From Horrible to Deplorable - Leafyishere's Story (Calvin Lee Vail)

From Horrible to Deplorable - Leafyishere's Story (Calvin Lee Vail)

Joon The King

3 года назад

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Joon The King
Joon The King - 01.07.2021 21:38

Hey guys! I hired ReplayedCo to do the editing for this video! lemme know what you think of the newer style!

Also additions to information in the video:
1. Leafy most likely got banned on twitch because of his use of "banned words" on stream along with forms of harrasment lead to his ban on twitter as well.

Fetus deletus
Fetus deletus - 21.09.2023 02:42

Leafy was a dick plain and simple and he made content for dicks, thankfully most of these people grew up and realized that unjustly laughing at the outcast and the unwell just isn’t funny or cool. But not leafy, leafy kept on acting like it was still 2016 when everyone was going thru their “villain arc” and he got slapped down 4 times and practically chased off the internet as a result.

Jared - 18.09.2023 20:48

also something to note is that mrblackdarkness was a well known satirical account and part of the drama at the time was people making fun of leafy for not realizing he was satire

Jared - 18.09.2023 19:47

the video's title sure aged well given the shit he's been doing since coming back on twitter lol

ergifem - 17.09.2023 19:07

Dude leafy looked fucking rough from what I saw of him. Twink death hit him like a ton of bricks.

The Solar Wolf
The Solar Wolf - 16.09.2023 05:58

Thank god Leafy and 2014-2016 Cringe Culture in general is seeing less and less relevancy today and being more exposed as just really pathetic people making random innocent into punching bags for clout.

It’s ironic how they both fell from grace.

Rurouni-senpai - 12.09.2023 08:31

Oh. I understand. Your title is clickbait.

Rurouni-senpai - 12.09.2023 08:03

Deplorible? Lol. Ok

bwpow - 05.09.2023 01:29

I really miss 2013-2016 version of the internet :(

Jose Trejo
Jose Trejo - 31.08.2023 20:37

Leafy has no business calling out how people look, his church youth group band looking ass, justin beiber haircut having ass, sat alone at lunch having ass

rand0mn33ss - 17.08.2023 11:15

This video?
An essay.

The outro?
A poem.

Maiwa - 15.08.2023 03:54

I have legit disliked leafy from day one. And yet even to this day people are copying his exact videos. Sheit talk someone with FPS on the background. Then claim '' it's different because it's not the exact same game''. Pretty sad (like, almost e very emo/scene creator)

h3h3 part aged badly tho Considering how s*** ethan is right now x)

edit: oh, he was like 15-16 when he started, explains

James - 15.08.2023 02:44

Leafy's channel being deleted seems entirely reasonable to me. He was a toxic dickhead. What's the problem? The precedent that being a raging asshole will get you booted without warning? Good.

47th Parallel
47th Parallel - 09.08.2023 22:59

Mr black darkness was one of the best trolls of all time. Most people thought that was real and probably still do.

Kamau Potter
Kamau Potter - 06.08.2023 21:54

Leafy has no discernible talent or skills. He became briefly popular because there were a lot of idiots around.

Hastur - 06.08.2023 08:22

I love the subjects you cover! Stuff I've never heard of, stuff that deeply interests me. But you have one of the most pretentious and loose understanding of English language I've ever heard. You sound WORSE than an AI. You're reading so tightly from your script that you basically sound like HAL 9000 if he was trained off AIM instance messages.

Ledzeppelinfan1001 - 05.08.2023 20:05

Its crazy how Leafy tried so hard to dunk on Idubbbz but he failed lmao

Lieutenantjacob - 04.08.2023 06:02


Silver - 02.08.2023 08:56

mad random but G+ was actually banging by the time it was shut down, it's a shame people like leafy flamed the piss out of it

andrew lewis
andrew lewis - 31.07.2023 02:26

If I had such a violently receding jaw bone and chin, I would probably project my insecurity onto anything that came in my path too

Chism - 24.07.2023 15:30

Now, H3H3 and Idubz are far worse than Leafy ever was. And I was never even a leafy fan at all back then.

Dan B
Dan B - 23.07.2023 17:17

Why do I have to see this guy with joints sticking out of his nose 1000 times

Ravenous Fallen
Ravenous Fallen - 19.07.2023 02:00

Wherever freedom of speech exists, you'll find Leafy. 🐍

roro - 18.07.2023 11:35

the lomllll 💕

AK - 14.07.2023 15:46

He fell off so hard after his channel got deleted, like all he does now is spew really obvious transphobic bait on twitter.

Koteshima :
Koteshima : - 06.07.2023 22:08

gotta hand some to the dude. came back for a little while, capitalizing upon his biggest detractors' lowest points

dani california
dani california - 02.07.2023 07:37

He was so hot

Lethargy Lottie
Lethargy Lottie - 29.06.2023 03:59

Leafy having CSGO as a background element in his videos reminds me of those Subway Surfer Tik Toks

BaNgYthAthINgy - 28.06.2023 18:34

dude get over yourself you sound like youve been stuffing lil debbi muffins in your mouth for the past eight years of your life

J Lo
J Lo - 28.06.2023 06:31

It might not be any help... but when I was.. well we'll say.. over 20 years ago I played a game called Utopia, which I believe is still around. One of the "lead" players was known as leafy. He was fairly smart then, aim/AOL messenger days then MSN ect. I wonder if he's the same, I was in middle school.. 12/13 he was around the same age.. I remember him talking about his parents being well off/ cocky. I'm 99% sure he said he lived in Canada but easily a lie, he was in NA.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same person, give it 4/5 years or I guess longer and it makes sense..

Utopia was a text based game, you pick a race specialty.. like an rpg/ og warcraft/ ages of empire style game. Just online no graphics. Hope that drags some things up 😘

bitch stahp
bitch stahp - 28.06.2023 02:14

He had a rise?

Shrugs - 28.06.2023 01:05

Remember when he said he’s allowed to say the N word because “he’s not fully white”

Shad3Milkman - 27.06.2023 20:00

Coming back to this after Leafy has made his return on rumble has shown that there is no more pathetic person online than LeafyIsHere. The boy is still complaining about Idubbz after seven years...for fucks sake he should let it go already.

Mary Autumn
Mary Autumn - 26.06.2023 20:30

If anybody wants an update on Leafy, after saying Transphobic stuff his partner left him

Dial 8
Dial 8 - 26.06.2023 10:41

I remember watching a few of his videos back in the day out of curiousity, but I NEVER understood why he was so popular, and I still honestly don't. It wasn't even funny when I was a immature teenager so I seriously do not know who the audience was. His videos is just the worst; a misleading and over the top title and thumbnail, and the video is just dry, uninspired and unfunny commentary. It's textbook example of those click farming channel that everyone hated, yet his was popular... I just don't get it

Enoch the Cursed
Enoch the Cursed - 25.06.2023 08:57

I miss Leafy

Ethan Power
Ethan Power - 25.06.2023 01:47

Nowadays he acts like an edgy teenager on Twitter despite being in his late 20s

rota m8
rota m8 - 25.06.2023 01:07

leafy looked like a whoville resident
