Hand forged cookware Korean inspired bi bim bop bowl

Hand forged cookware Korean inspired bi bim bop bowl

Stage Coach Farm & Forge

2 года назад

543 Просмотров

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@noahnipperus7320 - 29.03.2022 06:15

In Arizona we have this amazing "Asian Corridor" and started trying the different restaurants as they popped up, we ordered bi bim bop one time and had never had Gochujang before, we were hooked, we call it bi bim bopfrest because we love it in the morning, and I can make it vegan for my partner, so I only have to make eggs for myself, also almost as good as a "use up whatever veggies and greens you have in the fridge because they might go bad soon" as Shepherd's Pie

@marcusmccoy3328 - 10.02.2022 01:17

Great video man.

@SchysCraftCo. - 05.02.2022 00:40

Looks yummy. Forge on. Keep cooking. Keep making. God bless.

@honthirty_ - 04.02.2022 23:54

Looks good!
Nice touch showing your dog was in the citrus grove.
