HOW TO WIN Your First Street Fight | What to Expect

HOW TO WIN Your First Street Fight | What to Expect

Tony Jeffries

3 года назад

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@Finn_1080 - 16.01.2024 02:18

Recognised this legend from Michelle Khare, iconic.

@iliyashaerzadeh6029 - 27.12.2023 21:38

Is getting punch 3time and not getting knocked out and giving hem one low kick fair fight

@radekstanek5250 - 23.12.2023 03:33

ucis akorat hovna bych te dobil

@ABS0LU7Egaming - 06.12.2023 13:46

In the street, the only thing dirty is the ground.

@lorin173 - 26.11.2023 17:01

it makes me so angry that there are multiple people kicking a downed person, its so fucking pathetic

@bernisweltredsun1245 - 21.11.2023 02:57

To throw the first punch is one hell of a brave and dangerous advice. Regardless your skills you never know who you are facing.

@history_timing - 15.11.2023 16:47

street fight dont punch kick you will have a better shot a winning

@summerschoolofrock - 08.11.2023 17:50

Yes sir🫡
Godbless you

@robertwilliams3527 - 07.11.2023 12:31

No one wins in a fight
-my uncle

@alexdavis1463 - 04.11.2023 04:50

I’ve noticed that nobody talks about this and it’s something that I learned the hard way. I never could land a punch and got beat up until I learned one thing. To me this is the most important thing, and that is
When throwing a punch I’ve found that as you throw a punch you want to take a half step on your leading foot (jab) and a full step with your back foot (hook, power shot,)
2. Keep your head moving especially when throwing a punch.
3. Learn to headkick. It will stop a street fight 99% of the time it took me 6 months of stretching daily to be able to land a 6’ headkick and I am 6’ but I did it.
4. Practice. Practice. practice.
Practice throwing punches, kicks, moving your head, landing shots, etc
And 5. If you can’t headkick go for a slam. If you get close enough and they are swinging or guarding they are probably off balance or have a high center of gravity, pick them up and use your entire body and strength to put them in the ground as hard and fast as you can. It does not matter how you do it or how you make them land. As long as it’s fast and hard your golden if the fight dosent end immediately it will shortly after as you will be in a good position to end it. I once slammed someone and they landed on thier knees and legs (you would think wouldn’t hurt them very bad) but it instantly ended the fight those are my top 5. And I guess as a bonus practice an exotic hit that someone won’t see coming for example I practiced the spinning back fist and I got insanely good at preforming it and landing it. I got in a fight and first thing I did was spinning back fist which hit them directly in the neck and jaw and dropped them like a sack of potatoes. Not only does it look badass but you also look like you are a trained fighter and girls think it’s super attractive lol

@tam-tam.9726 - 29.10.2023 03:05

As a (mixed race ) woman and an ex-police officer (I joined in 1977 in the NE of England…no other non-white officers, never mind females at that time) I was always aware that a man of the same height, build etc, would have a natural advantage over me.
However, I was extremely fit and I learned that the best defence was offence.

I have passed this on to my children. Reason with, or walk away if you can…however,If someone is determined to attack you…get in first (otherwise you may not get up from the first punch)
Yes, it is scary, but if it is one-to-one (unless they have weapons) it doesn’t usually hurt as much as you expect.

Once you have incapacitated your attacker/attackers, get away from them & contact the police. Don’t continue to hit them, as then it is not considered self defence (just make sure they can’t get up and come after you again)

But…if it is an extreme situation…you life and safety is paramount…it is better to explain the situation later, than to be dead!

I hope that is not too extreme a statement…but the old adage…’as much force as deemed necessary’, comes to mind.

You can’t fight back if you’re dead, or in a coma!

@user-rc9yb9os1l - 24.10.2023 04:14

You Think London Bad, Welcome To America 😂

@flora_thegachatuber - 16.10.2023 23:51

At school, there are tons of fights and since the main style is street, and the last time I got into a fight I let anger get the best of me because someone pushed me and I ended up losing because I used anger to fuel me instead of raw strength.

@numbers22_28 - 15.10.2023 22:57

I know! Don't be stupid enough to engage in one...

@derrickjamieson3411 - 07.10.2023 04:26

Thanks Tony, this advice was invaluable recently when I was challenged by my grandfather who had just recently overcome cancer, he had just said "Take your plate through to the kitchen" & "BLAM!!" I threw the first punch catching him off-guard!! I'll never forget the look of surprise on his face as his false teeth flew across the room landing on my shocked grandma's lap!! Needless to say it could have ended badly if it wasn't for your stellar advice!! Always expect the unexpected folks and get the first punch in always!! Cheers Tony.

@osavidafilms6256 - 05.10.2023 00:46


@bretmichael8781 - 23.09.2023 16:00

why not go for a submission?

@danharris8805 - 22.09.2023 09:34

Thank you for this video.

@patrikshlomovs5 - 20.09.2023 21:58

I got today fight with a man 20 years I been since practising from 2022 boxing by myself I protect my friend so It was like this I was going with my friend just walking a guy so after I asked a random boy if he had a cigarette he say no and dont show me your finger on me and I say is it a problem I taked my shirt off and he got scared after that comed 5 dudes like those 3 kids and 3 and he came to us and say what is the problem and how old are you I say im 16 and my friend 15 he slaped my and my friend and after that I give him a stright punch in the face and he got blood in the nose and I broke him nose so after I did it hes girlfriend he slaped me and say no no no stop but I say why tha hell your boyfriend from nowhere came and slaped then I put him sleep it was today but I fell good after that I want to protect people cuz im good people with heart but inside off me I got astrong mind and punch I take you advice or metods to fight and im not anymore scare off fighting even hes tall or musclurar

@srm8866 - 19.09.2023 09:57

I've got a saying that I tend to live by regarding fighting. "I'll walk away from them, and I might even run away. Just don't catch me!" 🙂👍

@sistersandy6130 - 15.09.2023 04:59

I watched this thinking he wouldn’t give real street fight tips. Lol but he definitely did 💯

@fledhyperion2073 - 14.09.2023 04:49

My girlfriend cheated on me with an asshole and in the heat of the moment I threatened him with a fight. We have been talking shit back and forth and we are each bringing a friend. I can’t pussy out now but I know the threat I made was wrong. But I will let y’all know if I win

@kathykahlua - 14.09.2023 03:40

It’s true I always say throw the first punch

@CupofJoe1 - 11.09.2023 04:32

I was doing handstand walks at the church today. Been doing it for the past Year and 9 months. Always getting honks and people cheering me on! Today though, a drunk browns fan decided to take his anger out on me and got right up in my face. Honestly I was scared. I didn't want to fight. I didn't want to lose everything I had worked so hard for to such an idiotic, drunk baboon. I still acted calm and confident and simply said "Hey, back the fuck up. I am going to call the cops." Made sure to death stare him to really let him know I am not joking around and slowly got to my phone. He followed me and I never gave him my back. I started recording and he instantly walked away.

This was truly stressful and I never hope to be in that situation again. I just want to inspire people and be a public image of dedication and a beacon of hope for others who struggle for their dreams. Anything is possible. Don't let anyone get in your way. Thank god I am safe and still here instead of at the police station 🙏

Stay safe all

@mando3651 - 08.09.2023 13:50

Tony would clean out the pub

@dustyk103 - 07.09.2023 19:32

Rule One for winning a street fight - don’t get in one. Rule Two - if you’re facing a criminal and rule one fails - don’t fight fair.

@andrewsthenics_sw - 03.09.2023 18:26

Today i had my first street Fight and had an argument with soemone after i scissor kicked his shins....and what can i say is that i ran away and lucky i escaped....😂

@icecoldbluesonic - 23.08.2023 22:14

This just happened to me today. Thank you for this video! I hope it doesn't happen again but if it does, I'll be prepared.

@CesaresChannel - 23.08.2023 15:39

Eyes - Escape
Throat - To
Groin - Gain
Shin - Safety

Escape to gain safety

Strike in this order eyes, throat, groin and shin. Then run like the wind

@jeffknowlton5200 - 18.08.2023 04:05

You can throw the first punch if approached by a menacing aggressor. It's still lawful self-defense.

@joeclay9745 - 14.08.2023 00:03

your right about learning how to punch. my wife was having a drink with her uni mate in Manchester. some guy was giving her loads of abuse. so my wifes friend she punched him once. knocked out. they just walked off and went to there homes. my wife was surprised at the skill and power of her friend as she was not very big. not ideal but it worked.

@joeclay9745 - 13.08.2023 23:53

so right with confidence and getting in first. my tae kwon do instructor was started on in a fight by 5people. he blocked his biggest loudest block to the hardest member of the group. he went to ground in pain and the rest ran away. he showed what you needed. he could break 3bricks with side kick so he has skills.

@jimcatanzaro7808 - 12.08.2023 22:03

When in doubt knock him out strike first if your getting in a fight get in close use a upper cut With a liver punch and use you boot to the face and throw elbows

@TopG-aming - 11.08.2023 12:58

Getting the first punch off can be self defence in alot of cases!!! The two elements of self defence on a legal perspective states that if you perceive an attack is going to occur (even if it isn't) then you are allowed to use a pre-emptive strike, the second element is if the attack is reasonable force which is for a jury to decide not the police or you

@KarvyKlaugs - 10.08.2023 13:51

Use your anxiety as energy, focus on your breathing, and do not drop eye contact. With adrenaline youll react faster and hit harder

@gvb3109 - 10.08.2023 04:40

Thank you for saying the bigger man will walk away from a street fight. A lot of cats think they’re tough because they talk crazy or are hotheads but really they’re just stupid and prideful and that’s how you get into trouble or beat down by a real dawg.

@lordoffaiyum9727 - 09.08.2023 05:18

Tip 1. Swing first

@JohnDoe-on6ru - 06.08.2023 06:18

If I get attacked I would kick them in the nuts with the force of a thousand suns

@onionboy69 - 04.08.2023 20:14

im 14 and i dont intend on fighting anyone but i get picked on alot but its not like normally when people get bullied its more like he thinks he can handle me and talks shit behind my back and straight to my face and talks alot about beating me up but never actually done it even tho he had many chances also he once tried to punch me i didnt wanna hurt him so i decided to just stay calm and gave him the death stare and he backed out without even swinging the first punch but idk if he will jump me so i wanna be prepared

@caplevi148 - 01.08.2023 18:09

Bluff a normal boxing pose then pump fake 🤜 for the dick then when they bend over screaming gripping his shattered 🥜 land a kneecap on the nose you win game over now you go to jail but you win at beast if you did it right they will never have kids and you will live rent free in there memories

@barrymicockner - 01.08.2023 14:39

Just carry a gun EVERYWHERE you go. They spent thousands of dollars on the gym, hundreds of hours training just to end up in the hospital, or dead from about $1.50 worth of bullets

@michaelvaughn7137 - 01.08.2023 10:34

Allow me to provide some insight to your fighting as a younger man. As a bouncer on Bourbon st in New Orleans if I was at the door of the strip club I bounced at and had invited you in but heard an English accent (which I know you are) or even an Aussie accent I would immediately uninvite you into the club because I would rather have the inevitable fight that I know your going to inguage in at the door than in the middle of the club !

@ritch8088 - 31.07.2023 19:25

My old man used to say 'kick em in the balls'. Actually works if you do it hard enough haha. No bloke can handle a swift toe punt in the nuts!

@bitbreaker_creator - 30.07.2023 00:33

Thanks for these tips they really helped, my grandma didnt stand a chance

@jamessaphu2163 - 26.07.2023 18:02

Well go out there and demonstrate us as u are giving a lecture on this.. 😂😂

@dillonmann8772 - 24.07.2023 04:42

learned nothing...

@kroanosm617 - 21.07.2023 20:02

Throwing the first strike has always been a problem in self defense.
There are criminal sympathizers that hate it when criminals get hurt in the act of committing a crime.
If someone refuses to deescalate and they are in striking range you must strike first. If you let them sucker punch you it could mean your life or serious injury.
