My Sincere Opinion On Race & Racism

My Sincere Opinion On Race & Racism

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@wooka64 - 14.07.2016 09:24

P.S, I thought you might have been hispanic but I could careless reguardless.

@piq-dg3vz - 14.07.2016 12:03

i've been calling myself racist cuz i love racing so much until i looked it up. 😭

@jerrygooden3274 - 16.07.2016 01:48

Racism and Prejudice is two different things. People confuse the two.

@jacobbrooks5615 - 25.07.2016 09:04

My thoughts exactly.

@MarcuzHD - 26.07.2016 01:29

I said the same thing to a lot of people. That we're all racist. Every time a person says something racist they deny that it's racist.

@EliazarOjeda - 30.07.2016 15:43

Great video! Completely agree with what your saying. Last week i was trying to explain to a friend of mine this exact concept but i was lost for words

@billybassman21 - 13.08.2016 14:04

It's minorities that want to separate themselves from others and have a unique culture. Most white people could care less about it.

@notechlimits7296 - 17.08.2016 13:56

John, what you're explaining is prejudice not racism. All humans have bias which influences racism but it isn't the same thing. You're basically telling people that its ok to be racist which is dangerous. Your imaginary scenario of race going away will never happen. People need to learn how to get along and respect differences. Prejudice in Blacks and East Indians for lighter skin was fueled by White Christians teaching the world that white skin is better than dark skin. White people are racist because they taught and believe that they're superior due to their European heritage. They created a system with road blocks to inhibit the progress of people of color. You can't relate as a white man to discrimination so your video is oversimplifying a very serious issue. You sound nervous and you're tripping over your words. This topic is not for you.

@sentinel9651 - 18.08.2016 03:53

Hi, John, serious question. What could BLM have done differently? Does there even need to be a BLM movement? You said to call out problems, right? From what I understand, BLM had to become more vocal because, even though cameras, audio, etc., showed racial profiling, police brutality & racism in the police service, a lot of folks in the media were strongly denying that those issues even existed or should even be considered issues at all. What is supposed to be done in a situation like that? If you prefer not to answer I understand since this is a sensitive topic.

@jonathansum9084 - 26.08.2016 11:07

I have watched a lot of your videos. This video really taught me a lot ,and it proofs i am wrong in some degrees. You are right. Every1 is racist,including me. The most important thing is not trying to remove the racist in our mind. The most important thing you said is how to duing with reality. i also hope governemt is not going to use racist way to due with some situations. I think you are right too. Black life matter group is not stoping racist. They are the one creating racist as the KKK. I love this video. It taughts more than most video u ve posted.

@moritzgro2442 - 10.09.2016 01:18

youre a hybrid brownie

@moritzgro2442 - 10.09.2016 01:52

I`m really happy I found this channel. All your opinions are basicially mine/I agree with them instantly. This was especially the case at the topic of the school systeam. Always when we we´re asked in school what our idol was I said sth. like Einstein, maybe Hawking (ok Hawking really is, but most because how he handels his life under the circumstances he has to life in),
but you`re actually my latest one.
Not because I think you`re better than Einstein or something like that (also because I can`t evaluate that), but more because it`s something I can realisticially reach. When im about 15 years older, this is the version of person I want to become.
Maybe a bit whiter.

@michelzou2896 - 12.09.2016 14:32

The fact that we are mixed will do nothing against racism.Races don't exist anyway (wether mixed or not) but perceived race does.
In very mixed brazil racism is huge.I heard that interracial couples do not exist there.If it's true do the mestizos come from rape?
We don't know about the future so we can't say it'll always exist.I read that the solution against it is individualism.What do you think?

@everydayhustle6641 - 17.09.2016 05:35

Lol you did not

@everydayhustle6641 - 17.09.2016 05:45

I thought we would have widely differing opinions here. Noope lmao, i'm right there with you to a T. I know people personally who get so caught up in race activism and it's ridiculous watching how much time they put into it for basically no return

@dominigai4717 - 01.11.2016 21:48

I pushed the like button as soon as you said we are all racists.

Gotta start off true

@dominigai4717 - 01.11.2016 22:00

outstanding video and thoughts

@dominigai4717 - 01.11.2016 22:05

I appreciate that you risk losing subscribers and money in order to out out this piece of much needed information and a solid reality check

@DanVasquez0xFF - 03.11.2016 07:17

John, I just want to say it takes a lot of balls to make a post like this. You are to be commended for that, it takes a very big person to acknowledge your faults and make the effort to correct them. However I think you underestimate the level of hatred and bigotry many people have. Many people including cops have a violent hatred of people based solely on the color of their skin. This kind of bigotry is a contagious disease that effects the both the oppressed and the oppressor. Bigotry is hurts the oppressor because bigotry is nothing more than willful stupidity. In the US this bigotry is rearing it's ugly head where people who are stupid and lazy are blaming all of their problems and people of color stealing their jobs. So they get themselves up into a frenzy for a con man that's selling them the dream of bringing back high paying factory jobs by kicking out all of the Brown people.

@DaveWard-xc7vd - 30.01.2017 03:20

Everyone on Earth is white.

The intensity of sun light we are exposed to causes our bodies to adapt.

More intense sun light + time = dark skin.

Less intense sun light + time = light skin.

@DaveWard-xc7vd - 30.01.2017 03:23

The difficulties we experience are largely driven by differences in IQ.

@Don-uw1rh - 04.07.2017 13:10

@Simple Programmer: Racism is a system of oppression. It's also when you think your race is superior or that someone else's race is inferior. So if a black person says that whites are racist, that doesn't mean the black person is racist for saying it. Whites have created a system of oppression on blacks (RACISM). It's like saying, "Bob is a murderer because he calls Freddy Kruegar a murderer. Even though Bob didn't kill Freddie. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Freddie set up concentration camps and murdered Bob's entire family." Huh? WTF? You can't be serious. Please tell me that people don't take your channel seriously. Stevie wonder and Ray Charles could see through this crock of crap in the nose-bleed seats.

@garric4 - 22.07.2017 17:31

What is your body fat %?

@albeck4192 - 15.08.2017 21:17

Great hones talk John, thanks.

@ronelgreaves6892 - 30.08.2017 17:20

Pretty strong play bro. The fact that you spoke on the minority mindset in the way you did, yet speak here in the way you did shows that you're at least trying to critically pierce through topical mindsets to a deeper and unbiased analysis of the world we live in. Cheers!

@clindsay8303 - 04.10.2017 03:25

People are losing their lives because of the color of their skin, and you begin your video with "discussions about race and racism are wasting your time" and "causing you emotional pain"? Is that your value of human life?

@NicolasIbarra - 12.10.2017 18:47

I'm latino and emigrated to the US for a while (now I'm back in my country). Never felt that Trump's discourse is against immigrants, nor against a race, certainly not against latinos. His discourse is against illegal immigration, which has nothing to do with race.

@CC-fi3pp - 17.11.2017 16:49

But John you are mixed race.

@mehdidridi2667 - 27.11.2017 22:35

well i'm not a racist person. i just fucking hate stupid people only when i interact with them and know that they are fucking stupid without caring about their color or religion. i think that all the people are equal as humans.

@tylorg7971 - 03.12.2017 11:13

I was honestly expecting something incredibly linear and pandering, but then I forgot I was watching John Sonmez. I am so glad that you addressed this issue, and the manner in which you did so. This is exactly what I have been telling my friends, but they never understand me. I am half black, half white, but as you said, what even is race? I subscribe to the same ideology that you and Morgan Freeman believe, and that is that race exists because we let it exist. We all originated from what is known today as Africa and we are all different due to evolution.

@gmnboss - 13.12.2017 22:09

You need to make the distinction between your definitions of prejudice and racism. Misunderstandings start when people ascribe a different meaning to the word racism and bring in the aspect of power

@daffertube - 18.12.2017 03:04

But John, what should we do about minorities that are using welfare, committing tons of crime, abusing their children, and blaming other's for "oppressing them" while we give them taxpayer money and affirmative action to get into college when they don't deserve it?

These problems are real and the side effects are making our society worse off.

@Vinaysananda - 22.12.2017 06:19

In an ideal world we would have the possibility to ignore race/ancestry. But today's world is not ideal, especially regarding racial issues. So that's why researching ancestry, finding out the truth, will paradoxically bring humanity closer to a non racist society.

@OneManWentToMow - 12.01.2018 11:02

you are not white, you are middle eastern

@trevorpinder2484 - 15.01.2018 03:35

Unfortunately, the REAL deal is that people that think its ONLY propaganda and can be ignored, don't experience racism first hand are only exposed to racism by the news, Twitter, and media. When you are simply going about your life peacefully, and find yourself with a gun in your face, locked up, injured, and possibly killed just because you are not white, you have NO CHOICE but to think about it and address it. It's like saying there will be no more lazy, fat and unfit people if we just ignore them. Something has to be done or the problem will remain.

@SeamusMcMichael - 06.02.2018 06:20

Good video John. Good to see you talk about various subjects and topics as well as programming.

@prateekbhardwaj9943 - 01.03.2018 08:04

we are all racist that's so true. and we should just accept it.

@prateekbhardwaj9943 - 01.03.2018 08:09

I am an indian and i think its so weird that the tv actors, actress and models are mostly fair skinned. and they sell fairness creams here in India because if you are not fair skinned then you are not attractive !! this is what they advertise on tv all the time here in India.. and it's so sad that the people who complain about racism, they themselves make fun of color African people who visit here. so racism is everywhere, first, we should eliminate this then complain about the world.

@gmanon1181 - 05.03.2018 19:19

About the look, you look like some friends I have who thought they had African roots and later discovered they were originally from South Asia.

But About race, I don't think you really understand the issue. The racism you are talking about is prejudice and it's normal in every society. That does not affect having good relationships.

But the phenomenon we experience in US and other parts of the world have very little to do with prejudice and it's extremely dangerous and it has proven to be deadly in many cases.

It's not even about Blacks and Whites; at least, not really.

Like you said, one solution is to stop with the obsession of classifying people by race. This may cut off the issue at least by 90%. It would take away the power of the people behind this mess of racial supremacy to hurt some while they intentionally favor others.

Racism does not just hurt people's feelings by comments; it stop you from choosing where to work, where to live, what college to go, how much money you can earn, whether you would be arrested or not, your life spam, and so much more. It's like being hunted by a few represented in a majority where everything is done secretly and shown as if nothing is going on.

@DarronBrown88 - 10.03.2018 05:54

On an individual level, everyone is prejudice. On a group level, every group is racist.

Unfortunately, this is common trait in the human species. People create groups with laws, morals, and values. Groups exclude other who don’t share their belief system. All people within this group may not have the same belief system but will stick with the group because they do not want to be outcast.

This wasn’t an easy topic and I applaud you for going for it.

@ffnovice7 - 21.03.2018 14:27

To be able to see the racism in all of us, and especially in the self, is a red pill that takes time to swallow. It does free your life of insecurity and identity crises though. It helps when one learns more about their own and other related cultures for that extra context.

@robbiwan - 24.03.2018 00:39

The truth is, all of us are just humans and are the same but our eyes are so deceptive. What i think humans should learn is to see with their heart instead of their eyes and they will see clearly and know the truth. Coming from a multicultural and multi ethnic community these sort of things are superficial. It is unfortunate that polarized people tend to find something to blame for their problems instead of owning up to it or they use it for political purposes. They blame other people and they easily find easy targets to vent out their pain. There is a danger of entertaining racism vs. biases as normal because it is somewhat a mental problem. Love your fellow man and stay away from polarized people these guys have huge mental issues and are inches away from a mental ward. See with the heart, dear brothers.

@justin9268 - 09.04.2018 10:01

If everyone was one race color religion they would still find ways to faction off. Never fails look at segregated schools in how the kids behave.

@orirune3079 - 13.04.2018 22:47

I'm racist - some races are just horrible, and I hate them. The 800-meter and the 400-meter are the worst races of all.

@aurelianspodarec2629 - 05.05.2018 23:15

Your opinion on WHAT?!

Orgasm? :D Nice thumbnail John!

Give your editor a high five xD

@Telencephelon - 26.05.2018 19:17

The topic of race is so much more complex, and your video failed to address most of it. The issue starts with the media but ends with our own laziness, as we don't wanna a) dig and educate upon the causes and don't wanna b) go any other way than the path of least resistance. So we take the easiest label or etiquette that we can find and scapegoat a certain "group". Discriminating against others comes easy and is part of competition.

Anyway I am not gonna delve into this issue that I really haven't really explored (either), nor would I like to. What really surprised me is that YOU of all people don't have a 23andme account nor know your haplogroups.
John, I had you pegged as a DNA-scholar until I watched this video.

@CO8848_2 - 11.11.2019 16:12

MLK said: don't judge by the color of skin. Now the left wants to judge by the color of skin,so who's the racist?

@kati6027 - 15.04.2020 17:44

racism doesnt exist anymore
it died in 1970 its useless to talk about it
lol ppl alaways talk about it like its alive
but in reality its dead

@rod6722 - 08.06.2022 19:50

I agree with much of what you said here, especially the part where you say we shouldn't classify people based on race, because race is a bogus concept to begin with. However I disagree with the part where you say we're all racist to some extent. I don't think you are, and neither are most people in the Western world these days. Plus, if everyone is racist then no one is racist because the word loses its meaning.
