Unconscious bias: Stereotypical hiring practices. | Gail Tolstoi-Miller | TEDxLincolnSquare

Unconscious bias: Stereotypical hiring practices. | Gail Tolstoi-Miller | TEDxLincolnSquare

TEDx Talks

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Ben Hansen
Ben Hansen - 12.10.2023 02:06

Well which is it? Do employers spend 6 seconds per resume, or do they go hunting through years of old facebook photos to find a picture of you drunk at a party?
This presentation doesn't make much sense. Typical of TEDx

Your Inner Hero / Rasta White
Your Inner Hero / Rasta White - 23.09.2023 22:55

So what?
Love it.

Shivangi Saxena
Shivangi Saxena - 26.08.2023 18:49

This is really great!

Lisa M. Bennett
Lisa M. Bennett - 01.05.2023 20:24

Love this. Thank you for sharing!

MyteeBumbleBee - 30.03.2023 22:45

This was a most informative and home-hitting video.

Dan's Content & Designs
Dan's Content & Designs - 28.03.2023 03:42

I eloquently broke down hiring discrimination on my channel. Take a look?

Ryan Alencar
Ryan Alencar - 23.03.2023 16:54


Sharks in Paris
Sharks in Paris - 14.02.2023 01:09

There are codes in Canada and america, that state if you self identify as a marganilized group you receive preferential treatment in the job market, or hiring process, if we all started self identifying as being part of the lgbtq2+ community and/or claim to be bi racial and therefor a minority, we will all be aloted our equal right to interviews and interview treatment, even if this is untrue state it anyway, we can take away preferential treatment / discrimination during the hiring process if we all do this

SmithCommaBenjamin - 04.01.2023 03:07

It's been my experience, that any company that disqualifies you for petty reasons is a company you don't want to be apart of.

😮mg status...
😮mg status... - 18.12.2022 19:23

Very informative video luv it

L.I.V. da Brand
L.I.V. da Brand - 23.11.2022 14:39

As an african-american male, I can tell you my mom used to tell me not to get dreads because I wouldn't get hired. Things have changed in that regard because of talks like these. Thanks!

Margo - 10.11.2022 11:08

Thanks for video. This is actual topic. I also have a problem with looking for the best candidates. I'm waste a loooong time. Colleagues, how you decide this problem? Which do you use a site or platforms?
Tell me yours lifehack)

Oyindamola Ayo-Ajiboye
Oyindamola Ayo-Ajiboye - 23.09.2022 02:32

Asking yourself "So What" helps you return to the conscious and focus on what is important. We also need to understand individual differences and stop being biased especially while hiring. Thanks for this great advice.
Really insightful!

S K - 29.07.2022 17:39

Age, race, or gender have never been factors in hiring at our company.

Attitude, proven work ethic, goals and fit are the only things that matter.

ken wiley
ken wiley - 17.07.2022 11:52

I Knew a Girl Who Got a Job Offer No Resume and No Interview Literally only in 2 Days wtf

John Derrico
John Derrico - 10.07.2022 01:35

Watching this video at least taught me what a micro-aggression is: it's Gail Tolstoi-Miller constantly pushing the hair out of her eye five times a minute, every minute. For God's sake lady, use a paper clip, rubber band, clamp, barrette, glue, scissors, whatever; but stop fiddling with your hair. Good grief.

Jay Ali
Jay Ali - 17.06.2022 21:30

I was just denied for a position in which I gave a stellar interview for, citing that they chose candidates whose qualifications more closely matched the role. Come to find, that the selected candidate had none of the licensing their training program would be offering a prelicensing course for, meanwhile I had 2 of the 3 and direct domain expertise😕 I’m almost certain it’s because I didn’t match the desired ethnic background, even the role is not client facing

TallCoolDrink - 27.05.2022 18:18

If I have "Unconscious Bias" that I can't control, I won't worry about it.
Besides, it doesn't really matter what you're thinking. What matter most to other people is how you behave.
Your actions matter. What you think privately in your mind doesn't matter.

Guiller - 30.04.2022 20:57

With all my political, religious and racial justice posts I had written; my career is way gone.

I am not surprised.

Jon Arauzo
Jon Arauzo - 08.04.2022 10:13

Most of the time there will be "gender bias" when the employer decides whether or not they should hire you. There is no such thing as equal opportunity employment. Sad.

Ravikumar Govindaraj
Ravikumar Govindaraj - 26.03.2022 09:02

Over a million resumes.. let's consider she took atleast 2 minutes to scan the resumes and worked daily for 8 hours without break or leave .. it would've taken 11 years to finish just that one million.. we aside the "more over".. if she took less than 2 minutes to scan... Then she should listen to what she is saying herself... She may be a victim of unconscious bias... I also wonder if 2 minutes is sufficient enough to "properly review a resume"..

Christconomy - 21.01.2022 11:19

White Pumps! Many times the interviewee is too good for the interviewer. People don't allow strangers to measure your value.

T - 16.01.2022 21:04

There is ALWAYS a deciding factor. If two candidates have the same resume, the deciding factor may be the white pumps. If someone shares the same belief as you, that is the factor that gives them the advantage. We should stop trying disrupt human nature. Apparently there was another candidate just as qualified who didn’t wear white pumps after Labor Day. They got the job, what’s the problem?

Rotena - 12.01.2022 23:59

It's not unconscious bias, it's conscious bias. They know what they're doing.

Adrian Rodriguez
Adrian Rodriguez - 08.01.2022 21:11

Awesome speech.

youtube tube
youtube tube - 16.11.2021 01:07

Exactly. That's not only stopped there, even if you managed to go through the round of interviews, they still might not hiring you. They can say whatever the reason they don't hire you and most of the time, they always said that it's confidential and can't say much to you as a feedback, which is weird. From my experiences, that "confidential" might have this kind of unconscious bias, whether you're not from a prestigious university or you're not the same "type" of people like the interviewer, but they will give the reason like the skill is not what we're expected. But if you're from a prestigious university, even though you performed the same, they might still hire you. Welcome to unfair world.

Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore - 19.09.2021 22:41

Some of the stupidity in hiring practices is amazing. I'll never forget one instance when I applied to a job I found on Indeed. The employer had my resume showing 40 years of six figure sales experience. When the employer called the interviewers opening question to me was, "now what makes you think you would be successful in sales." I said have you read my resume and then hung up.

Jeremy Snead
Jeremy Snead - 29.08.2021 02:53

This is BS hiring has more to do with social connections and commincation skills.

Sofia A
Sofia A - 08.08.2021 10:28

Don’t care I have my own company and god..

Little T-rex
Little T-rex - 06.08.2021 13:14

It's bad when the internet has to become church, I've been learning how to treat people without bias all my life ,,,, in church and in my own Bible study

Jose Luis
Jose Luis - 31.07.2021 16:35

Unconscious bias is natural, unavoidable and ultimately irrelevant

Becky Halvorsen
Becky Halvorsen - 15.07.2021 18:23

I love the "so what"! Does the reason for putting the candidate aside really matter? Makes you think twice. - Thank you for this post.

Moe E
Moe E - 10.06.2021 21:31

She is such a great speaker,

Chris Riley
Chris Riley - 10.06.2021 18:42

I wish she had mentioned the unconscious bias as it relates to age. Or maybe it more conscious bias!

Adamo_the1st - 09.06.2021 14:29

So you can be a brilliant candidate, but your taste of fashion or hair condition is not meeting the HR expectations... this is a real loss for many companies, who are actually looking for an effective employee and not a fashion model.

John Forte
John Forte - 09.06.2021 03:05

And that woman who flaunted social norms by wearing those shoes later went on to shoot up her eventual place of business. Everyone clapped for the detail oriented woman who spotted the potentially dangerous candidate.

Alex Lewis
Alex Lewis - 11.05.2021 19:54

Thanks for the video. I have to admit, I struggle massively with the concept of Unconcious Bias, its use in the world and a lot of the content in this talk. Beyond my general reservations about the validity of the testing (as raised by those that developed it) and the outcomes of implementing UB training are underwhelming to say the least. I find it increasingly frustrating that people consider 'Not hiring someone because of the colour dress they were wearing' as a symptom of UB - thats just an example of dire recruitment skills and personal responsibility- if you know the reason, then its not unconcious. Also, there is no easy way to prove outcomes whether bias is positive or negative in the real world. For example - how many times has UB helped hire the best candidate?
Despite my reservations, I will keep an eye on how the field of UB as it unfolds as it is an interesting notion.

Jackie Pacheco
Jackie Pacheco - 03.05.2021 21:42

Companies need to take more time to review applicants and ensure they are hiring for the right reasons. This TED talk really dives into that!

SungW - 25.04.2021 07:57

I have has to graduate the best schools and made portfolios in order to overcome prejudices. Not for making them profitable. What a waste of time and efforts! It is why I trust in the GOd Jesus and not in the ways of men.

timbobau - 18.04.2021 14:31

Oh dear... I have just come to the realisation that I have been discounting good applicants, without good reason, my entire career.
Thank you very much for the video. It provided me with a consistent way to eliminate my unconscious bias using the "So What?" critique.

sae - 31.03.2021 04:52

This was good. I get hundreds of resumes and i am wondering what type of unconscious bias I have. I tell my resume readers to spend less than 30s. I also tell them if it is longer than 2 pages, it goes to No. I would prefer 1 page since to be honest nearly everyone I end up hiring has a very well written one page resume. Is this wrong? majority of resumes are longer than 3. I feel this is a bias since I feel they did not care enough to make it into 1 page to not waste my time. What about coming to the interview in gym clothes? Now with the pandemic, one candidate had a very messy room... We work in an office but we don't see clients, should people show professionalism during the interview? Selecting the right candidate is about making judgement call so i sometimes have trouble making the distinction between am i being bias or am i making the right judgement call. It is subtle but as a manager i dont want to take the risk on a person who i only met for 2h and who i will be working with for years to come. We all have biases.

None Yabidnes
None Yabidnes - 17.03.2021 16:35

- "I rejected an applicant because they have a peanut allergy."
- "So what?"
- "This is a peanut factory."

number4cat1 - 12.03.2021 01:54

While I swing this watch in front of your eyes, relax, concentrate on my voice, and repeat after me: "I only THINK I know what I'm thinking. I only THINK I know what I think I'm thinking. I only THINK I know what I think I know I'm thinking ...". OK, now we're ready to talk about what you were REALLY thinking.

Blacker Panther
Blacker Panther - 03.02.2021 01:30

Unconscious bias doesn’t exist

prezbige - 27.01.2021 03:46

Truth. The human element needs to be removed from the hiring process.

Cliffhouse97 - 24.01.2021 22:57

The IAT does not meet commonly accepted standards of reliability and validity for a psychometric test. The creators know this, but apparently have no compunction to disclose it to the general public. It's become so commonly accepted that to question it now results in unfounded accusations of racism to shut people up. It's reprehensible.

John Patrick Oldfield
John Patrick Oldfield - 21.01.2021 07:13

So says the speaker.

AmenRaKwameHotep PorchPrimatemuhDick
AmenRaKwameHotep PorchPrimatemuhDick - 14.12.2020 19:10

who cares,

alex smith
alex smith - 10.12.2020 11:49

She burns her popcorn
