The perfect treatment for diabetes and weight loss

The perfect treatment for diabetes and weight loss

Diet Doctor

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@JoseGuasch-r4s - 21.02.2025 22:11

He changed my life what he explains is so true for my body i am prime example stopped carbs exercised more lost 23 kilos sugars are now normal non diabetic range since 2016. Also follow his intermitent fasting 3 times week..thank you dr fung. His diabetes code cookbook is fantastic.

@alexch1409 - 13.02.2025 11:08

“Mistake made in the past 20/30 years.” What if if wasn’t a mistake, but intentional?

@hannansaiyed9248 - 22.01.2025 11:13

Dr fang ...Thank you so much for saying that all the religion advocate the fasting for perfect reason... Very well explained❤

@hannansaiyed9248 - 22.01.2025 11:11

Loved the conversation ❤

@hannansaiyed9248 - 22.01.2025 11:09

Great informative video... absolutely right i feel so but the research ❤

@RainFall-wz2yp - 15.01.2025 03:44

how in the actual hell do I make peace with the past?
my past made me who I am.
my life is the way it is: because of my past.
my past tortures torments haunts and rapes me.

how to escape?
how to heal?

red hot white burning homicidal rage
and 999-trillion oceans of suicidal powerless grief
suffocate and fill me.

the intensity of my loneliness and my desire and ache for true-love are all-consuming.

how to heal from the rape of my soul?

@ThinkMarlonMoments - 29.12.2024 22:12

OMG. This is exactly what I was trying to explain to doctors. Everything they were doing did not make sense to me. As a scientist it did not make any sense to me. Thank you!

@reynarbarte7743 - 22.11.2024 04:02

This guy is the best doctor I have ever seen. Really amazing👍

@emeldaagboh1505 - 18.11.2024 23:42

Hello doctor! My dad has diabetes and he currently had a wound in his leg. We don’t know what to do right now or the next step to take. Kindly prefer any possible solution please

@ehtishamshami3146 - 09.10.2024 22:32

He is my role model. Love you Mr. Fung.

@angelasims2759 - 27.07.2024 19:00

i am taking jardiance was at 25 reduced to 10 (told very slightly acidosis took bicarbonate of soda) i dont eat many carbs and worried about acidosis. the doctor said i do need to eat normally. i do not want to go vack to eating carbs again. what is a safe level of carbs. usually around 100carbs, struggle to get it this high. (dropped bread, eat small amount of potato, no rice or pasta.)

@AllisonSummers-ve2cl - 03.07.2024 13:30

The first thing to do is take care of your liver..because before the pancreas release insulin, the liver can do it have healthy liver and healthy diet.

@rosekarimi5817 - 02.07.2024 19:28

I am starting my fasting tomorrow asap..thanks doc

@mranderson5668 - 27.06.2024 19:20

So, give the drugs the make the sugar go away? Doctors and dieticians still can't give a proper diet!

@shellygreenan2407 - 10.06.2024 21:45

Heard fasting can actually CAUSE diabetes 2?? Tried 16:8, my readings went up..don't know what to do. I eat lchf now

@nanrod3201 - 10.06.2024 05:17

But how long does it take to get better?

@ChelimoAraziki - 02.05.2024 13:34

This man change my life be blesse sir

@lrich299 - 18.04.2024 18:02


@JoytiBhatia - 01.04.2024 09:26

God bless you

@juliettst5203 - 29.03.2024 04:04

It’s so frustrated with DM2
My mum is 78 already lost weight,eating low carb,not a person with sweet tooth.
Taking metformin,statin,blood thinning medicine.
Follow all the stuffs but sugar still high.
Last night she had lentils but sugar increase from 140 to 200
Nothing works.

@kennynguyen6684 - 27.03.2024 21:40

If I have to call someone a hero, Dr. Fung is a hero with respect. He is God-sent person to this world. I was fortunate to listen to his diabetic reversal theory. A couple years ago, I went to my dr for check up because I felt weird about myself. I was thirsty all the time. I had to drink ice cold water in the winter. I did not realize I was diabetic. I thought I drank too much water so I pee out that water. Then, the next thing was erectile dysfunction. I could not get erected no matter what. My wife said I might need to see the doctor. So, I booked the appoinment. The result came out that my A1C was 12 something. The doctor immediately prescribed diabetic medication. I was shock of the blood test result. I was panic and went online to see how to control this thing. I was fortunate that I came across Dr. Fung's channel and listened to several of his videos posted. I was blown away by the idea of intermittent fasting. How could it be simple as that? So, I took Metformin and at the same time I tried intermittent fasting to see if what he said is true. I felt great and cut out all the sugar. I am a coffee lover but I stop drinking coffee. No more rice or minimal rice, bread. After 3 months, I came back to the doctor to see if Metformin works as the doctor told me to do so. The blood test result this time was 7 something. It is not in the normal range but great improvement. The doctor was happy with the result as she said the medication she gave works very well. I did not say that I incorporated intermittent fasting because I know doctors can't accept the idea of intermittent fasting.
Anyway, I don't care what doctors not agree on intermittent fasting as it can reverse diabetic. From what I saw that many people lose a limb, eye and die from diabetic as they are taking diabetic meds. They were prescribed Metformin at first and escalate to the point that they have to inject insulin, cut out a limb and then die. So, if the treatment works, why people with diabetic lose a limb overtime after taking meds. I rather try intermittent fasting. Many said it is a bullshit theory, but somehow it works. It helps me lower the A1C and I am happy. Otherwise, I have no idea how to control it. I could have lost a limb by now if I did not came across Dr Fung's channel.

@factsonly5506 - 10.03.2024 05:21

This is gold. Thank you Dr Jason Fung.

@RealArtVandelay - 10.01.2024 00:28

I remember watching a video where Dr. Fung mentions that Metformin WILL lead to insuline resistance..i dont know if he meant the drug itself or that fact that you might use the drug without lifestyle change, and it takes both? I would like clarification on that..

@barbberg8833 - 08.01.2024 18:39

For all of us that feel, this man has changed our lives, we could share this on our social media platform that he deserves that Nobel prize for changing the world of diabetes for sure…. Ground breaking info & hopefully other doctors will get on board.

@msadiq247 - 25.12.2023 02:50

Jason fung used to endorse the use of Metformin and its helpfulness for type 2s has his opinion changed now?

@DrDevansTreatments - 16.12.2023 04:12

Absolute God

@robertbrown5647 - 17.11.2023 19:25

I love it I’m going to try it thank doctor

@badkid9034 - 08.11.2023 21:51

The daily struggle of dealing with diabetes took its toll on my life. Constant doctor visits and medications were a significant part of my routine, and it was a source of frustration. But then, a glimmer of hope appeared in the form of Diabetix from Igrot

@tyl4n - 08.11.2023 21:51

Ive been on a lifelong journey with diabetes. Throughout the years, Ive explored numerous methods and therapies in the pursuit of better health. There were moments when the weight of this condition seemed nearly unbearable, and I was ready to give up ho

@05zerochannel83 - 08.11.2023 21:51

Being diagnosed with diabetes at a young age was a challenging and confusing experience. It felt like a never-ending battle that persisted through my teenage years. I diligently explored various treatments and therapies, often with limited success. The fr

@jhonatanmarcello1719 - 08.11.2023 21:51

My journey with diabetes has been a rollercoaster ride, spanning over a decade. Over the years, I tried different diets and treatments, always in search of a solution. It seemed like the more I tried, the more I was disappointed. The feeling of being let

@carinasoria8445 - 02.11.2023 03:56

Thank God for this video and thank you doctor for showing us how to manage diabetic I am taking so many meds Plus I’m taking insulin. i’ve been telling the doctor I feel so sick I was at the ER cause of chest pain I am very nervous this is getting me so sick and he doesn’t do anything but now That I seen this video I’m gonna manage myself my diabetic thank you so much for this video God bless you

@pri_rv - 11.10.2023 05:44

Dr Fung is a godsend! THANK YOU for giving me hope. I’m down 15 pounds after eating low carb and fasting. I can’t wait to prove my doctors wrong!

@thomasyeboah8036 - 09.09.2023 17:20

Dr FUNG... YOU CHANGE MY LIFE AND MY HEALTH. MY AC1 was 6.5 and was diagnosed as diabetic. In three months I have lost 12kg and my Acc is 4.66. Thank you Dr fung

@julieshaffer7140 - 01.09.2023 13:57

I didn't know how good Chis seeds were until I got a cookbook that included them. It's the only Extra Large Print Diabetes Cookbook. "Diabetic Delights Large Print"

@russellmaratita6720 - 01.09.2023 10:19


@steventostevin3085 - 31.08.2023 20:03

I was diagnoses with type 2 started the fast 800 way of eating within 12 weeks was no longer type 2 and haven't been now for 2 and a half years the fast 800 is a very low carb diet and I still dont eat many carbs at all and still fast 2 times a week for up to 18 hours. To keep my weight in check. I go up and down by as little as 2 kilos

@keishajack-vq8oh - 27.08.2023 14:17

Everytime I see Dr. Fung featured my comments are consistent: He is the sage of medicine and general health. Science based information with humility. He is indeed invaluable. ❤

@irisbristow2977 - 20.08.2023 07:01

But after fasting in Ramadan don’t the Muslim binge ear every night between sundown and sundown….so doesn’t that eliminate the benefit of fasting

@florenceledgister7327 - 12.08.2023 15:15

That you are spot on is NOT an overstatement. Thank you, thank you. Two questions; 1) how does one maintain the status of no Diabetes/2? and 2) what are the re ports among Muslims and others for whom fasting is a way of life; how prevalent or not is Diabetes M. among them. Watching for the answers.Island Girl + type 2 D.M. 🤔🤗🌴

@ranjaniadipudi2846 - 04.08.2023 12:53

Herev drvv mohan says what u r talking is junk false will putva casevvon you misleading

@groudon2006 - 28.07.2023 10:27

The greatest miracle these doctors can do is actually make an effort to find a cure, its been over 200+ years since diabetes was first diagnosed they've had plenty of time to find one, same for aids, willing to bet there is a cure but they are keeping it for those who have the money

@Sidramanzoor9 - 22.07.2023 19:07

I’m 25 years old ..and my parents both have type 2 diabetes I had no symptoms of diabetes…but one morning out of curiosity I checked my fasting blood sugar level and it was 168 I was so damn shocked and sad as well.the next day again I checked my blood sugar level it was 155 I was like what the heck .I need to do something about it ..then I started doing skipping ropes also I stopped eating dinner after 8 pm and then when I checked blood sugar levels it was 125 then next day I checked it was 108 and the next day I checked it was 99!

@pookiroo - 15.07.2023 23:50

That's the perfect video in how to heal diabetes.

@chandrashekaraiah3362 - 10.07.2023 15:43

Why can't you invent medicine for permanent cure of diabetes instead of giving lecture who will understand your lecture

@deshrath4650 - 06.07.2023 14:41

But how is cutting carbs helping solve insulin resistance? You are still solving a symptomatic thing by bringing down sugar content in blood and not improve the pancreatic condition.

@paulbolton2322 - 06.07.2023 01:43

What a godsend this man has given, solid logic for over ten years..... &, not missed a beet or changed his strong life saving message.
He is doing No HARM, & honouring his oath 👍👏👏👏
His words cut through all the, the, the.......................... 😕🤡🌍.


@imeldasalazar245 - 26.06.2023 08:19

Why everyone blames diabetes on overweight? Am skinny have been skinny all my life and am supposedly diabetic?

@laniesider2586 - 21.06.2023 03:08

Dr Fung is the best!! His explanation on fasting and reversing diabetes are so true. Fasting is the key to get rid of diabetes, thank you Dr Fung ♥️
