Want to see the real results of The Mastery Program from Created to Thrive? Check out this video and watch the testimonials of artists whose lives have been transformed.
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Achieve Financial Freedom Faster with The Mastery Program
Finally, get the personalized help, support, accountability and community you need to create the life you could only ever imagine, doing the very thing God made you to do!
This could be your life as a thriving artist...
Waking up every day, fulfilled, motivated and excited because you have a successful art business where you're able to do what you love without the stress of financial worry.
Having a studio space and all the materials you needed to create the best work of your life, without worrying whether you could pay the rent next month.
Having prospects asking for your newest work, clients commissioning new works and referring friends. Students taking your latest classes.
Going on a vacation - fully paid for - with friends and family while knowing your business wasn't at risk of failing.
Knowing your life and art are being used by God to impact the lives of others for His Glory.
Sounds like a dream?
Now imagine all of that is no longer impossible for you.
I don't mean to brag, but that isn't a dream. That's the life I've been living for years now. It's also the kind of life I've helped other artists create with results like these:
Generating $29k+ in their first year in the art business and headed toward double that in year two
Significantly increasing their art and workshop pricing producing more sales, profit, and freedom
Going from a small home studio to having their own debt-free, profitable art gallery and teaching studio downtown
Tripling their art business income and breaking $120k in revenue
Creating thousands in recurring income each month through their online memberships
I would love to help you achieve those same kinds of results, too! But you can't keep doing the same things you've been doing. If you want different results, you have to take different actions.
This is your best chance to transform your dreams of artistic success into a reality and break out of the starving artist cycle forever.
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