The Hobbit Trilogy - Why It Sucks

The Hobbit Trilogy - Why It Sucks

The Cosmonaut Variety Hour

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@marcusclarke5628 - 03.12.2023 17:11

Not being funny but the main lord of the rings film also has invincible characters surviving stuff they shouldn't as well

@derrickkorstick8984 - 03.12.2023 12:06

You complain about it being drawn out, but don't complain about i.e. Bombadil not being in Fellowship because of time constraints. Also plenty of shit was made up in the LOTR movies dude. Yeah it shouldn't have been a trilogy, but they're still good movies. Are they super accurate? No. Are the LOTR movies super accurate? No. So what? They're movies, you can't copy and paste a book into a movie, it makes sense to add some things and take some out for the flow.

Adding conflict is a no brainer. The action conflicts were stretched out in the LOTR movies too compared to how much time they got in the books, but no shit because the conflicts sell in movies.

Youre just looking at everything you think this movie did differently than the LOTR movies and bashing it, most of the time with no backing other than "see, look at it. I told you so."

@chandler1473 - 03.12.2023 03:38

It sucked because they had the audacity to use the stupid fucking meme scream seven different times between the second and third movies

@julesm7684 - 02.12.2023 06:20

The Hobbit is better than LOTR lil bro

@Auvas_Damask - 02.12.2023 02:48

What did you just say about the STAR WARS prequels? I think you confused them with the sequels

@Auvas_Damask - 02.12.2023 02:37

At least "Schlacht der fünf Heere" sounds far better as a title than the English version

@Auvas_Damask - 02.12.2023 02:13

The bald one you can't recognize is the old guy's brother and he's rough and the protective type and that's all I know about him.

@phillydavison - 02.12.2023 00:21

It doesn't suck its just not the LOTR.

@zarasbazaar - 01.12.2023 15:25

The united apart fundraiser was a better movie than any of the Hobbit trilogy.

@Thunder_warrior - 01.12.2023 12:32

I had the same complains bout the dwarves in this game... movie this dvarfs don't look like dvarfs at all

@themeddite2935 - 01.12.2023 08:12

Still one of my top 5 films trilogies, its not perfect but I find it enjoyable

@unfunnysenrirenposter - 01.12.2023 05:53


@Byssbod - 30.11.2023 19:56

I loved the dwarves in the trilogy. But, not because the movie was good lol. I only liked them because they're likable. Except Thorin, tbh (no fault of the actor). He was just a knockoff aragorn. Awful movies lmao

@ImagesOfAustin - 30.11.2023 04:24

The bakshi lord of the rings animated movie is pretty weird. Really its felloship and a bit of two towers. But the animated return of the king was done by the same people who did the animated hobbit. Its pretty good too. I wish that group had done all three of the lord of the rings books. Watched it a lot as a kid.

@Valiant_Thor_03 - 30.11.2023 01:59

I love The Hobbit movies...Extended Editions Only!!! Haters are gonna hate I guess but I honestly love these movies. Sucks so many people hated it...Rings Of Power is total TRASH!!!

@TheGamingCathedral - 29.11.2023 19:52

The Hobbit: There and There Some More
The Hobbit 2: The Dick Joke
The Hobbit 3: The Sheer Girth of the Mayor

@marienakazawa6779 - 29.11.2023 16:19

I know. My heart still aches. Such a disappointment. sigh.

@palomapaivareis2005 - 29.11.2023 05:00

it doesn`t suck, c`mon, it just needed only one movie

@vcdonovan5943 - 29.11.2023 04:43

If these movies did anything right, it was casting Martin Freeman as Bilbo. Freeman nails his portrayal of Bilbo Baggins.

It's also a shame because he deserves a better Hobbit movie.

@IsraelBenitez-ev7mj - 29.11.2023 04:29

Perfect analysis

@dancliffton2596 - 29.11.2023 03:54

my only vivid memory of the lotr trilogy from when i was a kid is me sitting on the couch watching one and asking my mom how long have we been watching this movie for and i think her response was "its just one of those kinda movies"🤣

@lukekalashnikoff3604 - 28.11.2023 21:43

the starwars prequels aren't even THAT bad (sur, they're awful...) BUT THE SEQUELS OH MY GOD, the sequels...

@ChaosOfSpookyness - 28.11.2023 06:58

I love the Hobbit movies as I have watched them over 16 times and they are honestly really good. I feel like people would be less hateful towards the Hobbit trilogy if everybody on the internet just bombarded it with hate. Sure Legolas and Tauriel were unnecessary but the movies are still really enjoyable especially the Directors cut versions

@byjacobc1880 - 27.11.2023 20:49

i love the hobbit movies

@akshay_96k28 - 27.11.2023 20:35

I'm gonna be honest i watched hobbit before LOTR so i likes it. It wasn't great but not too bad . LOTR is great

@notsure7060 - 27.11.2023 20:20

Let me ask one question i have pondering about . Who gave the Morgul blade back to the Witch king of Angmar ???? these movies is really effing with the story of the Lord of the rings

@Fiddlefiddle5000-qv1ly - 27.11.2023 09:34

Being a reviewer must be the worst. Like all the reviewers seem like the type of guy that will watch the film with is friends and while the friends are loving it this guy is dead serious and talking shit at any opportunity he has.

@Fiddlefiddle5000-qv1ly - 27.11.2023 08:00

I actualy liked this movies. I love the dwarfs. Their quest. The new orc was also cool. The dragon smaug looked awsome. And the giant battle didnt disapointed. But yea is it better than lotr, no, but its still pretty good.

@djdjdax2253 - 27.11.2023 03:11

Dude said it was boring then got mad cause they tried added some action.. right... useless nonsense

@BthIX - 26.11.2023 22:50

Gabdalf's side quest where he investigated the Necromancer that turns out to be Sauron isn't a creation to pad out the movie and connect it to LOTR, it's a story from the Simarillion

@KeinName0408 - 26.11.2023 18:45

I liked the movies

@Trash432 - 26.11.2023 12:32

I like the Hobbit a lot more than LOTR because it was more fighting and less talking. LOTR was like 4 hours of talking 20 mins of fighting then 2 movies of riding trees talking before 10 mins of fighting.

@jrs4516 - 26.11.2023 05:44

the should have bought a copy of the graphic novel from the 90's and the legal rights to copy it exactly.

@oguzcanoguz5977 - 25.11.2023 23:41

I tried watching the 5 Armies twice, one by myself and second one with my GF. I could not do it both times. I just have to fast forward the mind numbing senseless actions scenes without any aim or reason. It is by far the worst movie of all of these for me, since I did not even find it funny.

The only thing that I wanted to see was a depiction of the Dwarves for real, since they were absent in LotR. In the first Hobbit movie, I felt this understanding of the dwarves, how they work together so well and how they are a synergistic bunch looking for their home. But here, Thorin becoming corrupt in a matter of minutes felt like an ever worse version of the Game of Thrones last season. This movie literally has nothing going for itself and is a detrement to the entire series on top of it. The dwarves fight all those armies for 2 hours, do impossible shit and get saved under peril only to die from random wounds after the battle. What was the point of Thorin getting the throne if he could just be replaced by his fucking cousin??

I would cut %90 percent of this movie out. The only interesting thing was how Dwarves fight battles with their contraptions, the dynamic between the Townspeople and Thorin and how Thranduil fights.

@clintoruss153 - 25.11.2023 20:27

Wtf said it sucked, I enjoyed it thoroughly, not so much the last film but loved the first 2

@yodesuyo - 25.11.2023 13:41

Loved it. Stop complaining about everything

@ianelwood9411 - 25.11.2023 10:26

I think people should watch the movies before reading the books, that way you enjoy the movie for what it is then if you read the book you can say it was longer than it needed to be, instead of reading the book and then complaining about the movies

@todd-2362 - 25.11.2023 10:11

Hollywood literally tried to cheat with The Hobbit trilogy.

@theobserver9498 - 24.11.2023 22:47

The Hobbit series was much much worse than LOTR's Trilogy but many of the things you pointed out as being bad about The Hobbit are similar to problems the LOTR's Trilogy which you would be more aware of if you had both read the "nerd book" and didn't grow up during the era when a generation of children learned to love fantasy (which is awesome and for which I thank PJ for) and hero worship PJ to godlike levels (which is unfortunate but probably unavoidable given the golden nostalgia of childhood).

The LOTR's books were what happened when Tolkien was asked to make a much longer and more adult version of his book The Hobbit. Many of the key elements in LOTR are present (or meant to be, if all you know is the movies) in The Hobbit. And PJ and his Studio exec friends, between them, made choices that did a lot of similar damage to LOTRs as what you described here only less so since it was much longer and had darker themes added by the man himself before they tried to magnify all of that to make unnecessarily long films.

Frodo and Legolas's characters where butchered to created an unnecessary female character in LOTR's just like the unnecessary one you complain about in The Hobbit.

Many scenes in the LOTR's movies were pointlessly long and focused on pointless things that would have been better off either cut or that time given to something actually important to the story/characters.

All the scenes that were word for word from the book were gold.

and so on.

PJ and the Studios did even worse here because they got hero worshipped for making similar decisions in the original LOTR's movies. Not to mention got paid all the money. They naturally assumed the ways they fucked up the story in those first three were great and beloved "adaptations" to the source material that everyone worth listening to approved of. We were set on a collision course for these three clusterfucks the moment they realized how "flawless" the new generation considered the LOTR"s movies. It was inevitable.

But at least they are so so very pretty and have good actors doing their best. Usually, I can simply fill in with my knowledge of the books and ignore the worst of it from LOTR's. The Hobbit was much harder to ignore. The evil poll and formula loving studio execs are much of that but PJ can take his blame for that (Not that he will ever hear it from on top of his giant mountain of gold! LoL )

@m4rcin847 - 24.11.2023 09:30

Its still better than 95% of what we have today. A nice adventure movie for alittle bit younger audience just like the book.

@samueldavis5895 - 24.11.2023 05:21

LOTR imo did not get better with each one. If memory serves correctly I personally thought the second hobbit however was pretty good.

@zeecapeta - 24.11.2023 04:49

The fisrt one was fun
