How 'Terrorism' Became a Dirty Word | BadEmpanada

How 'Terrorism' Became a Dirty Word | BadEmpanada


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Tee Tee
Tee Tee - 20.10.2023 10:51

Terrorism is the USA

Ada L.
Ada L. - 15.10.2023 00:15

This video is so necessary nowadays

Jonathan Guzman
Jonathan Guzman - 02.09.2023 23:32

The US calling Mandela and his cause terrorism is wild

Gabe Robison
Gabe Robison - 18.07.2023 00:34

It’s because terrorist is code for fed up brown person

Atilla Kutlu
Atilla Kutlu - 25.06.2023 11:26

The westerns are using this term selectively. It is more applicable to many folks and countries who are related to christians and jews. But they never mention them like that.

This is hatespreading, hatespeaching, spreading a fed up hate. Instead of facts and the truth.

E Rdngtn
E Rdngtn - 14.06.2023 16:38

I don't trust this guy, as he's always hiding his destructive narrative behind "truth" and "facts". Really just another falsely led soul failed fr american education system being far left extremists.

Eliphas Leary
Eliphas Leary - 10.06.2023 15:14

"Jesus was a terrorist!"

- J. Biafra

Gwynbleidd - 07.06.2023 22:36

The US govt is the largest and most heinous terrorist organization in world history.

emaneux - 11.03.2023 22:00

sigma rule 174: fuck it. just blow up the tsar.

Tristan Jones
Tristan Jones - 12.02.2023 05:04

I've been wondering about this exact same thing for the past few months its nice to finally get some bit of closure on it. I would much prefer the term be used in its original sense rather than its more bastardized sense of insert bad guy here.

Ivan Finley
Ivan Finley - 07.02.2023 20:00

Really good video

T Moraga
T Moraga - 26.01.2023 20:22

i always come back to this video, is so great

itsirrelephantmate - 02.12.2022 18:49

Cant remember who said
"One man's terrorist is another mans freedom fighter"

I always thought Terror came from the word Terrific for some reason🤷‍♂️

Avi K.
Avi K. - 03.08.2022 19:25

learned a lot, love this channel

Andrew - 29.07.2022 04:57

The difference between terrorism and counter-terrorism:

Terrorism is when our enemies do it

Counter-terrorism is when we do the same if not worse to them

ZZ Top Fan
ZZ Top Fan - 04.07.2022 04:32

One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.

Kristopher Lee
Kristopher Lee - 18.04.2022 09:11

"Nelson Mandela was a terrorist" "please don't take that out of context" it's 1:00 a.m. in the morning and I'm laughing my ass off. Idw but I love this video and all of your content it's very informative and actually makes me want to make my own video essays looking forward to your new video

Chase Oliver
Chase Oliver - 01.04.2022 23:12

“A terrorist is someone who has a bomb, but doesn’t have an air force”

NRG - 06.03.2022 13:28

A really good book for more about Vera Zasulich and four other ‘terrorist’ women is ‘Five Sisters: Women Against the Tsar’ by Barbara Alpern Engel & Clifford D. Rosenthal

edit: This is the best video of yours I’ve seen so far, except for maybe your recent one on race. Very important stuff 👍

The Gaming Archaeologist
The Gaming Archaeologist - 26.01.2022 08:09

Friend of mine linked me to this as I pointed out something I had noticed was that "terrorism" was often pointed at simply those who were against the ruling class and it is a thin line between Terrorists and Freedom Fighters.

The Gaming Archaeologist
The Gaming Archaeologist - 26.01.2022 08:06

to be honest, not that long ago I, myself, thought anachism was merely violence for the sake of violence and when watching a fellow Twitch Streamer, they explained why they didn't like how XCOM: Chimera Squad, had a "Anarchy" bar to mean open and random chaos, however, I was soon pointed to Thought slime and I've learnt about how wrong I was in that thinking.

ImpalerVladTepes - 14.12.2021 09:22

2/10 for the Russian but great video.

(na-ROD-naya VO-lya)

John Morgan
John Morgan - 05.12.2021 00:34

Thus, oppressors twist the true meaning of words, just like in George Orwell's 1984. They rely on the lack of education of the masses that they oppress to discredit anyone who resists. Moral of the story is educated the masses to be critical of state propaganda and.... Resist.

Tomas Roberts
Tomas Roberts - 02.10.2021 16:40

Reminds me that bond quote "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter".

Mariano Torrespico
Mariano Torrespico - 25.09.2021 03:35

Thanks, for the facts.

Naomi Starlight
Naomi Starlight - 27.08.2021 00:44

There's an ad on this video that's just wild. It's like "there's a new startup business idea and you can make money overnight there was this guy in Columbia named Patrick who did it and he ate beans and eggs" wtf like why choose these strange specific details in your snake oil testimony thing? (This specific but obv not targeted = weird feeling I guess lol)

صدام حسين عبد المجيد التكريتي
صدام حسين عبد المجيد التكريتي - 07.08.2021 10:22

Margaret Thatcher was honestly an awful human being. As well as supporting an Apartheid dictatorship, she also came up with the idea of suddenly shutting down the industrial complex in the UK’s Black Country and Northern regions, making millions unemployed. I wouldn’t take advice from her about who’s a terrorist.

JG - 09.07.2021 07:47

Did you mention the Phoenix Program used in Vietnam?

JG - 09.07.2021 07:21

Does this video mention the bombing of the King David hotel?

Mangojuni jetzt
Mangojuni jetzt - 06.07.2021 23:24


collapsingquantumwav - 05.06.2021 04:12

Can you do a presentation on how Terrorism took the place of Communism? perhaps to advance the sales of weapons by the major powers, and how 9/11 helped to introduce this idea. Thanks.

geinikan1kan - 07.05.2021 17:42

I am watching this year old video because I saw BEs video on genocide. This is the very definition of infotainment, very well produced and articulate infotainment. Kudos. I am a fucken old academic. Your vids are excellent. Thanks for the effort.

Amy Maddock
Amy Maddock - 07.05.2021 10:11

What's the chilled out music playing in the background?

Miodrag Vukomanovic
Miodrag Vukomanovic - 19.04.2021 22:15

The Black Hand was the Al-Qaeda of the balkans.

Prawn Crackers
Prawn Crackers - 22.03.2021 00:12

Assassinating the head of state by not assassinating the head of state, just showing it possible. That's cold.

David Bogard
David Bogard - 02.02.2021 07:51

The War on Terror is a Zionist psyop.

The Shape of the Sword
The Shape of the Sword - 29.01.2021 22:13

Your description of Peru could also apply to Colombia, which is a place I would love for you to do a video about.

terror gaming
terror gaming - 23.01.2021 02:44

He hasnt talked about ira yet bruh

Radical Razel
Radical Razel - 19.01.2021 08:52

Is the 20's the decade we reclaim the label terrorist? Only time will tell...

amiriothegreat - 01.01.2021 11:22

I wish he mentioned Hizbullah being a militia, yet characterized as a terrorist group by all Western governments.

Matt Erbst
Matt Erbst - 13.12.2020 05:46

This video is not only a pointed critique of irrational justifications of condoning state monopolies on violence, but also an interesting case study in the diachronic linguistics of word sense shifts under the influence of propaganda!

Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics - 27.11.2020 16:58

Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?

j.j. Dragon
j.j. Dragon - 24.11.2020 13:18

Fun fact about Gavrilo Princip: He was not the first guy who tried to assassinate Franz Ferdinand that day. The organisation he was part of was called Mlada Bosna and was founded bu anarchists but later let other groups join. There were multiple attempts the same day but Gavrilo was the one who was successful. The others really were anarchists.

Mary K
Mary K - 18.11.2020 09:33

I learn so much from your videos! Thank you sir

j - 03.11.2020 04:09

bro his shirt 😭

Some Random Guy
Some Random Guy - 07.09.2020 14:15

The social anarchist critiuqe of terrorism is antithetical to anarchism and pro-spectacle

Just North of Normal
Just North of Normal - 06.08.2020 02:13

Huh. Nazis called people they didn’t like anarchists and terrorists. Where have I heard this before??

Rod Reynolds
Rod Reynolds - 18.07.2020 23:23

