - 11.07.2023 08:53

The you can of eyes good .

@Trumpforeever - 10.07.2023 15:00

Whats up with the chocolate chips

@sihiushitposterbiasa-reliv5199 - 10.07.2023 12:14

It's all to Projections of California lol

@2AHambino - 07.07.2023 16:07

Dragon did color swap tho.

@crashban4t.f.s.b783 - 06.07.2023 15:35

Scoob is bad because they made the 5th movie before making the first 4 movies.

@crashban4t.f.s.b783 - 06.07.2023 15:32

Shaggy is dull. They should have made him awful to complete this so it could be complete trash.

@winstonsmith3685 - 05.07.2023 14:52

I struggle to understand how Mindy Kayling and Amy Schumer get any work at all. They are ratings poison and have no talent.

@erick4845jr - 28.06.2023 21:41

A pup named Scooby Doo did the gang better than this garbo

@That_Random_British_Dude - 24.06.2023 23:56

Thing about all this "representation" is that they're pretty much targeting a niche demographic. Black people only make up around 13% of the USA, people who identify as Transgender are around 0.5% percent of the population, Latinos (is this the correct word?) make up 18% of the USA, but these same companies are actively demonising the 60-ish% of white people who make up the USA! Now, having shows or films with a specific target demographic is fine, take the Prince of Bel-Air for example. It was obviously made for black people, but the show was loved by everyone because it was fun, it didn't try and force an agenda. Black people enjoyed it partially because of representation, white people loved it because they weren't being constantly demonised and told they need to feel ashamed for what a bunch of wrinkly old bastards did hundreds of years ago, and how loveable the cast were!

@ugochukwuanadyk6954 - 23.06.2023 21:10

Thanks to Critical Drinker, I like hearing "Strong Female Character"

@sandreong4559 - 23.06.2023 19:29

Their HR departments must all be fxcked in their DEI-obsessed heads.

@generaldurandal3568 - 21.06.2023 07:49

How long will the devil dance in front of you before you notice?
Minor truths wrapped in greater lies,
is how the Devil divides mankind.

Some say Paul was sexist,
but he only appears so if you cherry pick what he says.

1 Corinthians 7:4
The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband.
Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife.

If you cut that scripture in half,
it sounds like a wife is a slave,
but in truth,
he is saying they are equal.

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek,
there is neither bond nor free,
there is neither male nor female:
for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:28 pretty much says,
your race doesn't matter,
your carrier doesn't matter,
your gender doesn't matter,
you are all equal under God.

It is not saying a man can pretend to be a woman.

I thought I was a woman in a man's body for a time,
I was bisexual for a time,
but The Lord my God showed Himself to me,
and told me of the Devil,
and showed me how the Devil works.

But the evils of one spread to another,
pride, wrath and envy, being the key thorns.

The law of God says,
a man should not lay,
with another man,
as if they where a woman.

And that we are to be submissive to our government,
unless they make it mandatory to break God's law,
in which we are then allowed to rebel against the corrupt Government.

If someone wants to be gay,
we are supposed to let them,
it is their freewill choice.

Jesus came to save the world,
not condemn it,
yet there are so many,
who say they follow Him,
that condemn each other,
pointing at each other's sins,
which is the Devil's job.

It is these people,
these false prophets,
that make Christianity,
look like just another religious cult.

Jesus sought out the sinners,
and ate with them,
and talked with them.

If they listened, they listened,
if they didn't, they didn't.

Jesus my King did not force anyone to follow Him,
and neither did His Father, The Lord my God,
for to force others to do as yourself is curl.

He gave us freewill,
so that we may follow Him,
of our own freewill or not.

My King Jesus is the Way and the Door,
and The Lord my God is the Fortress.

If you are following yourself,
then you are spiritually walking in circles,
and if you die while doing so,
you fall into the spiritual pit your own feet dug for you.
