USA vs China: To Sink a Carrier

USA vs China: To Sink a Carrier


3 года назад

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@charlesdecker2680 - 23.11.2021 06:31

Hey man, retired marine here. Stumbled across this channel last night. Absolutely loved both videos. I noticed however that you only have two videos posted over the last 6 months. I don’t know if it’s because you became disinterested or the fact that it takes a long time to produce these videos, but I do sincerely hope you keep pushing out content. This was fantastic.

@sturgeon2888 - 08.02.2024 22:43

Hello. Like many other comments I am also US American citizen who is definitely not Chinese government employee. This is great video. veery accuracy. US navy should not mess with PLA.

@Initiate_Atlas12 - 08.02.2024 04:42

Having Atlas as a callsign would be cool . . .

@eduluz5577 - 08.02.2024 03:47

this feels like a bunch of US propaganda

@owmylehg7811 - 07.02.2024 11:23

I find the lack of ships surrounding the carrier to be pretty unrealistic. Even if it was coming back from a lot intensity support mission, there would've been more ships in the strike group because they were traveling through a high tension zone. Carriers like the Ronald Reagan are our most valuable assets, and the Navy wouldn't let something that important go through such a tense zone with such little support. Plus, you seem to forget about any support coming from Taiwan or Japan. They almost certainly would've scrambled fighters in support as soon as fighting started. Even though they're pretty far away, they would've arrived near the end of the battle and totally could've helped turn things around and keep the strike group save. Because of that, the carrier strike group would've most likely been able to defend itself perfectly fine, and it definitely would not have been completely destroyed like that. If this did somehow happen IRL, then yeah it would've most likely ended like it does in the simulation. But the lack of support as shown in the simulation would most likely never happen.

@ghostofmarx867 - 07.02.2024 06:34

This is wildly unrealistic. AMRAAM is a good missile, but all evidence points to the PL-15 being it's equal, and neither is capable of high hit probabilities at their maximum ranges.

There's no overcoming physics; giving the US an almost 100% hit probability, especially when you predict them firing at the extreme end of their ranges against defensive targets is beyond the realm of believability.

@Nopenahnahna666 - 06.02.2024 18:06

Video game looks fun but do you really think a version released to the public holds all the cards in our arsenal? I bet our stealth bombers hit their ships before they can release new barrage

@ryanjuvida1953 - 06.02.2024 12:24

US is always the aggressor

@thomas1848 - 06.02.2024 03:28

Made in Abyss?????????????????????????????????????????????

@thomasD215 - 06.02.2024 02:19

Hey I'm sorry I'm a little late to the video but let me understand so did the US lose this scrimmage?

@strajko2117 - 05.02.2024 22:38

The end is particularly striking for me. All those casualties listed... I can only imagine being In a jet above the big, endless blue, dangling from a chute not knowing how horrible of an end I will meet. At that point getting blown across the sky in pieces would be a more dignified end. I can't imagine the fear of drifting afloat in the water for days not knowing if anyone will ever come or being a sailor inside a sinking ship in the lower compartments without a way out. To think about how every one of those ships and planes had at least one poor bastard in them gives me a weird feeling, and certainly not a good one.

@leohedrick1624 - 05.02.2024 12:09

😂😂😂 zero bias here completely horse shit

@mduarte1972 - 05.02.2024 11:56


@ultimatebigbrainhelth3161 - 05.02.2024 03:11

only 3 escorts? even for strike groups traveling through greece, they can easily have 6 other ships along with 1 or more subs

@FranktheDachshund - 04.02.2024 23:17

Damn that was exciting, it seems that 2 carrier tasks forces should work together in the south China sea at all times.

@thepovertysoldier9220 - 04.02.2024 21:47

I reckon the Seawolf simply existing would completely change the outcome from what was in this video

@greywolf2809 - 04.02.2024 08:09

Can this be a video game

@axelmilan4292 - 03.02.2024 22:29

All China needs to do is hold up a giant sign that says "there are only 2 genders" and they can destroy the US military without firing a shot.

@user-pf3cu4lo7u - 03.02.2024 20:40

This seems to me the equivalent of chanting "USA! USA! USA!"

@user-pf3cu4lo7u - 03.02.2024 20:37

The pl 12s being useless is completely unrealistic. They are not the state of the art, however they are still a very capable missle by all accounts.

@x_hibernia - 03.02.2024 19:58

I bet you this doesn't take in count that china is a paper army and there huge rocket force is a sham due to the fact china is corrupt to the core plus they've never been in a war and we all know meat wave tactics if you can call it that is a complete waste and seen as they want to emulate ruzzia they'll do exactly that

@RonaldTrumpOfficial - 03.02.2024 17:18

Something tells me though that it’s too late for all the Chinese. F22 went rogue again and grounded their entire airforce before the situation.

@joemadly6295 - 03.02.2024 15:01

LMAO how much did my dumbass government pays for this propaganda video for that "blameless mistake" comment

@colummahony3364 - 03.02.2024 14:51

I believed this was real for 15 minutes haha

@boom-wj1gt - 03.02.2024 14:08

ok this is the type of simulation ik the military want to do is a lost and from that lost they need to see what shit can they do to improve for if its a real battle they are ready

@lucaspelissoni_ - 03.02.2024 13:29

Acecombat lore

@MH-dy5pb - 03.02.2024 11:17

Glory to the Peoples Republic of China

@companymen42 - 03.02.2024 10:28

You forgot one important fact, the fuel in chinas planes was replaced with water😂

@Delta--Saint - 03.02.2024 09:21

Thank you, regards. 335th FTS

@zeekdafreak1 - 03.02.2024 05:50

We will see how your video holds up in a few years. Hope you don’t have to eat bias crow.

@FlyinJMan - 03.02.2024 01:38

No war will occur between the US and China unless it is instigated by the US. And US will lose because it will be a defensive war for China. Nice fantasy scenario presentation though.

@LA2047 - 03.02.2024 00:26

Very compelling video! If something like this did go down this way, the thing that should have the Chinese seriously worried is that they just sunk one carrier group. The US has TEN more and the ability to project power into every single corner of the globe. China cannot. So things would get very ugly for China, very fast.

@bruce6846 - 02.02.2024 21:03

Anti-ship missles came too late in the game. No submarine engaging in the fight. Little electronic warfare. Too big of a gap between 2 powers' missle technology and personnel capabilities.

@Blue_Camera_Cat - 02.02.2024 20:44

Yah but how many of the PRC missiles actually had fuel in them instead of water?

@jayshi3338 - 02.02.2024 19:51

As a Chinese, I can say there’s no way Chinese PLA could execute those tactics and utilized their weapons effectively. Because the chain of command is deeply corrupted and the weapons are not properly maintained, capabilities are inflated.

@mop330 - 02.02.2024 19:30

i could see this kind of american aggression sparking a real conflict

@antonikubiak5798 - 02.02.2024 18:06

a super hornet callsign „mobius” „trigger” and „nemo”? I see what you did there

@mindpotato - 02.02.2024 17:56

thought this was real for a sec lol, good work

@spursy1 - 02.02.2024 16:21

The outcome would be different if the Chinese weren’t so close to their home turf, and the Us doesn’t plan to fight china there (hopefully we wont have to) they plan to fight it out in the high seas. And also don’t feel bad about this sim because this was an inaccurate carrier group, normally they have 1-2 anti air ships, 2 guided missile cruisers, and 1-2 anti submarine frigates/destroyers. And also usually a submarine escort and of 1-2 attack subs

@kalanihanako6087 - 02.02.2024 11:22

And that’s just one lightly guarded carrier imagine all fleets with their respective protection fighting China. That would be crazy

@zefyr101 - 02.02.2024 09:20

Jake Tran Castle

@victorlopez3665 - 02.02.2024 08:44

given that a recent houthi missile came within one mile and had to be engaged by ciws tells us that our carrier strike groups and warships are actually extremely vulnerable to multiple incoming missiles.. now i wait for the armchair generals to tell me im wrong and that we can shoot down a million missiles well before ciws has no choice but save everyone's lives

@josephrighter7790 - 02.02.2024 08:04

Current SWO here. Lots of little inaccuracies but best you could do with solely unclassified information. Really great video man.

@helldog7502 - 02.02.2024 07:43

Thought this was real what the fuck

@literallylysander3444 - 02.02.2024 06:07

hey man, i really like your videos! the way i ran to your channel to see if there were any new updates to this was insane! please keep adding to the series, its absolutely amazing!

@MurderPierrot - 02.02.2024 05:52

Part 2? Also what is the name of that sim?

@Firespectrum122 - 02.02.2024 01:22

No U.S. submarine despite it being standard practice to have them with Carrier groups, AMRAAMs literally decimating everything they are fired at while PL-15 doesn't do shit... like, I enjoy watching this but it's just a bad video and a terrible estimation of reality.

@lordilluminati5836 - 02.02.2024 00:21

callsign suggestion: unicorn
