House Dems Mock Republicans' Tiny Majority 'WELCOME TO HELL!'

House Dems Mock Republicans' Tiny Majority 'WELCOME TO HELL!'

Farron Balanced

55 лет назад

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The Republicans are set to take over the House in January, but they will have the slimmest margin that we've seen in the last 90 years. This means that a single resignation, a single sick day, or even just a group of rebellious idiots could completely thwart their plans. They've seen this before even when they had larger majorities, and Democrats in the House are almost laughing in their faces because they don't understand how bad things will be for them next year. Farron Cousins discusses this.

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Well folks, in just a couple weeks, the Republicans are in fact taking over the House of Representatives with the slimmest majority that a single party has had in the house since 1931. So for the last 90 years, 91 years no party has ever had as slim of a majority as the Republicans are about to have in the house. And the Democrats have a message after basically coming off two years of also having a slim majority, though still greater than what the Republicans are about to have. And that democratic message is simple, welcome to hell, because that is exactly what Republicans are gonna be going through for the next two years. And here is why. According to a recent report from Politico, democratic lawmakers in the House of Representatives are pretty much laughing at Republicans because they know they're not going to be able to get anything done.

And the reason they know that is cuz a lot of 'em were around in the days when John Bayer was the speaker of the house and he had a Republican majority, again, bigger than what the incoming Republicans will have. They remember the days of Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House when he also had a bigger majority, but still couldn't get things done, couldn't manage to repeal Obamacare. John Bayer couldn't get his own farm bill passed. That was hugely beneficial to corporate farming and all of his corporate buddies and the Republicans in the house still wouldn't go along with it. So it's not going to be fun for the Republicans for the next two years, at least in terms of actually passing any legislation. And we know they wanna do their usual, they, they've already said they want to cut taxes for the wealthy, so that's gonna be a thing they have to contend with.

But at the same time, they're looking at having maybe 222 seats. That's only a four seat majority in this past Congress. Here's what happened. You had six Democrats who resigned in the last two years, like left office, uh, Republicans had four members resign and then they also had one who uh, was convicted of campaign related felonies. Six died, five Republicans and one Democrat. So things happen and because you only have a four seat advantage and some of those seats you barely won. Looking at you Lauren Bobber, if something were to happen, if there was a resignation, if there was, I don't know, a member from Florida that gets thrown in jail for sex with underage girls, if somebody dies and you got a lot of old people, let's be honest, you got a lot of people who didn't want to get vaccinated, that's

A, a real possibility. C's not done. So then what happens? Well it depends on the area. If Lauren Bobber, for example, is forced to resign or she gets arrested and you know gets kicked out of office and you have to have a special election there, a Democrat could take it. We just learned that basically from her general election. Matt Gates, on the other hand, if he were to get arrested and forced outta Congress, this is a solid red area, Republicans aren't really gonna lose anything. But what you will lose is time. Cuz that's what really matters. It's not just about not being able to pass legislation cuz you can't even get your own ducks in a row. Hell, you can't even get enough people right now to make uh uh, Kevin McCarthy, the Speaker, there's already a revolt and Matt Gates is leading the way. But what happens when members die or resign in Congress is you have a special election.

Most states have special elections, but those don't just pop up overnight. You know, they don't have a member leave and then say, all right, well then tomorrow election time it takes months. So for months, if a Republican resigns or dies in office or anything like that, there goes one Republican vote, suddenly the Democrats get even stronger. Even if they don't gain a member by you losing a member for two or three months. That's devastating for Republicans and I think that's why they've kind of made it clear they've only got like two or three legislative goals and then the rest of the time is gonna be focused solely on investigations cuz they know they can do that with their very slim majority.


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