Aquarium Substrate Showdown: Sand vs Gravel! Does it Even Matter?

Aquarium Substrate Showdown: Sand vs Gravel! Does it Even Matter?

Prime Time Aquatics

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Jimmynutpills - 29.09.2023 09:41

Why not both?

Donna Hurley
Donna Hurley - 27.09.2023 01:30

Can you put gravel on bottom and sand on top?

First Last
First Last - 25.09.2023 10:18

my dwarf hair grass gets ripped out of the gravel so easily.

anders bergman
anders bergman - 01.09.2023 16:56

in tanks with no plants or floating plants only I use gravel. it is easy to vacuum clean. in tanks with rroted plants I use dirt and seal it with sand. never touch the sand, no cleaning needed.

chasen Lewis
chasen Lewis - 28.07.2023 11:06

Extra bit: gravel can get bubble pockets that are like cysts to the tank itself

JinQt - 24.06.2023 08:57

coarse sand is the best. it's the middle of both great for plants and for bottom dwellers

Marty Borst
Marty Borst - 22.06.2023 01:12


Bucky Russel Scribner
Bucky Russel Scribner - 05.06.2023 03:27

Dude, your beard is freaking awesome!!

Jack DiazB
Jack DiazB - 06.05.2023 05:39

Thanks for your help. I decided NO change my substrate to fertilize one. I keep my gravel in my 29 gallons that I STARTED FROM THE BEGINNING....AGAIN😢. BUT thanks for your advice. Jm

Roberto Siviero
Roberto Siviero - 16.04.2023 00:42

For Tanganyika Biotope: simple river sand 😎

TheFlightSimLad - 14.04.2023 19:56

I have a mixture of sand and stones in my tank. 2 layers, Sand on the bottom and then stones on the top.

Laura - 07.04.2023 18:17

I have one full-sand, one gravel/sand-mix, & two dirted tanks w/ sand caps. QUESTION THOUGH: At what point do we need to not be so OCD about waste in a dirted, heavily-planted tank?

Sand DOES highlight blemishes, especially in the shrimp-tank. 🤨
I siphon out waste weekly, also added carpeting plants to see if that helps not show the droppings and/or cycle the droppings back into the ecosystem. Too early to tell, & I’m sure I’ll always siphon…but w/ lots of shrimplettes, siphoning waste is siphoning babies too.

Nethiuz - 30.03.2023 06:43

My Corys are unhappy in gravel and now i have sand, then i watched this after.. lol?

Your Pal
Your Pal - 19.03.2023 07:14

I use the finest sand I can find for cory cats and it made a big difference with their health and lifespan. I saw a lot of barbel wear and deterioration with gravel. For a canister filter, if you have the kind that sucks water to the bottom of the canister first and then the motor sucks it up through the trays, the sand stays on the bottom and you can dump it back in when you do maintenance.

josh Asmus
josh Asmus - 11.03.2023 09:53

Put sand in aquarium and there is dust on surface. Used water clarifier and surface skimmer but it’s not working. Any ideas?

Aaron Voeltz
Aaron Voeltz - 09.02.2023 22:41

Sand is great, but it is also very easy to scratch your glass if even a tiny particle gets in your magnet/pad.

Gabriel Cordero
Gabriel Cordero - 22.01.2023 23:55

Whats the best way to keep sand out of my filters in my 75 gallon cichlid tank?? I had to switch to gravel bc my filters were getting messed up

girrl88 - 19.01.2023 21:39

Do you think that corys would be okay with rounded gravel? It's completely smooth but I'm a bit nervous because I want them to be happy and safe.

Lam Kins
Lam Kins - 11.12.2022 21:56

Very helpful, thank you! I’ve been trying to decide for a few weeks on a new tank I’m setting up. Black gravel it is.

Friend O
Friend O - 29.11.2022 02:49

is a a deep substrate worth it?

Icewood Cell
Icewood Cell - 15.10.2022 20:05

I think I’m going with some small to medium rocks on the bottom of mine. It’s for my Piranahs

Buckit - 13.09.2022 04:10

I like a sand bed with some medium rocks and some gravel mixed in.

Taylor Hickman
Taylor Hickman - 25.08.2022 18:33

My favorite thing about sand is having a crew of cory cats to clean it up, no need to vacuum gravel.

Facts over Feelings
Facts over Feelings - 19.07.2022 10:32

Primetime Aquatics: Sand vs. Gravel.... Me: Why not both?

Nico Lumens
Nico Lumens - 26.06.2022 00:07

I'm going to use black sand and red glass stones. There shouldn't be an issue using both should there?

Massimo De Toffol
Massimo De Toffol - 23.06.2022 12:57

Wow thanks so helpful!

Imani Shantel
Imani Shantel - 22.06.2022 20:32

Which would you say is easier to clean for turtle tanks?

Mark Hanrahan
Mark Hanrahan - 17.05.2022 00:08

Hi Jason, is the Super Naturals Carib sea fine sand safe for a male Betta? I'm just concerned if he eats off the bottom if he'll ingest some sand? Love your videos Amigo!

T Wilson
T Wilson - 02.04.2022 03:17

very helpful ,thanks

MongToph - 21.03.2022 17:36

Is it a bad idea to mix sand and gravel ?

F G - 14.03.2022 18:03

Hey Jason, what are your thoughts about having a deep substrate to help with nitrates?

Mark P
Mark P - 10.03.2022 03:05

I love watching u very educational. I refer to your videos as the bible to fish keeping.

Aqua Authentica
Aqua Authentica - 05.03.2022 03:50

The only channel on Fishtube (or YT) that I don't set to 1.2x speed! Good density of information and summaries. It's almost like... this is being run by a teacher or something! :)

Chico - 25.02.2022 16:08

Aqua quartz pool filter sand is my absolute favorite substrate

Carlo ReubenVonGerkin
Carlo ReubenVonGerkin - 22.02.2022 00:28

What about anaerobic pockets?

epa316 - 12.02.2022 05:38

Darth Vader would definitely go with gravel, because rumor has it, he doesn’t like sand. It’s rough and coarse and irritating, and it gets everywhere.

Cosmo Plakat
Cosmo Plakat - 10.02.2022 13:19

I have gravel in my two tanks, but in Cosmo's tank I had smooth river rock pebbles as I heard nightmares about maintenance with sand, but didn't want to hurt his fins. Maintenance wasn't easy with the river pebbles either, but with just Cosmo in there it wasn't too bad. Some day I'd love to try a shellie tank which will require sand.

Rico Martinez
Rico Martinez - 03.02.2022 21:10

If you plan on having turtles, don't do gravel!

Alex Styagov
Alex Styagov - 28.01.2022 22:30

No matter what kind of sponge pre filter to use, sand is sand, it will go into filtration system.
Especially if you have sand sifting fish. Aquaclear filter practically never restarts
Only mini gravel, never sand, no matter how it might look much nicer

Alonso W
Alonso W - 28.01.2022 16:46

Sand vs. gravel? No, sand and gravel together 👌🏻

Invader Joshua
Invader Joshua - 28.01.2022 05:04

7/8th sand 1/8th gravel. Nice and natural.

Brandy Kay
Brandy Kay - 27.01.2022 18:06

Thank you so much for this! I have been debating on switching to sand when I move my fish to a 150g. Do you have any recommendations on how to figure out how much you will need?

impulsive559 - 25.01.2022 03:29

Are wave makers worth it in a fresh water tank?

Sarah Cannon
Sarah Cannon - 25.01.2022 02:24

Interesting video! I have gravel in my 75 gallon. I set this up about a year ago and it was kind of an impulse, I've learned a lot this past year thanks to your channel!

Question- I have been considering switching to sand .... I have cory cats and didn't realize in the beginning that they prefer sand. What is the best way to convert my tank? Will I get rid of beneficial bacteria if I switch out my substrate?

Thanks for all the great content!!

Kyle Dennis
Kyle Dennis - 25.01.2022 02:12

Out of curiosity, could you use sand with an under gravel filter? (I don’t have any undergravel filters any more, but I was just wondering what people thought.)
