The #1 Thing Stopping You From Losing Visceral Fat & Building Muscle! | Sal Di Stefano

The #1 Thing Stopping You From Losing Visceral Fat & Building Muscle! | Sal Di Stefano

Dhru Purohit

1 год назад

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@jenniferbrown3782 - 30.10.2024 20:22

Agree with Sal. Every time I hear people say we live in such a stressful world, I think of how hard it was less than 3 generations ago. People literally barely surviving. It being commonplace for children dying young. Having to work around the clock to harvest food and working with animals just to survive. Going to war - real war. We definitely do not have legitimate reasons to be more “stressed” than previous generations. Death was more commonplace when younger, but it was due to poor sanitation, poor nutrition, or accidents (farming, war, etc)

@dhimasaryadi2167 - 20.10.2024 15:27

i subscribed this channel after heard all the theories. such mindblowing podcast. greeting from Indonesia!

@rebeccamyers940 - 13.10.2024 18:16

I just want to feel better. A friend who was physically fit and overall a health nut got stage 4 cancer. It did not help prevent cancer. Just feel better is all I want to hear.

@preethiinfanta3281 - 03.10.2024 12:14

I really don't know why some Americans have problem with seed oils? We Indians live on seed oil for generation. We might have some diseases too. But that's all mostly lifestyle diseases. Our ancestors cherished in their lives using seed oils in daily life

@bobbythompson1086 - 15.09.2024 17:17

The left dosen't want you healthy.

@pattycerqua5679 - 13.09.2024 10:58

Wrong... Calories in calories out does not work. See Dr fungs studies.

@sifaatulwakiah9201 - 05.09.2024 06:53


@julytan223 - 26.08.2024 16:23

has anyone tried to eat enough when low carb??????????? You cannot overeat because you got to eat too much to meet the calories. This podcast is disgusting because it keeps highlighting overeating but it does not make sense, especially when it comes to cortisol. The moderator had brilliant doctors in the past talking about excercise increasing cortizol and imbalancing thyroid and estrogen etc etc yet I assisst too an idiot conversation saying to stress yourself to decrease cortizol. IS THIS A JOKE????????????? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DOCTORS ADVICE IF IT ALL COMES DOWN TO NOT EATING AND RUNNING???????? ABSOLUTELY WASTE OF TIME AND THEN YOU NEED TO BUY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF VITAMINS AND MINERALS TO FILL THE GAPS CAUSED BY POOR FOOD INTAKE!!!!1 HOW STUPID!!!!!

@westcoastswingmusic - 25.08.2024 19:02


@mariawiley356 - 24.08.2024 01:14

They come after “health and fitness” cause they don’t want us healthy, but sick and broke down, needing meds, prescription.

@nothanksmegan - 23.08.2024 00:14

Planet fitness is the least accepting gym. They kicked me out for not wanting to wear a mask when I was working out at 530 am in the stairs 30 ft away from anyone else. And they aren’t accepting of my desire as a women to have a safe space to change from the eyes of biological men.

@lizw.4901 - 21.08.2024 07:24

Fantastic conversation. Absolutely nailed so many excellent points. Thank you.

@magnolialoves - 18.08.2024 10:03

This is the most educational and transparent video on health and fitness I’ve watched in all my years on You Tube. Thanks for sharing. ❤❤

@stoutie18 - 17.08.2024 04:38

A healthy community is big pharma’s biggest enemy

@firesign4297 - 15.08.2024 07:44


@leifvernaculum953 - 08.08.2024 02:10

Rosetta, Pennsylvania? Or Roseto? I only see Roseto

@dilanozaurdilanozaur3873 - 06.08.2024 17:15

Mind blown every few minutes. Highly informative ❤ if they only thought these things at school

@myradeleon8618 - 05.08.2024 23:39

Wow this is the most eye opening video I’ve seen and it makes so much sense

@mettamorph4523 - 02.08.2024 08:33

Wow that hit me. What? The 65 to 65 comparison. The 80 to 80 comparison. Fit vs non-fit.

@sunnyhanif7496 - 28.07.2024 18:52

Are we supposed to eat 1lb of protein per lb of TARGET body weight or CURRENT body weight. I always find people saying both. Which one is correct?

@kirinachristel - 26.07.2024 11:53

This was one of the best interviews I’ve heard this year. Thank you so much! I learned a ton of valuable information. ❤

@moflsel - 22.07.2024 13:59


@moflsel - 22.07.2024 13:56


@ifnotnowthenwhen9063 - 18.07.2024 16:50

This podcast convinced me to do weight lifting ❤

@ifnotnowthenwhen9063 - 18.07.2024 14:59

I was always skinny as a teenager and since I had my children the way is not as good as I would like to be.I do not over eat and I exercise yet my weight is not going down.What never don was weight lifting it was promoted as bad form of exercise because you can Dana your back or your joints.I feel like I found my answer to loose some weight

@theaddictandthenormie8060 - 11.07.2024 19:45

I love this

@shilpakini-walkthroughsoul9571 - 08.07.2024 17:47

Eat two healthy food.... Enough to make weight loss...

@angelamonahan5379 - 04.07.2024 15:14

This podcast is such gold. So many incredible nuggets to take away! Thank you Sal & Dhru!

@DaoTau - 02.07.2024 22:54

There where also some studies that by eliminating persecution of daylight our Circadiaan ritme is not 24h cycles, also some days have more daylight then other days in the year and daylight hours are also dependent where you live on the globe 🌏 so I think it does not matter that much as long as you have a ritme and 7-8 hours sleep on the same times. And also sleep quality is important. Rather then waking up when the sun is up

@beatrizschaller7868 - 29.06.2024 20:27

Best podcast, Sal is inspiring. He has help me change my health.

@valnevertrumper - 29.06.2024 02:04

Great interview! Learned so much! Bless you both!

@sufiheart - 26.06.2024 19:23

The media/product marketing has damaged us severely into keeping up with esthetics rather than living life as we should in being with ourselves and being with our loved ones & community.

@BrownConservativecapitalist1 - 23.06.2024 20:27

Sal is a master at this. I’ve listened to his podcasts for years and I’ve been in my best physical shape at 50+

@leocmen - 23.06.2024 15:26

This guy is an asset
God bless him

@CassieUmali - 18.06.2024 01:04

I listen and watch a lot of health and fitness content and podcasts. This particular episode is GOLD!
I'm gonna follow Sal and Dru on other platforms now

@kimberlylloyd3643 - 16.06.2024 01:12

I could listen to Sal all day❤

@jojosadventureagency - 14.06.2024 16:43

We just need to learn how to enjoy food without added sugars again.

@oopsisolditagain4191 - 04.06.2024 00:01

All calories are not the same. Your body is able to store fat far more easily when your calories come from sugar. You need an insulin spike to store fat.

@ThatCologneGuy - 03.06.2024 03:38

Awesome talk! Just shows you don't have to agree with everything someone says. I disagree with his take on the pandemic, but that is just me. I appreciated his knowledge on diet and wellness.

@marcelabrown2594 - 02.06.2024 16:29

I feel so light and healthy no more heavy weight is holding me down making me feel sluggish. 1yr ago I was at 245pd now at 60yr old today I'm now at 187, and still going, thanking myself for pushing through and never giving up on myself.

@bennybenz7722 - 28.05.2024 18:17

Does pole dancing count as strength training? Ive been consistent with that all year and WOW the changes ive seen in my body is amazing.

@gracexavier1822 - 23.05.2024 21:22

Strength training is the fountain of youth.

@edwardlee3533 - 23.05.2024 18:20

I dont think it's the muscle that protects you from cancer. I think its thier prolong period in a fasted state. Lower than maintenance calories. Forcing the body to eat mutated cells for energy instead of healthy cells. Thats what i think.

@KrishnaBodhDevkota - 22.05.2024 17:26

Don't eat ultra processed food, this folks seems like Industry puppets. , no matter what calorie you are eating, you have to consider the other toxins and bad ingredients in the processed food.

@kimdenardo1076 - 21.05.2024 17:58

great video - how in the world do I get that much protein in a day?

@nanb7149 - 20.05.2024 09:03

I eat well under my daily calorie allowance, I eat whole foods, low carb, high protein, I exercise, strength train and eat very little sugar. And yet..... I have PCOS and I'm stuck at 340 lbs and I cannot get it off. What gives???
