Immersive technologies are not new to learning and teaching, but the move to ubiquity of AR/AI/VR and other related tools are being touted as the way forward, quickly being deployed to classrooms and other learning environments. This talk will concisely lay out some of those promises and give some rational, fair-minded, and cautionary counterpoints to commercial dogma in this space, giving some hints and tools to help developers and educators as the technology seeps into our learning cultures.
Note from 2022: The pandemic has helped to make true much of what I talked about in this talk, and my ideas of how AR will change education looks like will be a reality. This is in some ways exciting and worrisome in other ways.
I wrote a blog post and made a video on the 'Budding Botanist Paradox' idea and looking to refine the idea for a research paper. Watch that video at
#erichawkinson #MAVR #theaugmentedlearner #SXSW #immersivelearning #buddingbotanist #togetherlearning #realitylabo
Eric Hawkinson is a Learning Futurist - tinkering with and designing technologies that may better inform the future of teaching and learning.
Projects and Research at
Find online courses and learning content on Eric's other channels
#Eric #Hawkinson #エリック・ハーキンソン #Together_Learning #Reality_Labo #Forever_Kyoto #Team_Teachers #Eric_Hawkinson