COLLEGE 101 // what you need to know before your first year.

COLLEGE 101 // what you need to know before your first year.


2 года назад

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Super Nova
Super Nova - 07.09.2023 04:15

You're really fun to watch and have a great personality, I hope you have a wonderful day!

ChiChi - 04.09.2023 19:23

Just finished my first month of freshman year and watching this :)))

Nicole Jones
Nicole Jones - 26.08.2023 07:10

Watched this a year late but I agree with these 😁

bella nicole
bella nicole - 22.08.2023 00:57

Best college prep video!! Thank you!

Oh no Oh no
Oh no Oh no - 11.08.2023 02:48

Interesting video! What I'm learning from all these college videos is that college is a very different thing in Canada vs the states

Castarrossi - 10.08.2023 13:19

c’s get degrees 💀

Ten Kawaguchi
Ten Kawaguchi - 09.08.2023 17:41

Thank-you!!! Your content is awesome.

Ishika Garg
Ishika Garg - 07.08.2023 12:17

Starting my law school in 20 days..! I took a gap year after completing my high school..! Feeling overwhelmed..!

Sparkle - 30.07.2023 10:53

I won't be a freshman this year (sophomore in community college lol) however i struggled HARD last year with my classes.

I wanted to start off in community college because i wasn't even sure if i even wanted to go to college in the first place. In High School I had around a 3.8 GPA with me being in the top 50 out of my class of 200. I wasn't the top student or anything, but i definitely had a way easier time in High School.

Now I'm going into my Sophomore year with a 2.3 GPA and 22 credits, but only because i got a few extra credits in High School so i was barely able to meet the credit requirement to he a sophomore 🙃

My main problem was that I had no idea how to study, because i just didn't in high school, and i wouldn't take any of the tutoring classes that were offered due to me having the mindset that "i don't need tutoring, i was a great student". (Also i just never woke up on time lol 😂)

My second semester i also switched to Music Major since I figured if I'm gonna attend classes, i might as well do something i enjoy (i was a business major) sadly since i started in spring, i had to wait till this next semester to start music theory and some of my music prerequisite classes. Once i finish cc, i do hope to continue to a university and already have my basics out of the way 😅

Fane - 17.07.2023 02:54

I was one of those lucky/unlucky bunca (depending on how you look at it) that went to college online during the pandemic. This year I am going back! With my younger sister!!!! We're both going to study programming so well have the same classes. And neither of us have friends so we want to make a friend group together :) I'm super excited!

ryu 🎧
ryu 🎧 - 16.07.2023 14:29

gonna come back to this two years later fr

Username - 08.07.2023 18:47

Before i turned 18 i used to SAVE A LOT and do budgeting always, but now that im 18, i can't seem to stop spending🥲😭

Moonmoon - 06.07.2023 20:19

i go to my teachers at office hours in highschool years and elementary years because i just love hearing about their experience in their subject field, how they got there, what were their hardships. The teachers were also very happy to talk about it and were very open to me. i am very glad that i can still do that in college, communicating to professional people has been the most fun thing i do and it also takes alot of stress off for both parties.

Lucas Holladay
Lucas Holladay - 05.07.2023 22:42

This is so helpful, lots of great advice

Jane Seymour
Jane Seymour - 30.06.2023 05:37

Just passed my GED test and now i'm planning on going to college

Nirasha - 25.06.2023 17:38

Lol they do that egry year or at least everytime you go into a newschool "they won't be so easy on you next year "

ImaginaRae - 19.06.2023 06:06

I don’t even know what AP or GEs or a major even is 😭😭😭 why doesn’t school teach you what the heck college is if the whole point is “preparing for college”

Kelly H. Dorsa
Kelly H. Dorsa - 15.06.2023 02:15

Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure

Laura Zenteno
Laura Zenteno - 14.06.2023 06:37

I wish I saw this a year ago. TT
