Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan: The Christian Sexual Ethic  (Seminar)

Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan: The Christian Sexual Ethic (Seminar)

Ligonier Ministries

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@gregb6469 - 04.06.2024 19:54

Christians, especially those in leadership positions, need to stop being afraid of offending those who hate us and our Lord by telling them the truth about sin and its consequences.

@kimsteinke713 - 02.06.2024 21:06

Well, authoritarianism is about the desire to exercise control that trumps freedom. 👆

@mrs.ingham - 30.05.2024 21:09

On stage among men, with her Bible open, exhorting men as well as women… how is this not a violation of 1 Timothy 2:11-13?

@demosthenesflorival6555 - 30.05.2024 19:56

Thank you! I was both blessed and edified.

@Zilam - 29.05.2024 22:32

"Don't be a heretic"

Sound words :P

@imlistening3218 - 29.05.2024 21:29

Goodness Christopher, you look like your Dad!!
Excellent conversation, you 3, thank you!

@ginadiviak9519 - 29.05.2024 20:36

So needed to hear this. As a parent of a daughter who has gone astray in this ideology, it is so painful. But God 🙏🏽

@ginadiviak9519 - 29.05.2024 20:34

Pursue the unbeliever.

@evangelinerodriguez8927 - 29.05.2024 20:27

Amen. Thanking God for bringing everything into light. Thanking the Lord for your teaching. Heaven Rules.

@noelgibson4274 - 29.05.2024 08:34

I love the conviction and urgency that Mrs. Butterfield speaks with! Praise the LORD 🙏🏾♥️

@user-hi8rg7bl2s - 28.05.2024 23:16

Many important statements, including some practical ones, eg: look at the influences; help your college bound or moving house offspring to find a biblically sound local church.👏🏽👏🏽

@sarahkorea - 28.05.2024 21:52

Judgemental take! Compassion plz towards those who really struggle with same sex attraction. DON'T get set Free as you explain freedom. I feel saddened at what I'm hearing. Knowing several people who love God and CHOOSE to be celibate.

@sueyourself - 28.05.2024 19:56

It was a wonderful video/presentation but everyone, including the host and speakers in general, have to STOP using the word “gay”. This only goes to further the influence this movement has on you - gay is a legitimate word that has been perverted by culture. The correct description is “homosexual” - get over it and use the word!

@amberwhite6086 - 28.05.2024 17:48

Amen and Amen.

@gingertankersley2997 - 28.05.2024 03:11

I think Rosaria's "plan" for her next ten years is absolutely the truth for every Christian. Be faithful in the role and place we are to build His church.

@DogSoldier1948 - 28.05.2024 02:16

We are not physically born in the image of God.
We are elected, regenerated, and sanctified, and after our physical death, we are glorified. We are made in the image of God through regeneration, sanctification, and glorification.

@MM-yv4qi - 27.05.2024 22:16

You deleted the link I sent earlier. Just trying to give people a free resource as it should be. Jesus didn’t charge for His sacrifice did He?

@MM-yv4qi - 27.05.2024 22:07

I think R.C. Sproul would be appalled

@MM-yv4qi - 27.05.2024 22:05

There is still a gay agenda to put those with gay lifestyles in the public to teach. It’s promoted largely by those in the church that have family that live openly gay lifestyles to that there is an amalgamation of unholy to holiness. It’s unnecessary to bring out an opportunist with his own personal agenda to profiteer from Gods people. If it’s important then make it free. Particularly if he’s the front man of by people we all know that have hidden gay agendas that are well known in the church as being unfit to preach or teach and still do.

@MM-yv4qi - 27.05.2024 21:43

While it’s important to have Christian’s be a voice. It’s also important to realize that God has allowed some to teach and others are not to do so. If you’re still living within a gay lifestyle then you should not teach and prayers are useless as they’re hindered for a man. The Bible is clear on the matter. Mrs. Butterfield seems to be open with her position as she is now married, but what is Mr. Yuans position? And if you think it’s not proper to ask these questions, that’s ridiculous. They must be asked so we might know that intent of man and what kind of person intends to “teach” or postures themselves as an authority. The Church does not run on degrees and accolades of man but on the law of God, Jesus’ way and God as the ultimate authority.

@kimber9000 - 27.05.2024 15:43

Thank you for having Rosario and Christopher. Every time I listen to them, I learn and grow as a Christian, and feel better equipped when facing these challenges. I'm encouraged by their love and devotion for Christ, their immovable stance for the truth, and their deep desire for people to know Christ. God bless you all.

@MM-yv4qi - 27.05.2024 08:17

Finally Christian’s that aren’t afraid to talk about sex and sin. Now let’s teach our kids about their bodies and Gods covenant. I wrote a book for children and it’s free online. It’s called Hannah avalyn and Emilia Jane and things that are hard to explain. A very funny book about serious stuff.

@williamgeorgepeter2969 - 27.05.2024 06:49


There's a God's law of creation, if a male child is born then equally a female child is also be born correspondingly, they're born for each other bearing the image of God with one another, so if a man becomes young & apply this law in search of his fiance then he would absolutely come to know where she has been born, her religion, her name, her language, her culture etc., and in this Godly life project, there's no place for sin or sexuality or desire for lustful thoughts, caste, creed, culture, language, religion, race. 

God's Spirit indwelled man can send his DNA in the form of an invisible Spirit & impregnate his wife without physically touching her. This should've been a way for procreation in the beginning but it was lost, and instead the sinful way, meaning sexual relationships was imposed or introduced by an adversary the devil 😈 so as to run this world 🌍.

However, an adversary the devil is keen and don't allow Godly life project in this world 🌍, so he takes action to destroy either of one who strive for a Godly life, most probably the devil who have his disciples of wicked guys & motivate them who would take an action to deceive the concerned female during the days of her youth & led her into a prostitution, and it would be known to the concerned male who have been born for her, and prompt him to mental agony but when an appropriate time comes both of them meet in person, the female doesn't know to whom she meets, it's just like that for her, and leave him but the male does know to whom he meets & knew that his fiance has become a victim of his battle against the power of darkness the devil, and no mistake in her part, so it is a great deal for him to meet her with great LOVE, but end up with a great lose of his life by losing her. John 4 has this story back in the 1st century, Samaritan woman was a victim and born as a wife of the Messiah but destroyed by an adversary the devil 😈.

This world survives the way it is to this day, however this world would come to an end through one who have discovered the God's theory of creation and apply, and he may lose his life and he can't try to build his life with some other female since someother woman has been born for some other male, thus he can't, and in this kind of situation God would take an action to bring this world to an end, and in this reason the world affairs like politics, science, economy, tecnology, wars, natural calamities etc., are playing a role as a battle between Light and darkness which would come to an end & God shall return so as to reward him an everlasting life, creating the New Heaven and New Earth & throwing an adversary along with his wicked guys to the lake of fire 🔥. 

Conclusion: Men have discovered the physical laws that govern our universe, but the purpose they have failed to figure out, and still searching, this tiny message may an eye opener for those who still search for answers of life tough questions. This world was begun with one couple and in same manner this world 🌍 would come to an end with one couple who have been in the creation theory of God, so this world would come to the climax within 3.5 years from now as of May 2024.

@annettebaskerville1582 - 26.05.2024 12:05

be nice if you spoke in layman's language. When you say as an opening remark "...taking an existential reality of sexuality and turning it into an ontological reality" you leave many listeners stranded at the starters block,. I for one haven't got a clue what it means.

@paulajames6149 - 26.05.2024 06:33

My husband and I are on opposite sides. He is for compassion and I am for truth. It is tough to work through that as we parent our 16 and 18 yr olds. We have gone through the Holy Sexuality video series with our teens. Thank you Rosario and Christopher for the clarity. Appreciate you both!

@1Whipperin - 26.05.2024 02:20

Once church-goers accepted the sinful step of state licensed egalitarian marriage abrogating Biblical patriarchal marriage, state licensed homosexual marriage was a logical next sinful step.

@deborahsnyder697 - 25.05.2024 16:37

I love Christopher and Rosaria. Such wisdom and logic, all from God's holy word.

@PastorDavidBess - 25.05.2024 14:23

Thank you, Ligonier, for having this panel discussion with Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan. All three of you together present clear, helpful Biblical truth in age of confusion for the world and much of the church.

@ung0liant - 25.05.2024 13:12

if singleness being preferable to marriage is a misreading of 1 Cor, I'd like to know why

@dereklee2590 - 25.05.2024 12:23

Amen the love for truth speak the harsh emotional gut wretching truth:) 😔

@dereklee2590 - 25.05.2024 12:18

And also not let the school teach about pornography

@petrujusca7078 - 25.05.2024 11:44

Ce Mai lipseste unui om incercat de ratacirea asta, in afara de înțelegerea naturi umane și a voinței Li Dumnezeu

@stephengorman1025 - 25.05.2024 10:08

This was both helpful and challenging. However 'you be godly parents and let God decide' begs the question decide what? I presume whether to save our children or pass over them. It is this aspect of Calvinism that whilst 'having a form of godliness denies the power thereof' and distorts the character of God.
God was in Christ reconciling the World to Himself and that includes our children (both the older and younger brother (or sister)). Grace and Peace Colossians 1v15-20

@ernies8828 - 25.05.2024 10:07

The entire satanic-demonic marxist/socialist/communist identity politics replacement ideology is responsible going back since the fall of mankind to this day in one form or another. LGBTQIA+, Hollywood/television series/movies, social media, artificial intelligence and alternate reality, big tech, the public education system, socialist darwinism, and the "diversity, equity and inclusion" are a huge part of this connection and indoctrination.

The main target, of course, is us true Christians. That's why you have people like Amy Grant sadly falling prey to affirming her niece's lesbian wedding. Other than the beautiful movie "I Can Only Imagine," where she did the right thing in allowing Bart to have that song, knowing this was his calling and heart, I can not accept her anymore. This is a blatant sickness and vicious divisional tactic that has made its way into many avenues of our society and culture.

When I stood against this trash, many people from my high school I graduated from, went after me, mocked me, and rejected me for my stand against the homosexuality and alternative lifestyles. To this day, I have not recanted my position against this garbage. I have few friends, which is understood and accepted positively, and was never close to some of my family, also being adopted. And many just don't care, or don't want to hear it.

When Barack Obama allowed the gay marriage to be voted on in the Supreme Court, my concerns were that much more confirmed. I warned people that this has been progressing for many decades and centuries. Even since the far left liberal Democrat Woodrow Wilson, many things were reversed and changed negatively by Wilson that Abraham Lincoln previously corrected and made better.

Ever since then, save the two best presidents in my lifetime, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, things have been a whirlwind of unresolved issues. What she said about the wrong culture teaching singleness is better than marriage is spot on. And the attack on single conservative Christian men is a very dark and vicious agenda. And its been going on in the church long before we have all been alive. I know. I was born in the 70s, and I never found any female to marry. Gee, I wonder why? Yeah.

I was a victim of cults/gangland stalking, defamation, blacklisting and smear tactics. Most charismatic/NAR/word of faith are the culprits of these issues, but others have also been. People have been programmed and brainwashed forever, and it's both tragic and sad.

What she also said was an absolute, undeniable fact: that you are born in the image of God. You are NOT in any way gay, lesbian, transgender, or anything else but a natural-born male or female. And repentance of sin and allowing the Savior and Messiah Jesus Christ to heal you and save you is absolutely needed. Think about it.

@octag8nn - 25.05.2024 06:36

Fantastic 😮

@oar-N-oasis - 25.05.2024 06:31

My prayer is, may our living triune GOD have mercies to LGBTQ communities.

@Sheraleeable - 25.05.2024 05:26

Our identity is in Christ…..I wish they had said that.

@marebear09 - 25.05.2024 04:55

I just finished reading Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age. It was excellent.

@LitteLoneSparrow - 25.05.2024 03:21

Thank you Jesus, for raising up the very best people to speak on any given matter. Thank you for saving us and opening our eyes to your truth.

@sheryloleniczak2540 - 25.05.2024 02:11

Christians need to begin speaking out that there is no such thing as a transgender child. “He created them male and female.” Genesis 1:27. This truth is not being discussed enough by Christians in this conversation. Christians should not acknowledge the term gender in this conversation. I wish Ligonier Ministries would have come out stronger in this conversation. Call transgenderism a gnostic cult so we can clearly defeat its horrific grip on children.

@stephendavies2925 - 25.05.2024 00:32

Lust is a sin! An evil spirit that enters a person and lives there!

@MarcMarvels - 24.05.2024 22:21

They let her cook, and she cooked!

@leannemarie9173 - 24.05.2024 22:02


@sungcha3563 - 24.05.2024 20:47

The greatest efforts by the Gay movement has always been to legitimize their "sinful nature" as not being a "sin" but a biological reality as created by God and Nature (their God). They then have pressed their agenda by trying to brainwash the public into believing that to go against them is to is to go against "Nature" and or "God's creativity".

@leslietascoff9784 - 24.05.2024 20:42

Thank you for inviting Rosaria and Christopher. There are a LOT of parents and grandparents that want to be faithful to Christ and love our prodigals.

@marionwatford8360 - 24.05.2024 20:42

We must be willing to speak TRUTH to anyone that has believed the lies of satan!

@ernstdevries7990 - 24.05.2024 19:52

