Are you MEANT TO BE a singer? 3 Signs to Know for Sure

Are you MEANT TO BE a singer? 3 Signs to Know for Sure

Ramsey Voice Studio

2 года назад

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FoxoftheWest - 20.09.2023 03:34

Is it too late to learn how to sing at 30? I have never been into singing until lately. I just want to get good enough to not sound terrible, if at all possible 😆

Maziel Ramirez
Maziel Ramirez - 19.09.2023 08:28

I’m meant to be a a singer bc I CAN sing & didn’t have to practice.

J&S Vincent
J&S Vincent - 11.09.2023 21:34

the key for me was relax!!

J&S Vincent
J&S Vincent - 11.09.2023 21:31

after 1 year of teaching myself to happened...I went to the dentist and had two rotten teeth pulled, while on somevery strong prescription pain medication I recorded myself on smule my dentist told me take it easy today, so I sang all day....then when I watched myself back I was like studying myself and trying to figure out how I hit c6 like that an the end ofthe notes...I found my grove....

Danielle Saavedra
Danielle Saavedra - 11.09.2023 19:41

Loved this! ❤ Sometimes I question if I’m a good singer or not… I am super critical of my voice. But I love to sing and others always compliment me. But I can be pretty shy about singing in front of others. I think we can sometimes be our own worst enemy when it comes to realizing our own talent or potential.

I auditioned to sing the National anthem at a baseball game and got selected. It was the first time performing in front of a large crowd in YEARS. I was so nervous haha! I had some nerves in the beginning but overall it went super well! I didn’t forget the words, I hit the right notes. I was proud of myself for overcoming my fear.

But what I didn’t expect was for so many people to come up to me afterwards and tell me how great they thought my singing was. It really made all the practicing and putting myself out there worth it. And confirmed to me that I can indeed sing. 🥹❤️🎶

Olajide Afolalu
Olajide Afolalu - 07.09.2023 11:47

I'm just obsessed with incredible guitar players who can sing as well people like John Mayer ,ASA, Tori Kelly.

art v4nd3l4y
art v4nd3l4y - 01.09.2023 17:22

I like where you're going with this for sure, but Michael Jackson at 10 years old in my opinion outdoes Kelly Clarkson when she covered his song from the Jackson 5. 99% of people are not born with it, but Michael Jackson was definitely a rarity. I know he improved significantly over many years, but listen to him at 10 years old that is just not something you see often. I do hear very young singers with a natural ability for pitch where they can do runs, but often times their timing and phrasing is off.

Sophie Lavender
Sophie Lavender - 29.08.2023 22:32

Grew up surrounded by music. Went 5 years without signing though and I’ve been told I have a lovely tone I just need to work on my pitch. Really trying to nail getting the pitch right like it used to.

Patricia Ryga
Patricia Ryga - 22.08.2023 18:38

Wow, I think I'll never dare to perform in public places without encouragement. Still waiting for someone to listen to my demos. Been singing since 12 , I'm 27 now so u see how much time I've wasted

Kim - 15.08.2023 23:06

I've been singing since age 3 and had knowledge that I was talented at age 5 after going to a high school talent show and knowing I could sing as well as this senior girl. However I was way too shy to sing solo. College made me feel more confident. I was hired in 2012 to sing for about 100 people and it was a thrill!

Kathy Robbins
Kathy Robbins - 01.08.2023 07:36

I was listening to music on my ear buds and one of my co workers heard me singing and told me I have no business in there working and that I should be out thete singing and recording records

Edward Sesupeng
Edward Sesupeng - 26.07.2023 23:48

Hello bro I am a beginner 😢

I♥U - 26.07.2023 13:42

Now i know i cant! ;)

emxtional gaming
emxtional gaming - 26.07.2023 06:07

My dream is to be a singer, but I think I’m talented at it I’m a little bit shy though but I’m working on it!!

Zenn Jimm
Zenn Jimm - 26.07.2023 01:23

I've been a bass player since forever. I sang backups but never took singing seriously. When we couldn't find a singer I got real serious and took voice lessons and worked really hard on all aspects of singing. First gig was 3 sets and people kept coming up to me and telling me what a great singer I was. It really puts your fears to rest. Especially when it's soundmen telling you this. But you can't get there without taking the chance. And you better not take the chance until you work really hard on the material and you know it backwards and forwards.

Ibitamuno Isaac-edward
Ibitamuno Isaac-edward - 19.07.2023 01:28

I knew when I was still a child,my sister will make me sing,at first I sang off key but with time,I improved and now I get comment like "are you in the choir" and I'm like "no" I knew I could be better at singing,there is just this insecurities of singing in public 😊

S Thakur
S Thakur - 16.07.2023 19:48

People compliment me that I sing bad but I will never give up

Marilyn Rayle
Marilyn Rayle - 26.06.2023 10:26

I love to sing. I think it was my best friend growing up. I practice in my vehicle. It has a CD player in it, and I use the performance tapes to practice with. I have been singing for my church at Fifth Sunday Night Singing. I get up and do a couple of songs. It is fun. I enjoy it when people can get into what I am singing. When I leave that night after hearing all the different churches sing, I am filled with the Holy Spirit. I would also like to have more places to sing in. I was at church today, and the lady sitting in front of me told me that I had a beautiful voice. That just made me happy. I'm not the best singer in the world, but it does make me happy.

Stella Belcheva
Stella Belcheva - 25.06.2023 15:25

Great Job man!!!

bmad - 23.06.2023 17:07

Then you run into pure talent, Robert plant had no proper teacher or training to sing, he's voice is entirely self discovered and partly natural..

Mr.f411s - 18.06.2023 09:09

your singing is great (I think, cuz you didnt even sing in this video) but your storytelling is shit. Sorry, some1 has to be honest here.

Breanna Piscitelli
Breanna Piscitelli - 12.06.2023 18:46

I love the energy that’s going around recently. Everyone is so positive and I think that’s beautiful.

When I was younger, I loved music and I love singing in anything involved in it. I was constantly told that I should never even bother looking into it because I would never be a singer.

I honestly didn’t really want to be a singer. I just wanted to enjoy music. When I watched your video the first couple minutes, I thought for sure it was going to have some line of the statistics and how it’s not worth looking into.

I was completely wrong everything was very positive and you have no idea how much I appreciate that.

I have a daughter myself now and she absolutely loves music. She’s only a year and a half but it’s beautiful seeing her reaction when music comes on. (She goes to a little piano and start singing like Elton John. It’s freaking adorable.)

Music is a skill just like anything else the more you practice it the better you will be. I had no idea. This was even a thing until recently. I actually thought that I was not very great of a singer but I’ve heard. Differently.

I think people forget how much goes into music, the notes, the dictation of the words, breathing from your diaphragm, and just actually feeling what you’re singing. After I realized that part, it didn’t matter what anybody thought of me when I was singing. That’s when singing for me became a way to express my feelings.

I just think it’s beautiful that you guys are so encouraging. Please keep up that positive energy! ❤

ItzJustUser - 12.06.2023 16:10

i love singing and i have some of these signs but im still only 12 years and i like singing from 10. Im singing when is no one home because im too embarrassed.

Arty Yan
Arty Yan - 10.06.2023 00:37

Voice teachers are the biggest scams in the industry honestly. This guy doesn’t even sound good talking let alone teaching us how to sing. It’s technical, and some are just chosen

Ritul Army
Ritul Army - 09.06.2023 17:40

I remember my aunt asking me to sing with her ..

Alja Klapsic
Alja Klapsic - 08.06.2023 03:29

I Love 💝 to sing, but ....i dont have Voice as Whitney Houston, but like Alja klapsic haha 🤣 haha 🤣 ok i Will practice and and tršim my voice 👍👏💪🙏💝♥️🧡💛💚💙💜💝💖💗💓

KelceyMusic - 08.06.2023 00:37

I was told by my vocal instructor that I have a good singing voice, but my parents said she was just being nice and giving me an A for effort. I lost hope in my singing.

Raf - 07.06.2023 01:07

I’m blown away that you mentioned Strike anywhere and Rise Against that’s the kind of music I’m trying to learn to sing. I know that they do yell a lot and I’ll probably hurt my voice but I’d like to be able to do it with proper technique. Do you have advice for people trying to sing like that? Raspy high pitch punk.

Anastasia Bruno
Anastasia Bruno - 03.06.2023 02:56

My story is very interesting. I’ve always been interested in music, my father was in a band with my mom( my mom plays the guitar and sings while my father plays the piano). I loved playing the songs that my father taught me with the piano when I was very young, I even tried at 7 to enter to music school but they told me I was too young(I still vividly remember that day even though I was so young). Years pass by, at 10 I started violin and played it for 4 years, but I forgot EVERYTHING the teaching wasn’t even that movitating, and ,my dream of playing the piano was always there.

I must say, my true first passion is art and drawing, and music is the second one. I finished for that reason artistic high school and entered in the academy of fine arts(which I love) BUT during the last year of high school I finally started to take the decision to take singing lessons in a very good music school in our city who even prepared a young singer (20 yo) to enter in the most important Italian music festival.
It was a relevant changekind of for me, yes, I’ve always loved singing and rapping but after that my passion sky rocket. Every single song that my vocal coach gives me (songs that I would have never sung few years ago) now I love them and have fun. And now after one year I performed few times, I really want to do it over and over again, I discovered a part of myself that has been kind of in the corner for a while…

I am 20, in one year I improved so much my singing, but I still feel so insecure about my voice, finally this summer my vocal coach proposed me to start taking piano lessons…I want to become a good musician! But at the same time pursue my dream of becoming An illustrator.
I’ve been so insecure lately about my skills so I hope I’ll find some happiess

Ps I did a solo performance, a choir performance for now and I even sang with my mom and dad in a concert 😂

Arnold Garcia
Arnold Garcia - 28.05.2023 16:11

My dream is to become a Hollywood singer to help myself, family, needy people out of poverty but I think it's very impossible to reach it cause I was born in a poor place and Im not American to be worthy of being a singer

dogzot813 - 24.05.2023 19:20

Been taking singing lessons for a little over a year and been singing all the time for the past 6ish years. Still have only worked up the courage to do karaoke a handful of times

Frank Harbor
Frank Harbor - 22.05.2023 17:56

And where are the three signs? I watched the video for nothing just a story. Good story, but...

Wonkiest wonker
Wonkiest wonker - 22.05.2023 08:15

I love to sing. Sometimes i do it without thinking. But an issue with me is that whenever i do my brain immediately starts talking about how i sound stupid. I cant get it to stop.

Abd El Ilah Arhmir
Abd El Ilah Arhmir - 19.05.2023 18:46

I am a loser, I will never be a singer my voice is like a kid

David Colquhoun
David Colquhoun - 15.05.2023 13:49

I used to sing in the school and church choir and mum used to record me as a kid in the 70's singing. I only have one word of advice to anyone who's near me singing......wear good ear plugs and maybe some ear defenders over that. 🤣😂

Sunny Topia
Sunny Topia - 14.05.2023 15:50

i started to love sing since I was 11 years old on smule. Tbh it was beautifully SUCKS XD plus the effects LOL. Then i tried to sing on stage infront of 400 students while i was 14. Due to my bad choice of song, i didnt get to pick to enter the audition that have been sponsored by the third party for my school. There are few people who called me "the Singer's sis" for me it was a compliment. My friends said my voice is not that bad but my choice of song is wrong. TvT Now i am training my voice! I also hope to be a singer songwriter since I already write about 25 songs. >.< there are 7 songs which already have everything except music since idk how to play instrument. But theres always a way for us to go further than we thought! So i would never ever give up! Since i am currently in my uni, I decided to enter Music club. I hope i could get accept!

Nate T
Nate T - 09.05.2023 21:11

It's funny, I've been a songwriter for about thirty years and I feel like I had much more confidence in my singing when I was younger. Of course, back then, I don't think I had the ear to tell if I was on pitch, or not. Now, that I've developed an ear, I've become more self-conscious and I tend to scrutinize every note. I think I had more fun when I was an unskilled singer, because no one had the heart to tell me I was singing off key. So, I just let it out. Now, I'm looking for a balance. I actually have a gig coming up and I'm thinking about tuning my guitar down a half a step, so I can hit the notes easier. It's amazing how elusive my confidence is when it comes to singing.

Eduardo Vásquez
Eduardo Vásquez - 09.05.2023 06:15

Another video of someone sucking themselves up! 👎🏽

Jo Ban
Jo Ban - 05.05.2023 01:34

I feel like I'd probably be a singer if I'd ever gotten any encouragement. Just started getting into it in my late 20s :L

SNG Logan
SNG Logan - 03.05.2023 05:18

I am currently 14 years old and I had a school concert thing I was a part of a solo really enjoyed it but I thought nothing of it. But then I watched Anime (I love Anime) and I heard this lovely signer and at this moment is when I knew I wanted to become one I am working on it now and I am trying to get a job to afford lessons on becoming a singer.

Ritakus 98
Ritakus 98 - 02.05.2023 17:17

Honestly, I just want to sing better in our church choir and for my grandchildren.

Tristan Villalon (TRISS)
Tristan Villalon (TRISS) - 22.04.2023 13:21

Well, I was around 8 or 9 years old, the first time, I discovered I can really sing, I also wanna learn how to play musical instruments and my late Papa is also a good singer not professionally but as a hobby and now that I'm 32, I still wanna express my singing talent but the problem is no one is supporting me, cause living here in the Philippines is quite difficult that you have to work in a corporate or something white collar to make for a living rather than showing your talent for a few money, that is my struggle but I really like to be in a musical group, where I can sing and play instruments or to be a dj and singer like calvin harris

emily meyers
emily meyers - 19.04.2023 01:31

Dang this helped 😭 like I can sing I’ve been in choir for years but I just feel like everyone has a better style than me I’m good with pitch and harmony

Anonymous - 17.04.2023 04:07

I have a question when I just sing any word going from low to high. It just has a part where it cuts off and voice cracks and then goes up after that. is that something everyone has or am i screwed

Liya - 15.04.2023 22:17

Three years ago, somewhere in the pandemic and i was going for singing lessons to for the first time because i was shy all along. I used to be almost tone deaf, i would always be off pitch, but my singing teacher was like a miracle to me. With him, i was able to sing anything and he always complimented me and i wanted to cry every single time because it was so important to me and made me so happy. I was with him about like 6 lessons, but even after i stopped going i practiced tune and matching my voice on the piano and in like 6 months i could match every note in a song that was in my range. I still am a very very bad singer but i wanna get better, id do anything for this dream. It’s the only thing that kept me going through everything but im so scared that it will never happen. Tho, ill never stop. Thank you for your encouragement and hard work! Thank you for believing in yourself when you were younger so you can inspire others today❤

John harvey Rodriguez
John harvey Rodriguez - 10.04.2023 16:30

I'm always singing and some students of my School always want me to sing for them I really sound ugly for me but they said I'm sounding good

Eli Brown
Eli Brown - 09.04.2023 01:22

You should make a video when you sing and if it whas nice I would spam this sentence.

I'm From Pluto
I'm From Pluto - 08.04.2023 18:08

Hmmm...the time I knew I had what it takes was when I sung "Don't rain on my parade" in front of my teacher and she was blown away because I pretty much nailed what she's been trying to teach me in a very short amount of time. Definitely one of my proudest moments.
