Why Movie Distributors No Longer Do Marketing - Jeff Deverett

Why Movie Distributors No Longer Do Marketing - Jeff Deverett

Film Courage

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Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan - 05.08.2023 22:29

It would also explain why some movie marketing is failing and does a good job

ZippyMufo - 10.06.2023 04:12

That's because the "streaming rush" is about bulking up the volume of their catalogue, and they couldn't care less about the indie films they're licensing. It's back to the dynamic where your film isn't going to be valued unless you have a name actor in it.

Buddy Bear TV Preschool Learning Videos
Buddy Bear TV Preschool Learning Videos - 27.02.2023 08:24

you should clarify the difference between "distributors" and "sales reps". People don't know and there IS a difference

Hamster - 10.01.2023 23:56

How about kip trying to be a film director, get married and become a father to a child?
(With an ironclad prenup of course)

oldjimfilms - 18.10.2022 16:38

He is 100% correct.

Smashy Bamswell
Smashy Bamswell - 21.09.2022 20:43

I don't want to detract from his points but I do have to point something out. What's in it for the distributor? Being emotionally involved I mean. Just imagine the hell of being emotionally involved in, say, lightyear. Or the matrix reboot. Those were big influential movies and the reboot should have been huge. But it sucked, the writing was awful, the concept was uninspired and the fighting was derivative AND badly done. Just imagine being emotionally attached to that. If I'm a distributor and I'm looking at all the productions that should have been smash hits and wound up being massive failures, yeah I'm going to hold back on the emotional investment and get what I can out of that mess.

Harrison Fross
Harrison Fross - 09.09.2022 20:04

I completely understand the whole emotional attachment to your creation thing. And I think it's completely understandable. Nobody pours that much of their time and energy into creating something that says nothing and which they don't care about.

Lack of skill, or miscalculation, or any number of mismatches in the production process can cause failure, but it's rarely a lack of passion.

2SOLID4TV - 15.08.2022 22:33

I seen movies looking like 10k budget that the Female with me Loved it ! 😂 its all about the story 😂 lol he is In his Rich World

JP - 01.07.2022 00:30


WORD - 14.05.2022 04:56

These Rock!

Nelly Chanelle Comedy
Nelly Chanelle Comedy - 13.05.2022 17:56

I really like this guy

James Howard
James Howard - 23.02.2022 23:33

In the last several months, I've noticed how uninteresting movie marketing campaigns have become. They don't put any effort into promoting their movies. Because of that, nobody talks about these movies or has organic conversations about them. This is why a lot of movies aren't doing well at the box office lately. Studios should really study the marketing campaigns of movies that have been box office hits and take inspiration from those campaigns to promote their movies.

Captain Hickey
Captain Hickey - 10.01.2022 11:43

So the irony of the film industry and his feedback on the model is those people selling the product never engage with it but expect to make money regardless. People watch TV and film because they emotionally engage with it. Anyone else seeing the disconnect? No understanding of the product or audience, no effort to engage, let's throw a pile of productions at people and see what makes us money. Does that even work in any other industry these days? Wow nelly.. processing this and beyond concerned.

Michael Tuthill
Michael Tuthill - 09.01.2022 22:12

It's a weird time for large budgeted films out there that are getting bank rolled and aren't finding an audience because of the glut of films out there. Hollywood is focused on superheroes, adaptions, remakes and sequels. Cinema might be dead, but indie film is thriving - people making cheap low budget stuff all over the place.

JP Alexander
JP Alexander - 06.01.2022 22:33

But even what he is talking about is no longer true. The makers of the film are some directors for hire who don’t care much for the material they are making. The days of the passion project are over when you hire a Jar Jar Abrams or Zack Schyder or even a Ron Howard in a film like Solo. They are picked because they have a name but it’s not there creation so they have very little
Invested either.

Zee Risek
Zee Risek - 06.01.2022 21:21

"If you didn't make a great movie, you're not in the game. Gotta make a good movie", there are people out there who have decent careers in bad movies, directors, actors, technicians, editors, writers. It is possible to make a living making bad movies, just look at Neil Breen, The Asylum movies (Sharknado), Troma movies, Roger Corman movies. Plus these days, so bad it's good movies are hugely popular. So you can be in the game making terrible movies, just might be in a different sport than the Hollywood players.

Alx O
Alx O - 06.01.2022 20:33

I'm sure all this applies to all the remakes just to make $.

Mid-West Bigfoot Researchers
Mid-West Bigfoot Researchers - 06.01.2022 16:53

Art and imagiation are all left up to computers, only greed remains.

gil ray baker
gil ray baker - 06.01.2022 03:54

Universal pioneered all this in 1982 when they threw The Dark Crystal away.

Alexander Saint-Germaine
Alexander Saint-Germaine - 06.01.2022 02:28

No skin in the game.

Michael J Lawrence
Michael J Lawrence - 06.01.2022 01:34

So distributors no longer have a value add. So what's the point in using them? Everybody along the chain is supposed to add value to the process, not just put their hand out.

Innocent Mmeto
Innocent Mmeto - 06.01.2022 01:02

I missed hearing from Jeff

gagnashdiak x
gagnashdiak x - 05.01.2022 22:09

a half a minute clip on loop. pathetic.

TheXelsky - 05.01.2022 15:34

Perhaps this is unjust of me but I can't help but be skeptical to the advice of the director of Full out 2: You got this

Milko Davis
Milko Davis - 04.01.2022 09:07

I just made a great moviegfor 9k..id love to hear you opinion

Frank White
Frank White - 04.01.2022 07:42

Distributors aren't giving indie filmmakers Minimum Guarantees anymore and for the most part if you don't get any of that upfront money then you won't see another dime from them anyway since they hide any profits under "recouping marketing expenses" -- so what good is a distributor to an indie filmmaker at all? It's the reason why majority filmmakers can't sustain a living from doing it as a career and the reason others just tap out and give up to get a day job eventually.

Megs Lin
Megs Lin - 04.01.2022 07:06

In my experience also, if you are working with a low budget film. The festival route is a good way to go to get that exposure too

Megs Lin
Megs Lin - 04.01.2022 07:03

I totally agree. My fiancé had a movie with a UK release, and a streamer USA release. UK was amazing there was marketing etc, but the US release has no marketing at all. Usually if it’s released theatrically there will be a marketing campaign, but streaming services have so much product they won’t release it unless it’s a big movie/tv show with bigger names actors.

Nathan Jon
Nathan Jon - 04.01.2022 06:12

Be aware! Just because they won't market your film doesn't mean they won't CHARGE you to not market your film.

Hermes Logios
Hermes Logios - 04.01.2022 02:39

The suits need creatives. They can extract dollars (in the short term) through existing media channels, but they can't do anything new. They can't do what we do.

C B - 03.01.2022 23:52

After watching this, it confirms my worst fears as to the future of the cinema industry. So sad.

King Memf
King Memf - 03.01.2022 22:18

I love this guy

Thembelihle Masina
Thembelihle Masina - 03.01.2022 21:10

this is really technical 😟

The Feel Button
The Feel Button - 03.01.2022 20:23

If a great movie plays in a forest and no one is there, does it make a sound? Cheers Film Courage!

Better Devils
Better Devils - 03.01.2022 20:13

This was pure

Astrah Cat
Astrah Cat - 03.01.2022 19:58

You don't want marketers overly emotionally attached, because then they call 'fans' Russian bots

K - 03.01.2022 19:21

Great interview. This is what so many young and naïve film makers don't know. I have been saying this for years.

Media Blast
Media Blast - 03.01.2022 19:17

I love how the interviewer stated that most actors and artists don't want to do things themselves that will propel their career (paraphrasing) And I totally agree! As a PR specialist I absolutely despise working with people who don't even want to do interviews to promote their project, they don't want to do radio interviews, they don't want to be featured in the blogs all they want to do is just create and then wonder why they don't get the same results of those that actually hit the circuit and promote their projects. Love this interview

john nhoj
john nhoj - 03.01.2022 18:47

I have seen distributors and international sales agents selling films at major film markets and certainly it's clear from their sales pitches that they know nothing about the film.
But worse, they aren't even making a half-tempting pitch. I could understand it if they were over-hyping, making a film sound more broadly appealing than it actually is, but they really aren't
The stereotype is the brash huckster snake-oil salesman claiming that their wares are the most thrilling, the most action-packed, the most star-studded, the most glamorous, when what they are selling is a mundane snooze-fest. What I saw was more like the reverse.

Cody LaDuke
Cody LaDuke - 03.01.2022 17:17

If you haven’t already, I think it’d be cool to see you interview Robert Schwartzman regarding his Altavod distribution platform.

Jonathan Boyd
Jonathan Boyd - 03.01.2022 13:38

The Harsh Truths from Jeff once again he always drops a few gems it's always much appreciated Happy New Year Hope you have a great 2022

Anuraag Barlapudi
Anuraag Barlapudi - 03.01.2022 11:01

Film courage is my film school

Mark D Allen
Mark D Allen - 03.01.2022 10:23

For clarification: In California, it's illegal for agents and managers to charge a retainer fee. So, that's not going to be a problem.

Dean Just Dean
Dean Just Dean - 03.01.2022 10:10

I laughed as soon as Jeff mentioned time. People just have no idea that time really is money and that is why the big names in the business get paid so much money. Arnold Schwarzenegger was not able to make the studio sign a contract that would pay him more in money and fringe benefits than the actual film cost to make because he is that talented. He was able to do that because at that time, Schwarzenegger's name still had a certain guarantee of returns, and the makers of Terminator 3 were not the only ones asking him for months out of his life.

I am a poor, disabled, wannabe author. But when people are treating my time as if it is valuable, I reciprocate because in my head, I am thinking about who else needs their time and how much of a gift that person's time is.

nubbinthemonkey - 03.01.2022 09:46

I didn't realise that so many people watched low-budget movies. If something looks kinda janky I won't even bother. I barely have time to watch $100M movies

rahkeem the great
rahkeem the great - 03.01.2022 09:35

Great informative video

Tony McDonnly
Tony McDonnly - 03.01.2022 07:35

Unfortunately, you speak the truth.

HG Wells
HG Wells - 03.01.2022 07:34

We are culturally bankrupt. Empty movies made by empty suits.
