Elias Pettersson charging penalty - a deep dive

Elias Pettersson charging penalty - a deep dive

Tough Call

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@MickLoud999 - 18.05.2024 01:44

You are, obviously, a coiler fan. Pettersson did nothing to deserve a penalty on this play. So he's supposed to duck and take the hit? He had a split second to decide how to minimize the damage from foglele charging him. Players do reverse hits every game. They are not charged with penalties. So why now? Also how does mcdavid get away with numerous penalties. He has ZERO penalties this series. The non call against Hughes is the worst I have seen in years. Seriously now.

@mathewlothian1062 - 18.05.2024 01:59

This is embarrassing. Foegele came off second best against a weanie like EP, the charging rule applies to applying a hit, I don't think you can argue he was applying a check. Even in slow motion, it was him absorbing a hit and his momentum was vertical despite you pointing out his feet placement and leg position, he stayed in the same spot. It's a bad call. If you still think I'm wrong, I'd love to see an example of this rule being applied in another game in a similar context? It hasn't happened. The call sucks in a big playoff game. If you love hockey, you don't like this call...

@larrlarr8156 - 18.05.2024 01:59

Clean hit clean reverse hit don't be that oiler fan gaha

@lannon4prez - 18.05.2024 02:32

Who cares? Foegle got his ass laid out by a lady bing candidate that weighs 140 pounds.

@sherpajones - 18.05.2024 02:56

I agree with this call. Charging is a term that can be interpreted many ways. We charge our batteries. We get charged fees for an overdrawn bank account. In ballistic weaponry, the charge is what imparts velocity on the projectile.

We think of charging as a horizontal acceleration because that is mostly what we see. The rule specifies that building up speed by taking two or more strides before the check is charging. He his charging his velocity right before the hit.

What Petterson did was a legal hit known as a reverse check. But the illegal part is that he charged his hit by building up speed immediately before the hit. The speed was vertical, and that is addressed in the rule that says charging is when a player jumps to deliver a check. It doesn't say horizontal speed is also required.

Petterson's check ended up being high on his opponent, because he raised his shoulders to the level of Foegele's head. This is charging. Minor penalty. Good call by the refs.

@seannightingale4603 - 18.05.2024 03:19

No no no. You dont understand. You see, the Oilers player fell down so that is an automatic penalty against the not Oilers team

@stevecorner5069 - 18.05.2024 03:28

One could argue that by Petey leaving his feet he is lessening the impact on Foegele rather than digging in and leaning into him….. additionally Foegele’s velocity is much greater than Petey’s velocity which had no strides on his part vs Foegele bee-line from the front of the net… just sayin’

@seannightingale4603 - 18.05.2024 03:35

The closest example to this would be some of Kronwalls reverse hits. And he was going in with speed against the player carrying the puck. In no universe is this a penalty (unless the receiving player is an Oiler)

@NoobNoonan-kc9fn - 18.05.2024 03:42

It was a bit shocking that Elias was called for a penalty. He has one of the better reputations around the league for clean play. That being said, Elias did jump, and that seems to be a penalty when the player is one going in for the hit, so it's not that insane that leaving the feet for a reverse hit was called for a penalty.

@3vvyn - 18.05.2024 03:46

a deep dive analysis by a Edmonton fan 🤣🤣🤣

@zacharyjeffares8158 - 18.05.2024 03:49

Who said anything about absorbing a check? The ENTIRE CROWD knew what he was doing; a reverse hit.

@khazraknotreal7224 - 18.05.2024 04:07

Will say this, thank god this didn't result in a goal. It highlights an area of dire need of further clarification in the rules before it happens and impacts the outcome of a game in a significant way. If they want this play to be illegal I would sort it under roughing as that would make more in line with the spirit of the section.

@XxXNinjaFanXxX - 18.05.2024 04:13

I think in hindsight now, people understand that according to the rules it's a penalty, it's just that in some cases, you have former players and people who have been watching hockey for longer than you or i have been alive, say theyve never seen a jump charge called.
people are more surprised, and you need to look at what happened before the penalty;
petey had a fantastic shift, lots of scoring chances and the canucks were beating the oilers to a pulp and leaving them in an alley.
petey looked himself tonight, and that shift in particular. it just sucks and since no one has seen a jump-charge called before, it confused the fuck out of people.

but, as always the egregious and frankly inconsistent officiating continues again.
also, dont try to bullshit us, you are an extremely biased individual, everyone can tell, dont try to say otherwise.

@KenMcBride75 - 18.05.2024 04:43

You call this a "deep dive"? It's incoherent rambling. All you have to do is look at the location of Peterson's center of gravity relative to the glass supports and you can see clearly he jumped straight up before being hit, not "into...an opponent" as the rule states.

@Drakraxxx - 18.05.2024 05:05

what a bunch of BS. The attacking player here is Foegele. Charging can only be applied to an attacking player. Pettersson was within his own space. He did not move from his own space. Try to frame it with nonsense all you want.

@yougoof - 18.05.2024 05:11

He might hurt the bum doing this move naked, at Kane or Nurse house.

@vincevoltaire - 18.05.2024 05:27

You start your video with a straw man - nobody's saying Foegele should have had a penalty. You fail to mention what everybody who knows hockey immediately said after the call - this was nothing more than just a legitimate reverse hit. Clueless.

@Bullshirt1983 - 18.05.2024 05:37

If you think this isn't a penalty you need to get your head out of your ass. Does the NHL need to more clearly define it's rules? for sure. But based on the letter of the law this is a penalty.. and for good reason, jumping is dangerous.

@ThereandBackaKen - 18.05.2024 05:38

I'd come across your channel before and enjoyed the breakdowns but this ridiculous attempt to justify one of the WORST calls I've witnessed in over 40yrs of watching the sport is so transparent, such obvious homerism that I can't take you or your channel seriously anymore. Too bad... I know what you can do when the Canucks eliminate the Oilers in 6 though. Go back to Game 2 of the series and break down how MANY penalties the Oilers didn't get called for, including major/match penalties. Another thing you could do is break down how many calls were NOT made on McDavid in the entire series...

You have no credibility man, I thought you were an objective viewer.... oh well.

@rockyb8790 - 18.05.2024 05:40

The Ref’s did all they can to favour the oilers and hand them the win but they still lost lol 😆

@neocitron - 18.05.2024 05:57

Canucks fan but I’ll admit It’s the jump that triggered the rule. And even then it wasn’t an obvious mega jump. This could have been a no-call. Tough one. Petey is strong enough to do this next time without the jump and everything should be fine.

@Traumawarrior77 - 18.05.2024 06:05

It’s still not a charging penalty

@MantiszToboggan - 18.05.2024 06:13

still not a charge dude. the vocabulary isn't there to be manipulated for the benefit of someone getting dummied against a stationary player, a back lunge in your opinion still doesn't equate to 3 strides so your math is flawed and biased so once again stop tryin to change the definition of both english words and hockey rules. mcjesus had his time to shine now its time to move over for the men.

@specialshockey - 18.05.2024 06:34

10 or so times per game when a guy is getting hit along the boards he jumps 3 or 4 inches off the ground so his feet aren’t planted so he can absorb contact and not fall over. And 10 times per game it’s not a penalty unless he gets an elbow or stick up. This should be a no call just like those.. only difference is Pettersson isn’t against the boards here

@boxvango9021 - 18.05.2024 06:42

It was a bogus call. If you think they saw the slow motion replay and then made the call, you're delusional. You've had how many replays to make a false argument? Bad call, that's all. Didn't help the oil. Tough luck, Edmonchuk.

@thetruthhurts6652 - 18.05.2024 06:53

Imagine that? How dare Patterson dish it out to a train that’s trying to run him over lol. Gees Peterson next time just be a sitting duck 😂😂🤣

@davey9365 - 18.05.2024 07:10

I don't know about the other examples you site but your logic is way off here... Just look at your title "...CHARGING PENALTY - a deep dive". First and foremost, it is not a charge - it was the wrong call. Now if you want to discuss other topics, fine, but there was no analysis of a charging penalty in your video.

@grahamdrinkwater4024 - 18.05.2024 07:26

Petterson was being lined up and pulled the reverse UNO . If you're gonna hit some one you shouldn't wine when it's reversed. Live by the sword die by the sword

@izumolee6714 - 18.05.2024 08:32

The issue find another instance of this being called at anytime or anyplace during the history of the NHL, heck in any league. I guarantee you will not find another instance of this call being made. Datsuyk was well known for taking hits in this fashion and Nick Kronwall made a living making hits this way.

Foegele was probably not expecting Petey to counter his attempted hit in this way which surprised him causing him to take the brunt of the hit. Here's an experiment be stationary & jump in the air, have someone push you or bump you, in most cases the one jumping will be on the wrong end of that contact. Foegele being on the wrong end of that contact just showcases Petey's deceptive strength.

This was just a normal open ice hit that the one attempting the hit which is Foegele got caught off guard.

@miltonthatherton1375 - 18.05.2024 09:31

How do you apply a counter force by jumping straight up? If anything, bracing would have produced more resistance. It's like you're imagining he gets heavier once he leaves his feet. Makes no sense. Are you auditioning for Ron McLean's job?

@joshuawilliams9344 - 18.05.2024 12:50

Rule 42.1 of the NHL Rulebook states that a "minor or major penalty shall be imposed on a player who skates, jumps into or charges an opponent in any manner." Take it up with the rulebook canuck’s fans.

@m.reutelveld1628 - 18.05.2024 13:47

Weak call. If you call this they missed a lot worse.

@bogeybichon7000 - 18.05.2024 16:05

Before reading the rule, I thought that there was NO WAY that is charging.

I was wrong, here is the Rule 42. Petey definitely "jumps into" his opponent.

Rule 42.1 of the NHL Rulebook states that a "minor or major penalty shall be imposed on a player who skates, jumps into or charges an opponent in any manner."

@KyleandRenee-ue1ol - 18.05.2024 16:11

Doesn’t matter who you are a fan of. It’s a hockey play. It’s not a hockey penalty.

@user-jo1me3il2m - 18.05.2024 18:07

This guys logic - Guy coming at you full speed let him smoke you don’t branch for the hit and lay his ass out

@jonschwindt3064 - 18.05.2024 18:22

Wow the worst call EVER!

@rob0191 - 18.05.2024 21:15

it never ends this shit ,fuckin coilers fans.......

@WristFreeze97 - 18.05.2024 23:11

Canucks-fans are up there as one of the worst fanbases in the league

@vandao7179 - 18.05.2024 23:39

Absolutely, He was braking himself for the impact why he got penalty that needed to be address. the Ref just made up a new rule . if some one hit you , you have to run away.?

@Cilvathorne - 18.05.2024 23:44

Didn’t think it was Charging until I learned the wording for the rule included any hit where you leave your feet. That makes this charging, although the name’s dumb, should be changed to avoid confusion.

@shinyuta - 19.05.2024 03:57

This is literally a physics problem, not a rule problem. The call shouldn't have been charging and what was he supposed to do, take the hit full on from a charging (ironically) player? . This analysis is pretty stupid and I'm not even a canucks fan.

(you, multiple times said bracing for the hit, which is exactly what he did. I feel we would be having a completely different discussion if the player didn't fall down in that fashion).

@justahuman2002 - 20.05.2024 18:01

Maybe interference but idk about changing

@geronimo9595 - 21.05.2024 00:59

I'm a Canucks fan and I agree this was a penalty just for the simple fact that Petey jumped into contact as he was hit and you're not allowed to do that. Now given that he jumped basically straight up from standing still instead of crashing into the oiler at speed meant this penalty was like getting a jaywalking ticket on a quiet country road or a speeding ticket for doing 55 in a 50. soft as fuck but technically correct and its really lame this was called given some of the stuff the refs have ignored so far in this series.

@RJKYEG - 21.05.2024 23:39

You can argue about what the refs should and should not let slide in playoff hockey, but there is not question that this incident meets the criteria for charging:

Rule 42.1 of the NHL Rulebook states that a “minor or major penalty shall be imposed on a player who skates, jumps into or charges an opponent in any manner.”

@kripzzy6732 - 23.05.2024 14:33

My god canucks fans are some of the worst fans on the internet

@Villifyable - 24.05.2024 22:32

I hear if you guys cry hard enough they'll replay the game, keep going, you're almost there

@mistralenergi2306 - 25.05.2024 08:38

The speaker must be deliberately stupid.

@ToughCall - 18.05.2024 06:07

For any Canucks fans blasting me: every fan base starts off hating me because they find me for reasons like this. They say terrible things and make assumptions. But keep in mind, a couple days ago when I said I’d give McDavid a fine and suspend Hyman and Kane, Oilers fans hated me too. Somehow I’m always viewed as biased against both teams in the same series. It’s because I don’t play favourites. Any player. Any jersey. They all deserve protection. I appreciate all the discourse. That’s what this channel is all about. Enjoy the hockey!
- Josh
