The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Explained | Research | The Ocean Cleanup

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Explained | Research | The Ocean Cleanup

The Ocean Cleanup

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@inspiredwisdomcoaching7467 - 28.10.2023 20:08

Don't you love how places are banning plastic straws but take out container use has jumped since the Rona. Things that make you go hmmmmmm 😂

@tellyusi1381 - 14.10.2023 12:14

This ocean clean up must be dealt with ,with utmost urgency n gravity!

@tellyusi1381 - 14.10.2023 12:12

Hoping all nations will work hand in hand in this noble action to save marine life n humans as well!

@oGrasshoppero - 06.09.2023 19:44

Imagine if we spent all this time and effort cleaning up the trash we have on land...but instead we are spending our resources bringing more trash onto land. One of the most effective ways to break down trash is with exposure to the sun over time. That's why trash on land needs to be constantly circulated so everything gets some sun exposure. Out in the ocean, trash automatically arranges itself to have maximum surface area exposed to the sun...we simply dont have that kind of surface area on land to have the same effect. Bringing this trash back on land will be even worse!!

@artysanmobile - 27.08.2023 00:33

“Increasing exponentially…” Please take a moment to understand the meaning of this overused, throwaway phrase before using it, particularly when no supporting metrics are given. It makes the user sound simple.

@sunshynff - 14.08.2023 07:39

Well by all the feel good comments I see this fluff piece of a story is still going strong! Not trying to crap on the clean up effort of The Oceans Cleanup Group, but come on people.

Do you even realize how small 200,000kg (420,000lbs or 220 tons) is compared to the overall size of the GPGP? The GPGP is triple the size of France or double the size of Texas and has a mass of 80,000 tons, so the 220 tons they extracted was less than 0.3% of the GPGP. While the GPGP is the largest garbage patch in the ocean, it's not the only one, there are two slightly smaller in the Atlantic, and dozens of smaller ones scattered everywhere.

98% of these garbage patches are plastic and Ocean's Cleanup claim they recycling those plastics, I'd like to know where?? The reason they're in the ocean is because only about 5% of the plastics we use are recycled. There's no more money in recycling the rest, and in a capitalist world, no profit mean nothing gets done. We in the U.S. ship our plastics to underdeveloped countries who gladly take the measly money we give them and dump it landfills until they realize that doesn't work and it ends up in the ocean. They claim half of it is thermally recycled, but that puts extremely harmful toxins in our atmosphere. The only real solution is to stop using these plastics in the first place, so they never get to the ocean. But that would mean sacrificing a little profit for companies, and a little more effort and a bit less convenient for consumers, and we couldn't have that now could we? So instead we get videos like this one, paid for by plastic conglomerates and fossil fuel lobbyists, NOT backed by Ocean Cleanup Group, because they know how much a fluff piece like this makes people feel all warm and fuzzy thinking we've got a handle on environmental waste and can go on blissfully destroying the planet so they can still have the convenience of disposable everything, guilt free.

@rukmalsom - 03.05.2023 05:45

This is good

@davepowell7168 - 17.04.2023 06:12

No actual video? Cheap cartoon propaganda

@yolosdeathdave - 08.12.2022 16:43

This makes me mad and sad i really hope we overcome this before its too late

@LocoLifeEntertainment - 18.06.2022 08:19


@user-gc2kw9dq3e - 25.03.2022 12:06

Мне это в школе сказали смотреть

@zingcool1740 - 28.11.2021 17:38

Went ahead and read this in their very own research. I coulndt really understand but yeah its the same page. 💖💖💖

@ivo8312 - 24.11.2021 01:07

not much point in cleanup if we still continue polluting

@tomfontaine7263 - 15.11.2021 19:35

Woula j'ai eu 15🏢

@rebekah1216 - 01.10.2021 06:45

Tell me why the health food store passes out free disposable facial censored words I cannot say located the front of the store next to the volunteer sheet for Beach cleanup and turtle rescue while selling products with material made from vile compostable materials safe and sustainable along with paper straws for the turtles yet pass out these you know what's that undoubtedly have caused more courage to the oceans creatures and daily Street gutters then 10 years of plastic. ?? Can anyone answer that for me I have too much common sense to understand what's going on these days my critical thinking skills cause a handicap of understanding the lack of rationale which everything is now founded upon forgive me it's much harder to devolve then evolve once truth has been known to then try and ignore while being told to be a good person who stands up for their beliefs of altruism and the environment in a contradictory dichotomy that only Uranus can fix because the irreconcilable can only be reconciled with the cosmic energy of guy's husband return supposedly I like to add the astrology because I'm correct in the rationale opening with and yet I still have these so-called woo woo beliefs which any materialist reader will then have their own inner dilemma with reconciling clear truth coming out of a Looney tune psyche and no way to categorize such things in a university design compartmentalized brain which sections off anything dealing with higher aspects of humanity as if the inner calling for a higher purpose every human aside from social paths and the born psychos innately have and simply blow it off marginalize it down to serotonin and lobsters as some instinctual program despite all the synchronicities and undoubted crisis of psyche happening around the globe with symptoms matching that of the betas explanations of Life Force Kundalini biomagnetism and Oregon energy all now fact to the intellectually honest with the recent sensitive equipment beginning 2019 and undoubtedly hundreds of years prior yet covered up and turned religious or New age bonkers. Tell me scientist of rational material ivy league education, why is everything the new agers were saying might happen in line with the shamanic prophecies of the indigenous people now definitely occurring exactly as many of them predicted? Is this the hundred monkeys and typewriters scenario which though was a complete flop the first time will somehow be valid for explaining this time because just like the DSM and psychiatric fields number one go to solution of trying new medications every time old ones don't work repeating the same thing expecting different results as labeled in their own book termed insanity while acting out said insanity without any self-awareness or acknowledgment once brought to their attention. ? I have no college education and I consider that my number one advantage over all you PhD graduates so-called experts trying to solve the Earth's problems. I got solutions to all kinds of things you can even say it was your own idea cuz I don't care about prestige I care about the environment not becoming extinct with the rest of us

@tlfortynine - 10.09.2021 19:52


@K3nnon - 10.09.2021 18:00

i thought we were just sitting their going "Huh guess we're gonna let the world end. But now i realize that were doing something.

@jinjekang4300 - 08.04.2021 02:24

The illustration is AMAZING, the video itself is really cool!

@jinjekang4300 - 08.04.2021 02:19

This is literally awesome, I would like to be part something like this when I’m an adult.

@paulbradley9912 - 06.04.2021 00:46

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... What ARE the "Larger Objects" exactly!, and are some discarded fishing nets and gear? ... Like the 46% that is?

@iFonzo - 31.03.2021 09:17

Any update on how much have they cleaned up?

@jannahebner5110 - 30.03.2021 16:05

So did the clean up begin in 2018

@juliangregorymaricahuaoroc1093 - 14.03.2021 05:01

this is very important because is literally saving our future.. right know, in my country perú we live so so for these.

@skylolo50 - 14.03.2021 00:05

Mega expedition. 30 boats. 2 giant trawls. Areal survey by plane. 1.6 square km. 3 times the size of France. And yet no pictures and no videos of all this. These cleanup people didn't have cellphones to take pictures with ?

@jacksonhillrichs6028 - 25.02.2021 18:15

literally nobody cares

@ctmcbride - 25.02.2021 18:15

hi jackson ;)

@tomlawrence3991 - 23.02.2021 06:32

Scoop that shit up

Chop it up

Make it into diesel

@ameywani8 - 20.01.2021 23:33

We need to understand that life is extremely rare and as the most
intelligent species of the planet, its our duty to protect every single
living organism from a non-natural death. The best case scenario is we
make space travel super cheaper and stop this by dumping the plastics on
other inhabitable planets or moons. Otherwise a time may come when we
will have to leave this planet and find another habitable one and the
latter case of finding another habitable planet is very less probable
than the dumping one.

@CodfishJoe - 14.11.2020 06:57

Do we have any guesses as to how much plastic exists below the surface? Not all plastics are buoyant, so surely some amount of it must drift to the ocean floor, where I can't imagine it isn't causing its own harm.

@4te1ya_ - 30.09.2020 08:32

And wan i see a trash I throw it to the trash

@4te1ya_ - 30.09.2020 08:31

Oh my god my family never do this my mom says to clean the city

@jaapydude2684 - 25.09.2020 02:17


@ggsay1687 - 12.09.2020 18:52

who created that garbage?

@sophiacabral3598 - 20.08.2020 23:20

how does it move?

@selfcaretoyou - 01.08.2020 05:53

This data should be made public for other innovative project to invent more efficient methods

@AlexHolland123 - 17.07.2020 06:02

Do they prevent killing sea life when they do this though?

@iamthewalrus. - 06.07.2020 18:50

Sees huge conglomerate of trash gather in the Pacific Ocean

Humans: lets study this

@ericschmuecker5573 - 04.07.2020 13:51

Idiots 1.2 million tiny TINY bits of plastic. Inert plastic. Very misleading. I want to see you fucks pick up trash put it in a pile. You all are money suckers. Idiots. Lazy. Learn why we use plastics. Because its. Harmless. neutral. Inert. Blank. Like your nutsacks.

@keenapatel9360 - 19.06.2020 13:13


@nataliaarreola5476 - 12.06.2020 01:45

i used it for a science thing!

@quinndomina - 01.06.2020 04:27


@bellabanks701 - 28.05.2020 14:10

thank you so much for teaching people to try and save our planet i really respect you and what you do to try stop pollution

you guys are amazing

@mistynolan2891 - 27.05.2020 11:05

I know I am only young but I want to help clean it up

@larryt7001 - 15.05.2020 02:38


@bunnyandkiwi7012 - 14.05.2020 11:37

Geography work anyone else

@PURETENNISsense - 11.05.2020 14:06

This is an amazing explanation!! Thank you for sharing this and helping us become more aware!!

@arjungupta588 - 09.04.2020 10:39

Wow, three times of france.....

@peterpowis4145 - 13.03.2020 01:12

Its a shame two years were spent cataloguing plastic pieces, just for data, when those 2 years could have been spent cleaning the ocean. Hope this clean up operation works, but plastic must be banned from being dumped in the seas and oceans! Its criminal!
