The Golden Girls S02E17 Bedtime Story | Review

The Golden Girls S02E17 Bedtime Story | Review

Amy McLean

1 день назад

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@spontaneouswizard358 - 24.07.2024 05:25

This episode came off as a little bit disappointing and before watching this episode I knew you wouldn’t like it because you don’t like flashbacks in any type of story. But I just feel the story being told here was a wasted opportunity as the plot summary was really interesting and we didn’t even see any of the girls relatives visiting at all. I will admit it was creative how they did the flashbacks like all 4 of them sleeping on the same bed. It was funny geo Rose was praying and heard God’s voice when it sounded like Dorothy but she said it wasn’t her. Also the second one with Rose and Blanche was very sweet as well as the next one with Dorothy and Sophia and how Dorothy was sick in bed but then it’s Sophia who’s fallen asleep in bed. I loved the last flashback with the clowns. That was very amusing I thought. The opening was also very funny too with Sophia cooking and Blanche asking what Rose made and her response was “garbage!” Honestly those 4 girls in general are night owls. Eating in the middle of the night. I don’t think many other friends would do that together at all. Shows how unique they all are together.
