Improving Starfield CPU Performance: DLSS 3, CPU Optimization, Best Settings & Min-Spec Testing

Improving Starfield CPU Performance: DLSS 3, CPU Optimization, Best Settings & Min-Spec Testing

Hardware Unboxed

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vimukthi - 26.09.2023 08:00

Creation Engine 2 is 🤢 it"s use high cpu demand and still game physics 🤮

looseyourzlf - 25.09.2023 17:16

you made a great job identifying every detail on a wider scale. 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻

Bob Loblaw
Bob Loblaw - 16.09.2023 11:09

Gone are the days of running AAA titles with potato PC's people, cough up and upgrade

Chris Beauchamp
Chris Beauchamp - 16.09.2023 03:39

Oceanic server doesn’t have enough players and too many cheaters.
I like to play with my kids one is a two star but if I’m a four we get lobbies with 6 star players.

I stopped playing with my friends as we tend to sit as 5 star and then every other match get killed by ESP or aimbot by a Chinese/Asian account or some of the players I’ve recognised time and time again.
Crytek does nothing with the cheater reports. At least PUBG sends you an acknowledgment of cheating and let’s you know if game ban

Alex Johnston
Alex Johnston - 15.09.2023 11:23

Are you trying to tell me I have to give up my AMD Ryzen 3600!?!??! From my cold dead hands! hahah

Andy - 14.09.2023 22:14

This is why I love DLSS 3. I'm also using a somewhat outdated CPU (i7-11700F), a little faster than 5600x
just installed the mod, I have a 4070Ti, fps went from 60-80 to 95-144 @1440p, no feeling of lag whatsoever
And frame generation is such a good way to solve CPU limited problems, my GPU usage went from 60-80% to 80-99%

Tyler Henry
Tyler Henry - 14.09.2023 20:15

Being so new to PC, I've been going insane trying to figure everything out. Especially trying to understand what exactly % utilization actually means. I have an rtx 3060 with an intel I5-12400f and my CPU runs between 70-100% in certain areas of the game and my GPU is almost always at 100% and I've been struggling to figure out what that means and if it's good or bad

Chenath - 14.09.2023 15:06

That might be the reason why the recommended and minimum tier AMD GPUs are weaker than the Nvidia ones

YDKMA - 14.09.2023 13:16

I have a 7700x and 6900xt, i never thought i would see a cpu bottleneck

Ryan Torres
Ryan Torres - 13.09.2023 23:30

I'm getting almost no CPU usage in game with the 5700x it maxes at ~10% where my 6900xt is at 90-99%. Feels like there a lot of performance left in the table since the game doesn't seem to use my processor hardly at all

SGT_DEATHROW - 13.09.2023 23:28

Can i crank up all the settings that affect gpu to ultra in case of 6750xt?

Beyond Earth
Beyond Earth - 13.09.2023 11:05

After trying it out for myself, I can confirm that enabling ResizableBar (ReBar) for my Intel/Nvidia combo gave a considerable performance boost.

AM4-ever - 13.09.2023 00:10

FYI today Nvidia Driver added ReBar support for Starfield. i got 10% more fps on starfield.

Prague 541
Prague 541 - 12.09.2023 22:07

This is for 3000 series mobile users. I have a 3080 Mobile 16GB Unlocked (155watt) GPU running at 4K. I have found through hours and hours of testing that most all of the other settings have virtually no impact at all. For this GPU we can set all settings to HIGH except for shadows to LOW. (contact shadows can be on HIGH). Scaling set to 50% (1920x1080 functionally). This yields 60FPS at all times in all environments regardless of NPCs or activity. Hope this helps some mobile gamers.

Prague 541
Prague 541 - 12.09.2023 21:56

I will add to his coverage of "what settings can be used to help CPU bottlenecking". Opening your task manager, details tab, finding the game while it is running and setting the priority to HIGH makes a noticeable difference in input lag when between 40 and 60FPS. If you are bouncing between those framerates and feel the slight herky jerky, set to HIGH and a good deal of that goes away immediately. The game defaults to setting priority to above average, but that's not quite enough to clear the input lag. DO NOT SET TO REALTIME. That can and likely will lock up your OS.

Fernando Rocha Fabiane
Fernando Rocha Fabiane - 12.09.2023 18:23

My 5800X is struggling to keep 60 fps in the city, the 4070 is on 70% usage. DLSS3 should be on the game from the start.

Sjekkkk - 12.09.2023 16:09

My cpu only utlize 5%?? Ryzen 5 7600x?? Does it have to do with 1440p?

Hasty - 12.09.2023 13:35

It's tough being stuck on an 1150 socket motherboard.

Don Genesis
Don Genesis - 12.09.2023 05:40

"the best option here is to Cry" hahahahahaha🤣🤣 that got me good, thank you for the extensive coverage and for the laugh, it made my day haha

triton302 - 11.09.2023 22:22

Do you still recommend the DLSS mod for the RTX 3070 series cards? I wish I had the money to upgrade both my CPU/GPU but I'm stuck with my RTX 3070 and i7 11700F.

MicHaeL MonStaR
MicHaeL MonStaR - 11.09.2023 21:10

I'm running this game on a 5600 and, while that's a step up from the "Recommended" CPU (3600), the game still runs rather poorly. - That said, it's not like it's CPU-bound, because it doesn't really sit at 100% on any thread. - Maybe that's the problem?... It might not leverage the CPU ENOUGH?... Or is that expected behavior for optimal utilization?... In any case, that CPU with a 6950XT and the system struggles, and also becomes VERY hot. - I can run "AC: Valhalla", which in my view looks and feels very similar in terms of tech, at 1440-1620p (even in 21:9, which is more pixels) and still get it to run around 60fps, give or take in various areas, but still in the crowded city-areas, without the entire system on the verge of bursting into flames (I can actually barely hold my hand near the exhausts, and no, it's not the cooling, I have a very arid case and the system doesn't throttle or shut down, plus it reaches temperatures considered normal by AMD). - And yea, FSR will help on top of that, but then it doesn't do much for 'Starfield'. - Much respect to Ubisoft Montreal, or whoever developed Anvil, because that's impressive, while 'Starfield' stutters when you open the damn hand-scanner, which you use very often. Something's wrong with this game or its engine. They need to work on it more and I hope they don't stubbornly refuse to do so.
I also don't like this "there's a mod for that" from both them and the players of these games. This should be a properly working product as-is, not significanlty flawed with the mindset that "the community will fix it", and then the community excusing it with the argument of "just mod it bruh". Just no, you shouldn't have to do that. Mods aren't "fixes" they should just ADD to a game, and fixing problems should only be a last resort, like for old games of which the developers don't even work at the studio it's from anymore, if that studio even still exists. - And yea, I understand the "the community" just assumes that Bethesda won't do anything about it, but if that's your attitude, they definitely won't do anything, cause they just won't have to if there's no demand. - You have yourself to thank for that if that's the way you go about it.

GokouZWAR - 11.09.2023 15:17

Your last video on frame improvements for GPU limit, didn’t help.

MicHaeL MonStaR
MicHaeL MonStaR - 11.09.2023 11:37

I finally found a decent sweet spot for the settings, which is basically the High preset and then some set to Medium, with all scaling-nonsense (as it is in this case) off. - Though... that's at 1080p 21:9... But today I will be receiving a 1600p monitor, meaning I will be able to run it at 1620p (Linux doesn't seem to allow for running higher-than-native resolutions, the RSR thing that is), so now I will want to use a higher resolution than 1080p and probably destroy the performance even more... Though, I guess I could make use of scaling then...

Tufcat - 11.09.2023 07:16

My friend R5 3600 will pull through

Aalok Galappatti
Aalok Galappatti - 11.09.2023 05:30

I'm sorry but how do the trees not have any movement on a 2023 flagship game that has such high hardware requirements?

simlife445 - 11.09.2023 04:40

"the bad news"... huh wtf is hardware unobxed broken to use a VERY cheap early 2018 cpu keep in mind meduum to high ench celll phones are miles higher then this now in specs... this cpu is 199 from april from 2018,... his computer ALONE is 3-4x more then theENTIRE cost of the years later 2020 console .... how can somone use a 800dollar (sepc to spec if we factor money to day of cost his gpu is nearly 4x higher.... rght now hes on some specs c;lose to the steam deck a CHEAP cpu 5.5 years later should make ppl un sub ... i love this channle but to use the pc master race that cost tons more to pay more per cost when get less...

Cicio - 11.09.2023 01:25

Starfield desperately needs native DLSS 3/3.5 support as well as HDR. It also desperately needs more banking/business game loops (bank accounts, investing, stock buying, business buying etc etc). Oblivion 15 years ago had bank accounts with small paid interest. GTA 5 10+ years ago had stock buying, investing and business buying....

When Bethsada delayed Starfield for 1 year and then Todd Howard mentioned that companions can be hired to run ships, outposts etc I was fully expecting this. But there is ZERO currently

Plus Starfield suffers from same gaps in immersion that Cyberpunk 2077 had at launch. Point gun at someone ZERO reaction, at police/guard ZERO reaction, shoot gun in public that doesnt hit anyone ZERO reaction from anyone, ZERO police escalation/tiered response (tried it as test in New Atlantis ran around shooting everyone including police/ guards aka GTA5 and only a couple police show up after that New Atlantis is Totally empty/ZERO response), New Atlantis seems devoid of lived in immersion. Starfield has great potential but attention to detail and immersion (i.e. BG3) is desperately needed. It needs cooler creatures (i.e rancor like creatures, starship troopers like bug swarms, star wars like creatures/monsters etc. Etc) like witcher 3 monster/boss fights etc. Etc

joker927 - 11.09.2023 00:58

This game is a rig killer. I have an i7 10750 and RTX 3070 100W laptop but I really struggle to play this game above 40fps, even on medium settings. DLSS mod didn't help performance (looks better though).

LordSell - 10.09.2023 22:41

Well bud - I"m running in on a I5-6600k LOL

Yes I am upgrading in January, will have better finances then, but this little guy was awesome for a long time. I upgraded to a rtx 3070 recently and with that setup, Starfield actually runs pretty fine... the worst is I have lock ups, it doesnt stutter the game simply stops working for like, 5 seconds, then keeps going without skipping a beat. Its weird. I have other bugs other people have on varied machines, some desktop crashes etc, but yeah as far as I know I'm on one of the oldest CPU possible for this.

AegisHyperon - 10.09.2023 09:05

"80 fps with frame generation felt like 40 fps" - That's because it is 40 fps.

Mj K
Mj K - 10.09.2023 02:04

I'm running a Intel Core i7-9700K @ 3.60GHz w/ a RTX 2070 Super and still get very terrible performance w/ constant stuturing, even with GEFore Optimal settings. Has anyone else experience the same thing?

Lawliet - 09.09.2023 22:44

can you do uncharted 4 please??

Zack4990 - 09.09.2023 04:10

I hate that I have a i7 8700k cpu with a decent rtx 3080. To replace the cpu I’d need a new motherboard and have to have a pc guy put it together for who knows how much because I’m scared I’d break my pc trying lol. Definitely saving up though.

EnragedChicken - 09.09.2023 01:39

I get most of it. But consoles are rarely if ever on ultra. More like a mix between medium and high when doing a side by side comparison.

Jean-Francois Gagnon
Jean-Francois Gagnon - 09.09.2023 00:57

Thank you so much for these informations

NitrogeniuM - 09.09.2023 00:00

frame generation usually comes with Nvidia Reflex to lower the Latency and make it fell like actual good frametimes but since this game does not have Nvidia Reflex FG isn't gonna feel as smooth as other games

Alex Perez
Alex Perez - 08.09.2023 23:59

Those trees look so ugly

Vertigo101_Gaming - 08.09.2023 23:36

Time to upgrade from 9700k, going to get 7950x3d and a motherboard X670E in December

Michael McCoy
Michael McCoy - 08.09.2023 21:00

Not sure if it has been mentioned in the comments or not, but there is now a free DLSS Frame Generation mod out on Nexus.

Mr. ElectronX
Mr. ElectronX - 08.09.2023 17:41

45fps [1080p] on 4080???
this game is so bad unoptimized...well it is bethesda game so...🤷‍♂

AngerOfHades - 08.09.2023 17:32

On game pass my cpu usage is at 2% and gpu 100% any idea ? Game is unplayable. 3080 i9 9900k

Boerben Lp
Boerben Lp - 08.09.2023 17:20

I had the 2600x in my old setup and this CPU was already struggling with older games that came out, when the cpu was released. So a 2600x as a minimum spec seems too low to me.

homer9k - 08.09.2023 16:06

Using a modded vbios dlss3.5 working with no visible difference from off 100% off vs on 50% on ..49fps ->73fps on 2080ti

NextGenGamers - 08.09.2023 15:24

TL:DR - Either wait for Bethesda to improve it with patches or buy better CPU

🆆𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙜🅱𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙤𝙣 - 08.09.2023 13:17

Best thing for all of us, without the latest and greatest hardware, is to just not play the game. I refuse to support a messy/ lazy game devs.

MonkeySnot - 08.09.2023 11:28

Pops and clicks, that's all i hear man as i know nothing about computers lol.

Reaper - 08.09.2023 07:07

Regarding DLSSFG, there is a free version of the mod on Nexus.

Chris Lutz
Chris Lutz - 08.09.2023 06:46

I wonder which is the bottleneck between my i7 10700 (non K) and 2080ti

Gordon Madrid
Gordon Madrid - 08.09.2023 02:44

Here to let everyone know there is a modder other than PureDark who posted his own Dlss3 workaround on Nexus mods and isnt charging for it. Go into the most popular section and its by LukeFZ. Im on a rtx4090 with a 9900k playing on a 32:9 odyssey neo 5120x1440p so close to 4k res and went from high 50s to 60s in Atlantis to now around 120fps and even higher in other areas. It WORKS!!!

MrJord1994 - 08.09.2023 02:21

The game seems to run fine on my old Xeon workstation
