Why Was Italy so Fragmented in the Middle Ages? - Medieval DOCUMENTARY

Why Was Italy so Fragmented in the Middle Ages? - Medieval DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals

1 год назад

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@marcobagut - 26.01.2024 17:39

During the Italian unification, all papal territories were annexed. The Vatican was then born in 1929, after the Lateran Pact with the King of Italy, promoted by Mussolini.

@marcobagut - 26.01.2024 17:34

The same for the nowadays German territories. Although there was one emperor, he could only reign with the permission of the margraves. Germany was really split is so many tiny territories.

@miqueiasbarbosa1658 - 24.01.2024 21:47

May God bless each one's life and free them from all evil, may you have happy lives and regardless of difficult times, you may know that God has plans for each one's life, that even the pains of life work together for our good, making us better people, wiser and more appreciative of life, I also wanted you to know that God loves us so much that he gave his only son to suffer and suffer a lot for us and to redeem us from the sin of this world and allow us to have communion with God, if you don't feel well,If you feel depressed, empty, anguished, disturbed or hurt inside you, know that if you open your heart sincerely to God, I believe that He will help you, console you and help you In difficult times, I have felt a lot of pain and He has always helped me and supported me, I thank Him very much for that

@mihalybormester8736 - 15.01.2024 23:46


@edmundbloxam2714 - 09.01.2024 15:53

Gotta love the name 'Charles the Fat'. Better than 'Charles the Chunky', I guess.

@blenderbanana - 16.12.2023 19:57

Rich idiots hate centralized authority, so they defund governments until they collapse in hopes of being leading figures in a Feudal State

Most are liquidated in the anarchy, but a few are lucky, talented, and fecund enough to become Aristocrats.

@Eastwyrm - 08.12.2023 22:34

Isn’t it ironic. It’s like Ro-o-o-ome in the Middle Age! It’s the deep strife when you already reigned

@changer_of_ways_999 - 08.12.2023 22:00

Thumbs down for the scam sponsor.

@adesertsojourner8015 - 07.12.2023 08:31

Why did the fragmented Western European nation states advance so much more compared with the fragmented Italian city states?

@juanblanco1267 - 07.12.2023 06:56

the future of north america will look like medieval europe

@albinokanickel4492 - 30.11.2023 01:09

A 2h Video about Richard Neville would be nice.

@pauortolacobos6636 - 28.11.2023 00:40

Not talking about Aragonese and then Spanish influence in Italy in the 1300s-1400s-1500s... a big red flag of this video. As usual, it seems that you have some kind of animosity against Spain.

@AYVYN - 26.11.2023 04:57

“Mercantile Activities” Factual, yet poignant. The same Merchants who bought their way into courtier positions in the Holy Roman Empire.

@J36Ops - 23.11.2023 19:55

At the end you speak about the Italian unification wars unifying the peninsula, however, you fail to mention Napoleon briefly unifying almost all of it. Even more importantly by defeating the established powers, Milan, Venice, the Pope, Naples, ect., he left the unification movement in a position where there was no strong opposition remaining. Without Napoleon unification probably doesn't happen within the 1800s.

@humanharddrive1 - 22.11.2023 12:52

I would like to have a plot of land in Scotland but I'm poor as fuck

@antoniofarinaccio541 - 16.11.2023 06:51

I have news for you. Italy is more divided than ever today. The north is rich and the south is poor, it is a colony of northern Italy. It was wanted that way so the UK masons would rule the Mediterranean basin. Italy was better of before than now.

@riccardopalumbo9846 - 09.11.2023 15:47

easy, cause we had the pope, that did everything in his power to avoid any form of unification. Country like France, Germany Spain and UK did not have it and were unified way back

@theastrogoth8624 - 04.11.2023 17:31


@Singularity24601 - 26.10.2023 23:36

Established Titles is an obvious scam. Just think about it for 30 seconds: if merely owning land makes you a lord, then everyone on a suburban street would be a lord

@RobertoDeEvan68 - 04.10.2023 16:11

Same as Greece
They got beat up by turk

@zodd0001 - 29.09.2023 14:11

Northern Italy got too many barbarians that never get kicked off. I think they are not a nation not even today.

@sebastiangruenfeld141 - 07.09.2023 00:50

It is very hard to believe that Europe merely had a population of 20 million in the 13th century and tripled its population in only 150 years. Otherwise that would mean that every 2nd European was Italian or French.

@jbarral6509 - 06.09.2023 03:47

Good thing Giuseppe Garbibaldi united Italy a Hundred years later

@NourishyourBeauty2027 - 29.08.2023 19:55

La situazione descritta è tanto vera quanto TRAGICA per il mio triste e devastato paese : l'Italia . La situzaione europea contemporanea al documentario ha rafforzato il credo delle persone negli stati nazionali ancora embrionali certo ,come Francia ,Inghilterra Spagna ,Portogallo e Germania . In Italia invece il potere legato solo alle città "stato" come Milano , Firenze Urbino e in generale tutto il Nord compreso parte dello stato della chiesa ha portato ad un disinteresse totale e ad una mancante visione del bene nazionale , cioè i cittadini italiani non pensano al benessere dello stato , non pensano al benessere della Regione , come Lombardia ,Sicilia ,Lazio et. ma non pensano neanche al benessere delle loro provincie come Asti ,Torino ,Latina , Bologna Teramo e tutte le altre amministrazioni provinciali che, come quelle regionali sono viste solo come luogo di corruzione poltica e vendita di consensi elettorali !!!! Tristemente è più che vero è un cancro che forse dall'estero non è così evidente ma c'è ed è terminale . L'Italia è l'unico paese che dal 2000 in poi ha visto crescere l'analfabetismo , certo si usano smartphone e facebook ma se fate scrivere o leggere l'italianno medio , non conosce la propria lignua !!!
Nel Sud che era unito sotto il Regno delle due Sicilie la situazione è ancora peggiore , perchè, mentre al Nord come unico effetto positivo il potere delle grandi città comunali come Firenze Milano etc. ha portato ricchezza alla classe media-mercantile-borghese , nel Sud unito questo unitariamente non è avvenuto e ancora oggi abbiamo poteri e famiglie di derivazione feudale che ancora controllano ,male ,ampie fasce di territorio , naturalmente lo fanno politicamente o attraverso aziende agricole e del turismo ma ancora si lavora per gente che porta lo stesso cognome per cui si lavorava centinaia di anni fa . Anche la corruzione in quello che fu il regno preferito di Federico II è ormai una forma di governo parallela contro la qulae giudici e forze dell'ordine nulla possono perchè ci sono nati dentro !!


La mancanza totale di VISIONE DEL BENE DELLO STATO ha alimentato corruzione avIdità ed egoismo al punto che la gente è pronta a litigare e arrivare alle mani nelle manifestatzioni come il Palio di Siena e altre simili addirittura tra quartieri della stessa città ,manca del tutto la visione del bene nazionale di cui nessuno si interessa e a cui nessuno ambisce finchè l'orticello di casa propria porta soldi ,cibo e lussi . L'unico sussulto l'italiano medio lo prova solo quando un suo pari fa fortuna e migliora la propria condizione allora scattano invidia , malcontento e proteste come se quel passaggio dovesse essere appannagio di tutti e no il premio magari per un'idea vincente nel commercio ad esempio . Siamo l'unico ,penso, paese occidentale in cui professioni come insegnanti ,medici avvocati etc. fanno LA FAME mentre commercianti da strapazzo che non pagano le tasse e trovano scappatoie economico-legali per tutto si arricchiscono sempre più !!!! La radice di tutto ciò è raccontata prorio in questo documentario che è fatto benissimo , complimenti . E' molto triste vedere come da noi non sono mai arrivati gli STATI NAZIONALI E IL NAZIONALISMO ,per assurdo l'unico periodo di unità di intenti è stato sotto il Fascismo e Mussolini che da italiano vi dico era una mano santa contro i tanti piccoli poteri che devastavano e ancora devastano il tessuto sociale del mio martoiato paese che di fatto NON ESISTE , perchè da noi nessuno sceglierà un minimo sacrificio per il bene nazionale ma correrà solo ad accaparrare quanto più per sè e si FOTTA l'Italia scusate il termine . Scusate il muro di teso ma è giusto far capire quanto LONTANE NEL TEMPO SONO LE RADICI DEL FALLIMENTO TOTALE E IMMODIFICABILE DELL'ITALIA COME STATO MODERNO , soprattutto a chi italiano non è !!!!
Grazie .

@arandomguy656 - 04.08.2023 15:32

Hey, does any one know which map they use for their videos ?

@marquesbowden0130 - 05.07.2023 02:40

As an older millennial (I'm 40), my life is more like yours than with the younger people. I had to work as a dishwasher to buy my first car at 20 (1989 Buick LeSabre) and had to fill out my own college applications. That being said, as a generation, we do have to hold this "L" (granted about a 3rd of my classmates were either pregnant or had kids before i graduated high school and another 3rd had kids before i turned 21).

@jameslester7398 - 05.06.2023 20:20

The Genoese conquest of Corsica can be argued was never truly complete. Following the Battle of Meloria, when the island passed from Pisa to Genoa, Corsica was in constant rebellion. The two most famous 'heroes' (to use the Corsican historical system seen in the works of James Boswell, Ferdinand Gregorovius, and J. Theodore Bent) were Sampiero Corso, whose rebellion took place in the mid 16th century, and whose greatest nemesis was the famous Andrea Doria, until his assassination and beheading; and Pasquale Paoli, who created the Corsican Republic in 1755, which lasted until the French invasion and occupation in 1768, when the island became part of the Kingdom, Empire, and Republic of France where it still is today.

@obamadrip4021 - 10.05.2023 02:34

not sure if you know, but established titles is a scam

@ludwigderzanker9767 - 09.05.2023 21:42

The hole Italy south of the Alps was'nt worth the blood of a single german knight! In the end it killed the German Imperatorship.

@NobodyJones - 22.04.2023 21:16

Powerful San Marino

@robertdebrus3732 - 11.04.2023 00:41

The Normans..

@byzantinetales - 09.04.2023 13:22

That could be an indirect consequence from Justinian’s wars in Italy and generally the Byzantine and later the Frankish presence.

@chrisca - 24.03.2023 16:18

My brother in Christ making ads for Stablished Titles in 2023. Total L move

@unknownmf2599 - 20.03.2023 21:04

fun fact odoacer is most likely from turkic (hunnic) descent. ;) Yes google it, it's a true fact! We gave the early germanic tribes in the north the state system.

@danielpiechowicz2898 - 09.03.2023 06:22

Established titles is a scam

@leoflorida95 - 08.03.2023 07:21

When the pope stoped recognizing byzantine authority, why did the citizens of the papal states and Rome stoped identifying themselves as romans?

@lucaesposito6896 - 07.03.2023 02:28

* San Marino, Vatican City AND Corsica!!

@BobHooker - 07.03.2023 01:44

Established titles is bull

@Crobertg10 - 06.03.2023 07:03

Established titles! Ha, ha ,ha! Lord dumbass if u spend your money.

@hpvspeedmachine4183 - 01.03.2023 22:25

Established Scam Titles 😂😂😂😂 No way !!! 😉

@grumpyoldman53 - 01.03.2023 20:28

I can't support a channel that supports a scam.

@Pbuilder - 28.02.2023 00:18

Love the channel, but Established Titles is a scam

@jueljohnson41 - 27.02.2023 00:13

Politically, for the same reason that Germany was so fragmented. The more fragmented parts to the north were part of the HRE, which originally actually was a unified empire, but fragmented as real centralized authority slowly collapsed from the 1200s onward. Geographically, the Appennine mountains that ran through most of the peninsula, could certainly have played a big part.

@kainlockley - 26.02.2023 23:46

COME on, man! Established Titles is a scam! You're BETTER than this!

@anonyme649 - 24.02.2023 15:10

You said population of Europe grew from 20.000.000 during the XIIIe century to 70.000.000 in 1350. Are you sure about that ? Where do you see that ?
Because when I was in high school, and all books I have red about that, I've always learned that the IXe century was the beginning of the population growing and the XIIIe almost the end.
During the early XIVe there where starvation and at the middle the plague.
And, to finish, in France (my country), there is a lot of church in little town built during the XIe century. So, the greater part of the population growing take place during this place.
This is why 20.000.000->70.000.000 suprised me

@gianlucar3468 - 24.02.2023 14:37

tl;dr it's because we fkn hate each other to this day hahahaha
