Who Was James the Brother of the Lord?

Who Was James the Brother of the Lord?

James Tabor

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@WeCube1898 - 22.11.2023 22:33

The Early Xtians
➡️ Jamesian Sect - Peter, and the JC's siblings Jude and James taught "The Religion of JC" which is Repentance/Renewal -Judaism.
Heavily influenced by Zealotic and Essenic Jewish Philosophies.

"Grace by Deed"

* James was the sibling of JC, and James was a Common Jew, by the assumption of accounts he and his siblings were observant of Judaism.

➡️ Paulian Sect - Paul taught "The Religion about JC" .
Heavily focused on "Messiahnic Deitification and Mysticism" as well as "Greco-Roman Cultural Amalgamation of the Jewish Messiahnic Mysticism"

"Grace by Creed"

* Paul was Saul of Tarsus a Greco-Roman Citizen of Jewish Diasporan Decent. He was raised, grew up and educated in Alexandria.

@BRajee-om4qn - 15.11.2023 17:57

No, never, not

@richarddemuth7077 - 13.09.2023 03:25

The Question ISN'T "Who was James the Brother of the Lord?" The QUESTION is..... "WHO was James the BROTHER OF?" WHICH "Jesus"??
We KNOW the JESUS of the "Gospels".
BUT.... the ancient Judish priest-historian Josephus records in Book VIII of his "Jewish Wars" the appearance of a man named 'JESUS ben ANANIAS", who started uttering doom moanings about Jerusalem for SEVEN YEARS BEFORE the destruction of the city and the 🏛. And JAMES is dated to have been EXECUTED by ORDER of the Chief Priest ANANIAS II for some UNspecified accusation in 62 AC, along with "SOME OTHERS". WHO were these "OTHERS" IF James was a "CHRISTIAN"??

So this "COINCIDENCE" begs the Question: "Was JESUS moaning about the impending DOOM of Jerusalem because of the EXECUTION of his BROTHER JAMES and his DISCIPLES??
IS THIS WHY the ancient Christian theologian Origen claimed that while Josephus didn't consider Jesus to be "Christ" ( he merely wrote that James was the brother of Jesus CALLED 'Christ'...") he attributed the destruction of the 🏛 NOT to the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ BUT WHAT the Jews DID to JAMES??! 🥸🧐🤔

@user-oh9pv3iv5m - 27.08.2023 22:52

James was seen as the full brother. Joseph, judah, and simon were sons from a prior marriage. The people of nazareth knew mary to be the mother of james. James was younger than the other four

@ianweir2115 - 06.08.2023 02:25

So based on what you just explained as far as James being portrayed in the letter....WHO do you think wrote it? We all know it wasn't James... ...Marcion?

@JackRT3 - 07.06.2023 03:19

I believe there is a much better case to be made that Lazarus was the Beloved Disciple mentioned in John's Gospel, and thus its author, not James the Just. John 11:3 indentifies Lazarus as the one whom Jesus loved and goes on from there. As a native of Bethany, it makes more sense that he is the disciple mentioned in John 18:15 who is known to the high priest and is admitted to Jesus' trial, whereas it is unlikely that a Galilean like James would be known by many people in Jerusalem at that time. That would also make Lazarus the one reclining on Jesus' breast in John 13: 23, in whom Jesus confides, and also present at the foot of the cross in John 19:26 when all the Galilean disciples had already fled the scene. The Johanine epilogue in Chapter 21 seems to reflect the fact that Lazarus died and his community of believers was thrown into a crisis, as they seemed to believe that having been raised from the dead by Jesus, that Lazarus could not die again, as reflected in John 21:22-23, but he did, and this community of believers began to split up after he was gone.

@danvankouwenberg7234 - 26.04.2023 19:15

It would have been sweet if Matthew spelled this out in the genealogies, but in Chapter 10 of his Gospel, he says James the Lesser is the son of Alpheos (Clopas). In my opinion this is the most confusing thing in the Bible.

@soniachoa1603 - 11.04.2023 01:30

James, the "brother" of Jesus is indeed the beloved disciple cuz both grew up together in the "blended" family of immaculate Mary and her spouse Joseph. "The one he loved" is in john's gospel, and John's authorial intrusion at the end of his gospel shows he and the "beloved" are two separate persons. (The beloved was the one who told him the final moments of the crucifixion and even wrote down crucial points so there would b no errors.) Very likely, the sons of Zebedee were NOT present in the crucifixion. Present on their behalf was only their mother (referred too variously as Mary, mother of James, or "the wife of Zebedee"). In the crucifixion scene is: 1) Mary Magdalene, 2) Jesus' mother, 3) this mother's sister, Mary of cleopas😊, and 4) Mary of Zebedee. Perhaps, only the beloved disciple was so dear to Jesus because he alone knew the truth behind what was perceived by the public as the large family of Joseph and Mary, with the 6 additional children that came after Jesus. (These additions kept up appearances of normality for the Holy family as the precocious Jesus was growing up.) Happy Easter to all!

@markballantyne393 - 10.04.2023 07:36

If Annas was father Ciaphas his brother it explains everything, ciiaphas knew andd this is a family power struggle

@sharonlaudi8409 - 25.03.2023 00:46

Look at the liniege of Jesus in Mathew and in Luke. They are different in between. Reason one based on biological lineage, the other follow the customary lineage.

@Margiedem - 14.02.2023 12:28

How do we know that Jesus had brothers and sisters? Is it possible that Simon, James et al were spiritual brothers , just as monks and priests today use the designation brother or sister .

@franklindzioba13 - 13.02.2023 17:33

I think the Beloved Disciple was Barnabas... Barnabas the Just. And is also Barabbas who was chosen by Jerusalem...Bar n Abas...Bar Abbas. I should write a book.

@ROCdave5861 - 21.01.2023 11:57

His Greek name is Iakovos (Jacob); his title is the Adelphotheou the Male relative of God; the Greek fathers said Jesus and James were cousins, the Latin fathers step brothers (by a previous marriage of Joseph); Jacob was changed to James as a result of the King James version of the Bible (aka Authorised version). Mary's titles are All Holy, Ever Virgin , Theotokos (God bearer) Mary; being ever virgin, she had no other children than our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

@henrim9348 - 21.01.2023 02:51

Catholics don't believe James was the biological brother of Jesus.

@riazhassan6570 - 08.01.2023 15:55

Give it up. This is like groping around in a dense fog. There is simply too much interpretational uncertainty, speculation, disagreement in translation and scholarship, loose record-keeping, factionalism, vested interest, myth-making, politics, power-play and sectarianism in religious history to hope that anyone today can provide ‘facts’ or definitive conclusions about people who lived in those times

@EricAlHarb - 04.01.2023 10:57

Yeah can’t see them as Mary’s children from the texts themselves. Only cause it would be absurd for her to live in johns household for the rest of her days.

@dynamic9016 - 26.12.2022 22:21

Really appreciate this video..

@carlharmeling512 - 13.12.2022 23:16

I’m surprised he doesn’t realize that Jesus abandoned and disowned his family and repudiated the concept of family loyalty in general and mocked dynastic succession. Your worst enemies will be your own family if you follow him, he said, and he questioned how the Messiah could be the son of David if David called him my Lord. Jesus did not respect genealogical inheritance but only the gift of the Holy Spirit. How is it his brother James suddenly shows up after Christ’s death and takes ‘control’ of the new movement? Who gave him this authority? Jesus character as the Messiah has nothing to do with genealogy. It’s bogus and Jesus’ life proves it.

@nature_nihilist - 12.12.2022 07:10

Fascinating as always Dr. Tabor! I especially always appreciate the recommendations for further reading. Love the outro as well. I am so impressed with the combination of excellent biblical scholarship and FUN in the modern world. This is my hobby interest and you certainly keep it interesting!

@stevenbaker436 - 11.12.2022 08:02

That's isn't holly water. Peter Paul and Mary.

@williamburych2136 - 10.12.2022 06:42

Jesus NEVER had biological brothers or sisters. Joseph knew that Mary's true spouse was The Holy Spirit (God). If they had had marital relations, they would have been guilty of ADULTERY against God.
James, the less, was Jesus' follower.
Brothers and sisters can mean distant family members. In ancient Hebrew, there were no words for grandparent, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece or cousin.
Even today, in some Protestant denominations, they refer to each other as brother and sister, although there is no biological relationship.
Remember, the mother of JAMES and Joses was Mary, the wife of Cleopas. The other James was the son of Zebedee.

@tawidwidkasit-an6930 - 10.12.2022 02:34

Joseph is only Jesus Adoptive Father...Jesus Bloodline DO Not Belong to the Abrahamic/ Mosaic/12 Tribes Bloodlines..Jesus Bloodline is the Holy Spirit...Jesus Belong to the Human Family because he was Born of a Woman ie born of Water & of Blood...James ,Peter & Paul were not the Founder of the First Church called EpHesus/EpJesus..Jesus is the Founder..Ep-is epicenter of his ministry is Middle East.. and Hesus is Jesus...Catholicsm Teaching with C as in Cannibalizing Jesus Teachings..while Protestantism with P as in Parasitizing/Parasites....John the Revelator & Mary(adopted mother of John) were the Founders of the 7th(last church) called Laodicea in the FarEast/South Chin Sea, thus we have Malay Race(4th Race) with M as in Maryam(Mary) , the Remnants of Her Seed.

@prl.5108 - 10.12.2022 01:55

Jimmy Christ - a very popular guy. He ran a Rent-a Camel business in West Jerusalem. In awe of his famous brother, he sort of slipped under the radar.

@anthonybardsley4985 - 09.12.2022 14:35

Peter was the apostle to the circumsision .the apostle of gentile reconciliation was Paul .biblical fact .

@newdawnrising8110 - 08.12.2022 03:13

Absolutely right regarding that sins were forgiven without Jesus’ death. Paul was not initiated but a self made apostle. He got it wrong but his teaching resonates with the masses.

@Vurbanowicz - 07.12.2022 22:29

Take that to the billion or so Roman Catholics who insist on the lady's perpetual virginity. The gospels mean "kinsmen," they say, not siblings. No one even suggests she conceived each one in that big brood with the power of the Holy Spirit. ("Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee again!") The Orthodox say James et al. were half-brothers from old Joe's previous marriage. A scholarly Spanish nun suggested that Mary had normal relations with Joe after the birth of Jesus and she got insults and death threats. Just in case you want to know what they mean when they say, "Soy muy catolico." Watch out for those Spanish Catholics! If you don't agree with "blessed Mary ever virgin," be careful where you open your mouth.

@dbog5214 - 06.12.2022 21:33

What about thomas didimus?

@tugatgalut - 06.12.2022 03:23

Yaakov was my name then. Yaakov HaTzadik (Ish Kadosh) I was stoned to death in Jerusalem. Clairvoyance session. Today i write parables through the Holy Spirit. 🙏 Kol Toov brother

@olivercromwell8688 - 06.12.2022 01:01

Tabor is just a modern day Gnostic, creating controversy with his Jesus dynasty, from the same cesspit as the Historical Jesus. Put simply they are all an attack on the Deity of our Saviour. He left us His WORD. Scriptures are INERRANT , they are GOD BREATHED. We should accept no authority from Apochrophal writings like the R C Church does, it would believe that Jesus had no brothers or sisters, and thus the nonsense that Mary was a perpetual virgin, thus legitimizing its doctrine of Mariology. I believe James to be the Lords brother along with other brothers and sisters.

@deanfranklin6870 - 03.12.2022 22:09

The removal of James is only part of the heresy. They also removed the women. Barely commenting on their importance to Jesus, but completely stripping out that EVERY Apostle had to have a female companion. Because of the strictness of society men couldn't minister privately to any woman they're not married to or related to. Thus the necessity of female Apostles

@annehersey9895 - 03.12.2022 10:38

I read a book, 'In Search of the Historical Jesus'. Research historians found an original source passage from a court talking about, 'James of Nazareth, Brother of Jesus'. This tells me that yes, there was a man named Jesus in Nazareth who had a brother James. Sometimes, this is all we are going to get but to me it gives credence to the realism vs mythology.

@alholdway2003 - 03.12.2022 01:08

Revelation was written before all of the other new testament books. The 7 thunders of revelation were 7 brothers. Later on they became the 12 apostles. The sermon on the mount and Cesar's coin ( render on to ceasar) was from the essene Jesus. He did not have 6 brothers or 12 apostles. Did Peter kill Ananias and Sapphira because they " lied to God " because they didn't give all of their wealth to the church? The family of seditious Zealots were violent against Rome and and judea. The essene Jesus was not killing, collecting wealth or seeking power to overthrow Rome.

@pjh3066 - 03.12.2022 01:05

Vatican and Pope have nothing to do with the church Christ built. They are fake and an imposter of the true church.

@patriciapalmer4215 - 03.12.2022 00:39

I was under the impression he was defacto head of the Jerusalem faction of the movement and It was him who Paul initially reported to. They were constantly at odds, Jerusalem stuck in the minutea of the Jewish ideal, monies disbursement and administration and finally Paul just ran with it.. I haven't watched this yet

@hippiejayethestrangegarden5526 - 01.12.2022 17:53

Interesting, this is the closest interpretation of these passages I have heard, that correlates to the visions I have experienced in relation to the "new" heavens, "new" earth, and the "cosmos." This perspective, gives me much hope, as my personal experience with whom I consider as the "Living and Risen One," has far gone past what is consider doctrinally sound or "scriptural" by much of the western church. I would have chosen to be an atheist and walk away, had it not been for what I have seen, heard, and experienced. I know I'm not the only one that has gone through this "transformation," because you can't describe it in a reasonable, rational manner, but I so appreciate what Dr. Tabor is sharing from these earliest writings and the encouragement it brings to me as I long to know what I am reading from scripture is genuine.

@jdaze1 - 01.12.2022 16:27

James was the brother of John the Baptist who was also John the apostle and John the Revelator. The character Jesus is actually John who was given his NEW Name when he became a new creation at his spiritual resurrection. Phillipians 2:9-10 just like Jacob and others were given new names.. The same new name we all receive at our miracle new birth. Rev. 3:12. As Isaiah 53 says he lived a long life and saw his seed. John was the promised seed of David who prepared the way for the Spirit of truth as noted in Isaiah 40:3. LORD in hebrew is the Father, or the Spirit of truth, that speaks the Word to his prophets/sons or as most know him as the Holy Spirit. The Father has many spirits not just one. All of Davids seed are called to be the anointed ones as Psalm 18:50 and other verses say.

@paulokas69 - 01.12.2022 14:28

Paul wrote about some "Brothers of the Lord"
Mark historicises those brothers of the Lord as biological brothers of Jesus Nazarene

@smacdiesel - 01.12.2022 10:37

I think Martin Luther also hated James. Too much works and such.

@willempasterkamp862 - 01.12.2022 02:40

Paul , Saul (nicknamed James the just) had 2 sons aka as the (two) witnesses or the 'twin' (dioskuroi) ;
Silas (little saul) & Barnabbas (son, heir, prince, the 'beloved' or appointee of his father) ,
Silas (nicknamed James the less or lesser) aka as Stephanos (crown-bearer) or Andronicus (andrew, drusus) ,
Junias (the younger brother, Barnabbas is his nickname) is by this occasian named 'the Lord' becuz he became
the heir after Silas has fallen away. Stephanos was during his lifetime never a success, only rewarded as a
'crownbearer' after his martyr's death. He was a minor figure of less importance compared to the 3 pillars ;
James (Paul), Peter (Simon) and John (Junias). Paul met 'only' James (the less) who was merely the brother of
the successor , the greater guy ; John (nobody born of a - certain - woman greater then John).
That 'nobody' is Silas

@djpodesta - 01.12.2022 02:22

Question… What is the theological point of early church Christians; or followers of Jesus;- through to today’s church, trying to point to a supposedly fulfilled prophecy with Jesus being traced back to David; through the (maybe) line of Joseph - when, on the other hand, they want us to believe Joseph had nothing to do with His birth.

@Robert_L_Peters - 30.11.2022 23:26

Thank you

@RomanPaganChurch - 30.11.2022 21:02

Misreading Matthew 16 is needed for the Catholics belief they have Supreme Authority. It's also where Peter is called Satan, so it makes sense.

@dbarker7794 - 30.11.2022 21:02

Good discussion. Currently reading The Jesus Dynasty. Thanks for the pointer to the book Just James.

@Mika-El- - 30.11.2022 20:03

I bet a donkey that the theology/comogony of Valentinus is the most correct and close to Yeshua's teaching - by far.

@walkman1984 - 30.11.2022 19:58

catholicism is a cult, has nothing to do with christianity. in fact the catholic church is responsible for murdering christians during dark ages, read Foxe's Book of Martyrs

@thenazareneperspective2734 - 30.11.2022 19:52

I believe that if Jesus was the "Prophet like unto Moses", then it applies in many ways. If Moses is the template, then just as Aaron is the older brother of Moses, in my opinion, Jesus is the younger brother of James. James was the leader of the Nazarene Jews after Jesus' ascension. The Nazarenes (the contemporaries of Jesus and the Apostles) according to Epiphanius believed Jesus to be the naturally conceived and born son of Mary and Joseph.

@phillipmorris4555 - 30.11.2022 18:56

This is even mocked in our jury system to this day.
