For the flying shots it really comes down to the skill of the animators. They look at a lot of reference footage, in this case of other flying objects - planes, missiles, skydivers, birds - and pick the tiny characteristics that they like from each and combine them with their own base animation of Iron Man. From there it's constant refinement and dialing in the performance until it's perfect (in their eyes). Thanks!
ОтветитьWow, seems like a lot of work! But it sure pays off! The VFX of the movie were amazing!
Ответитьin somewhere in the Mr. Marc Chu is saying the marriage of dynamic dynamic animation with keyframe animation. I just want to ask it is necessary to work with the graph editor in dynamic animation to give weight and realism and how you guys done the shot where hulk was attacked by the fighter aircraft and he jumps over it and all the scene happen?? Waiting 4 the response
ОтветитьFantastic, how many HDRI images you shot about the cityscape? and you projected in Maya or Nuke? or both?
Ответитьyou should upload the final scene, i cant find it and its amazing! greetings
ОтветитьHow do yo make Hulk so realistic.
ОтветитьLove your work.... greattings for sharing from Chile.
ОтветитьI'm not usually a fan of such CG-intensive scenes - I'm a fan of practical effects and usually it really sticks out to me when a scene is primarily CGI. But The Avengers was so seamlessly put together that I really didn't care - and that's a feat in and of itself. So well done for making a CG action sequence that I couldn't tell was primarily a CG action sequence...!
ОтветитьAfter Effects was used in the movie?
ОтветитьYes it was.
Ответитьhow many faces do the ironman have in last rendering ? (after smooth)
ОтветитьThank you for the reply!
ОтветитьHow is Iron man suit textured. What program was used?
ОтветитьPhotoshop and ILM's Zeno.
ОтветитьILM best industry of fxs!
ОтветитьOh my gosh! I knew a lot went in to making a movie but gawd damn! You people are amazing!
Ответитьman I luv marvel's the avengers its AWESOME! best super hero movie evr! cnt wait 2 c the nxt movie..i luv all the characters evenly:) but if i had 2 pick a fav. itll pick HAWKEYE:) I got 2 say I luv the bow & arrow on him
ОтветитьThis is a really stupid question but if movies can do all these effects and look that good why cant video games yet..?
ОтветитьIf you can make these action sequences pretty much without the actors do you think that in the future it'll become increasingly unnecessary to have stunt teams if you can just animate it all and make it so incredibly realistic (I had no idea that that much of that scene was animated!)?
ОтветитьI still get chills of awesome watching these scenes
ОтветитьVideo game render time is measured in milliseconds - 30fps, 60fps, 120fps or higher in realtime. Visual effects shots can take hours to render a single frame - games would be decidedly less exciting if you had to wait that long between frames :)
ОтветитьAnd they don't give Oscars for this?! What?!
Ответитьwat was the budget of this movies for ILM works
ОтветитьReally? So you are using ordinary software as well as your own custom one?
ОтветитьYes, we use a variety of commercial software in our work though it it often heavily customized and extended by our in-house development team.
ОтветитьOur in-house simulation engine. No, we don't use DMM, however once upon a time LucasArts did.
ОтветитьAmazing work needless to say.
Ответитьyeah me too
ОтветитьThis is what the media industry is all about people: solving problems.
ОтветитьI love film industry and I am thinking to become a vfx or cg supervisor . But should I study multimedia design , computer science or what !!!!!! Please reply
ОтветитьOnly Joss Whedon would be crazy enough to direct a shot like that.
ОтветитьI wish that I can visit your place one day.
ОтветитьMovies are being rendered with "armys" of servers with special video cards, and the whole movie can take weeks to render, even if it's only 3 hours. video games are rendered in "real time" with usually one video card, which is not as strong and specialized for rendering.
ОтветитьThe more polygons you use to create CGI backgrounds and characters the more detail you get in the rendering. The processing required to do this in real time is impossible for games consoles at present. So less polygons are used so the consoles can process the games faster. In saying that games have come on so much in the last few years it's amazing they're capable of doing what they do now. With carbon nanotube computers coming around the corner gaming will definitely jump to the next level.
ОтветитьI'm dabbling in Vfx shots and seeing this now really pushes me to pay soooo much attention to detail haha! I'm excited for Age of Ultron now!
ОтветитьYou know, something I haven't seen in the movies yet.
A group of Super heroes taking a group of Super Villains.
Each of them would have a one-on-one fight but they're evenly matched, so they switch opponents and win...
Tell me you've seen that somewhere in a Super Hero movie.
ОтветитьThe movie was awesome the work that goes on behind the scenes is just as awesome. This is the reason I'm' striving to get into the film industry.
ОтветитьIs it me or the cgi looked wet?
ОтветитьCGI is getting better every year... wow !!!
ОтветитьThis movie kicked so much ass!
ОтветитьI want to do this, but as a student I don't know how this is done, sure we have breakdowns and people telling us whats going on, but I don't understand how its done.
ОтветитьWe've come a long way from the digital double of "rubber" Neo in Matrix: Reloaded haven't we? It's finally getting to a point where we almost can't tell. On the big screen it's near impossible to tell.
ОтветитьCaptain America is truly a bad ass
ОтветитьThese guys are absolute geniuses