ОтветитьI won’t lie the thumb nail is misleading
ОтветитьWho’s here 2025
ОтветитьJust here revisiting this story time and it’s still amazing the animation is great and they both killed there lines love the vids still man 🙏🏾😭
ОтветитьHonestly this is just the average call of duty mission
ОтветитьAnyone here in 2025
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Ответить"THESE ARE LIT👏ER👏AL👏 EXPLO👏SIONS" -yoyo 808 2021
ОтветитьThe beat at the end always 🔥🔥🔥🔥😎😎😎
ОтветитьJohnson John Jackson Ronald Hall Frank
ОтветитьHarris Michelle Gonzalez Donna Martinez Kevin
ОтветитьHernandez Sandra Harris Daniel Walker Timothy
ОтветитьLopez Daniel Thompson Scott Lee Brian
ОтветитьThompson Helen Rodriguez Jose Thompson Michelle
ОтветитьTaylor Karen Walker Timothy Robinson Kevin
ОтветитьWhy does this sound like the Vietnam war 😂
Ответитьlmao i go to sc to get those same fire works
ОтветитьThe way I rotate through the animators like a whole cable channel🤣. it go Swoozie, Young don, YoYo, dopejay and Timelesstim
ОтветитьThe same thing happened to me and my sister
Ответитьim just saying those fences be high and i agree with yoyo with the leg thing
ОтветитьWho’s here in 2024
ОтветитьMoral of the story If u can’t draw ur not worth it
Ответитьnorth charloina is better
ОтветитьHit his brother so hard, he did the Yamcha death pose.
ОтветитьIt’s Crazy To Think That You and Your Brother almost Died 😳
ОтветитьI can't tell who is who in this vid
ОтветитьDo a collab with l3g1dc
Ответитьi think those explosives were ...... 👏literal...
ОтветитьI thought you were about to say when you looked at the the kid that got a legal stuff so when something goes wrong you going to what
ОтветитьBro hit the haunch’s pose 😂😂😂
ОтветитьLIT👏ERAL👏EXPLO👏,SIVES👏 that cracked me up for real 😂👏
ОтветитьYou're fault
ОтветитьI love re watching these videos 😂
ОтветитьMe:I have th-
me:kh sh-
At first i thout the vid meant gun shots,but it was fire works
ОтветитьRip👏 this👏mans👏nuts👏
The fence hates bro😭☠💀
yo whats the song at the end??? fire!
ОтветитьMy boy don stopped making videos 😖
Ответитьthe "1 2 3 4 *Face plant*" had me dying
Ответитьpretty sure i watched this last year, watching it again
ОтветитьWhat song is at the end?