Millermatic 211 Portable Mig Welding Rig

Millermatic 211 Portable Mig Welding Rig


3 года назад

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@TempleThomas - 31.08.2021 13:41

Nice setup ! Just got a Millermatic 211 strictly for flux core and love it

@oldschool-ef4jz - 08.03.2022 11:57

Where did you buy the swan neck welding torch ? Would you happen to remember the part # Thank you for any help . Steve

@cameronshonk7573 - 15.03.2022 18:26

are you running on a 115v or 230v?

@dylan00vb - 17.03.2022 15:55

I was attempting to run my welder yesterday out in the field to fix some horse corrals but the breaker on the generator kept flipping before I could even get my pool started. Any suggestions on how to fix that? Is it a bad breaker? The generator runs at 5500 watts as well. I’m also running a Miller 211 but I think mine is a generation older then yours

@El_Pinchi_Malo4730 - 28.03.2022 05:15

What brand is it

@omarortiz738 - 30.03.2022 22:10

Is that the 15’ gun ?

@lvlikeyV - 06.06.2022 22:35

been welding for 10 years now (not avidly), never seen a bendable neck. Very cool.

@LuisRomero-cn7hk - 28.11.2022 08:05


@thatkidracing3188 - 03.01.2023 09:10

What generator is that? (Tried running my welder on my current gen only to realize the larger outlet was still only a 120v 30a)

@devillesmoke7749 - 26.03.2023 03:46

How long os that extension cord?

@respawnicon - 29.05.2023 22:37

I've seen other videos say that a generator creates "dirty" power and could mess up your machine, is this true? I'd like to have portability but not buy an engine driven welder, so this generator setup would work for me so long as I know its not going to damage my machine.

@AndrewLaverOutdoors - 15.09.2023 14:59

Absolutely awesome video...TO THE POINT and super informative THANK YOU!!
Question for you...I'm in the structure business, like you, looking for a light weight truck option for mobile (farm/light structure) welding, you think this setup would handle most jobs??? How long will your generator last on a full tank?
Thanks again man!!!

@connellfarm315 - 01.01.2024 08:48

Are you hooked ilup for 110 or 220

@jonpacheco5711 - 07.01.2024 07:21

Hey buddy, great video and with good info! trying to pair up a generator to my MultiMatic 200 (pretty much the same amp rating as the 211). its just me loading and unloading with no trailer or machinery so need as light as possible. what is the minimum wattage rating you would recommend? did the math and getting conflicting advise out on the web.

@Richard-Freeman - 23.03.2024 03:55

No issues with the non-inverter generator sending "dirty" electricity to the welder?

@TurnerAndSonsFabrication - 05.04.2024 11:14

What size generator should I get for a Lincoln SP-170 t?

@Victor-nn2wi - 28.06.2024 21:31

Would a 3kw generator run the 211 welder off of 120.

@wemcal - 10.09.2024 01:18

Great video

@mikekahotea8148 - 30.09.2024 19:07

Awesome set up bro

@zachlee4617 - 18.10.2024 06:54

Is it 6500 running watts? Not an inverter generator correct?

@kmcleish78 - 03.11.2024 17:16

What plug/ pigtail are you using to go from the miller plug to the generator plug?

@jdmarmy2734 - 13.01.2025 09:05

Awesome setup
I want to do a similar thing but with a miller multimatic 220 what generator should I purchase to run my welder ? Harbor freight,duro max, Westinghouse ?
