Father use me for your purpose 🙏
ОтветитьGod is amazing. love you all mucho my family in christ <3
ОтветитьA broken and a contrite heart, lord thou will not despise.
ОтветитьAmazing episode.
ОтветитьEsus is king i lov him
ОтветитьI don't like how its switching from one story to another! Finish one, then go to the next!
Ответитьdid Tyrones helper find Jesus??
ОтветитьI tryed to shoot myself with a revolver 22 and every time at my temple it clicked then shoot outside the car a voice said this is not how you have work to do someone tryed to shoot me the lead stuck in the barrel and still 9 times bung by my neck by others died the pig keeps bring me back from the grey realm i went to that is when i realized I was different i have many gifts one i can see hear but its not like a fun gift more like heres those socks you need i dont where shoses oh im native and a lady tolded me i would live 137 years
ОтветитьI am is Jesus not Moses.
ОтветитьCan someone please give me the share codes for episodes 17-21, they are hidden for me and i would like to watch them
ОтветитьThe fact that God was still merciful to let them live and give another chance to except him. What a merciful God.
ОтветитьHow can you NOT include that 2nd mans testimony on what he was meant to teach us???? He asked what he 1 man could accomplish.... A LOT!!!! But not if he is not getting the message out there. His whole story is based for him to end it by SHARING what he learned. That's the most important part.
I must disclose.... If it was left out on purpose .. any souls that could have been saved but weren't because the channel decided not to include that part ... Those souls blood will also be upon whomever is involved in editing Father's message 🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰
God is Good
ОтветитьThey can’t make this up❤
ОтветитьExodus 33:20, 23. No sinful man can see God's face and live. 20 And he said unto Moses, Thou canst not see my face at this time, lest mine anger be kindled against thee also, and I destroy thee, and thy people; for there shall no man among them see me at this time, and live, for they are exceeding sinful.boy your going to see this on Judgement day by G-D himself, he will call you a liar and exceedingly SINFUL man, Hebrews 9:27 says, "And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment",shame shame, why would you lie on G-D knowing you are lying and he knows all your sins.
ОтветитьI don't believe it was Moses he was a prophet not a god
ОтветитьStupid video. Stop dragging it out with repeating the same thing over and over and over and over. And get rid of the CHEEEEZYYY swishing squeals.
ОтветитьWay too many commercials
ОтветитьFeels scripted to me.
ОтветитьTwo words that don't go together... PROMINENT BARBER. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
ОтветитьMy experiences is that in 2020 I died from a stress-related heart attack I was only 40 years old. I died for 72 mins. ... I was going through a lot of stress in my marriage. The only thing I remember from the hospital even though apparently I spoke to numerous people .... is that i was talking to a man that was sitting from across from my bed from my bed. I did not know this man and I asked the nurse when I came out of my coma was a man sitting from across from my bed and she said there is no one sitting there.... to this day I don't know who that man is I forgot everything abd every conversation in the hospital except that one incident... God is real and I believe that he is trying to protect me from what I experienced when I died. That's the only Supernatural experience I had. I do have a defibrillator since my incident had my heart attack. My ex-husband abandoned me pregnant after my heart attack as well. I felt like I was going to have another heart attack that day but I'm sure it's got that protected me and kept me so that I could take this baby to term. He is now boring and his name is Jaiden he is surely a miracle
ОтветитьThank you Jesus
Ответитьthe dude that sold weed is from a place called weed
ОтветитьNOELLE YOU NEED TO LOOK UP THE STORY OF Michael DeStefano, he had a TBI, he is a real fighter like you, amazing guy, car crash, foot ball star, look him, up you 2 should start a group . His story comes out of Illinois, he was in the news paper.
ОтветитьMy grandma spoke to Moses,Abraham,and Jesus the night before she passed away and the day she passed away she prophesied my daughters name
ОтветитьThank you Jesus for your second chances, you love us all so much!
ОтветитьOne story at a time PLEASE.
ОтветитьSaid a like the lord Jesus. He also referred to himself as I AM.
ОтветитьIt's the I NEVER THOUGHT SHE WAS GUNNA GO EVEN DAYS AFTER EVERTHING I NEVER THOUGHT SHE WAS GUNNA GO...for me🥺😪....I lived that trauma to many times every decade of my life
🙏💔🫴😭🙏🫂😭🛐🙏😭almost 40 years old and only once DID THAT LOVED ONE NOT GO❤️🩹😇🙏
God operates on no mans timetable. What is impossible or improbable for man, means nothing for God. What He says or does is unstoppable. He can't be controlled, He can't be belittled. Watch what He does, watch what He will do.
ОтветитьI hate this jumping back and forward between stories. I really wish these were all separate to be honest.
ОтветитьThank you for sharing your experiences with us.. Your stores are both interesting and inspiring. This particular series reminds me of another series called I shouldn't be alive.. Another very interesting and inspiring program that i'm sure you're all familiar with. Good Day to you all.
ОтветитьErube is a true hero! What a beautiful heart! God bless his soul!
Tyrone - God desires our foolishness and sinful side to be removed. Stand in love and kindness to all. Blessings! ❤
To those who have returned, God loves you and to seek salvation. He brought you back for a purpose, His purpose. Blessings to you too! ❤
Dont like the format jumping to totally different stories then going back to each
ОтветитьCould it be anymore ironic than a black man living in a town called weed
Ответитьألله يقرف عيشتكم، وبتحلمه ان ألله راح يعطيكم الجنه
ОтветитьAfter the human heart stops beating, the brain has up to 10 minutes of oxygen left, before what is known as braindead. It is at this point that, a person can experience some rather incredible and extraordinary dreams.
Ответитьhow can i truly be saved
ОтветитьThank you, Jesus !What an episode
ОтветитьDoesn't matter who you are , where are you from , what you have, what color you are, what religion you preach , as long as you are a positive soul, and do good in this world , you will be in good hands .
If I'm a good person I am helping you to become a better person , together will fulfill our journey our purpose in this world
Think about it
What is this religion talk, I believe people get confused with beings for religious people.
ОтветитьBeen watching this epispde lots of times. When he says im ready my tears alaways coming. Only God can give second chance
ОтветитьThey were all unconscious none of them were actually dead they were dreaming