Dota2 - OG vs Tundra Esports - Game 1 - ESL One Birmingham 2024 - Group B

Dota2 - OG vs Tundra Esports - Game 1 - ESL One Birmingham 2024 - Group B

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@arquloc0893 - 23.04.2024 12:15

Insane that Pure gets raped so much earlier, and not getting phased at all, just continue to get every little bit of farm, until eventually he actually becomes a hero again.

@raigeki2847 - 24.04.2024 00:46

Sven with bkb and ult activated... Running.... Omg!!

@Kalron9 - 25.04.2024 19:04

Keep the drafts in the vods! I like watching draft analysis.
