GTA Online PVP in 2024 is DEAD...

GTA Online PVP in 2024 is DEAD...


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@chrisvela4860 - 04.05.2024 08:50

Blud just need to give it up or play invite only. So many games out there

@spartanwarrior707FJB - 04.05.2024 07:38

You want PVP, go to bad sport lobbies.

@spartanwarrior707FJB - 04.05.2024 07:38

P v p is far from dead. You better learn to adapt

@THE_GOLDEN_JET - 04.05.2024 05:36

i got banned of xbox so that hole thing has just died for me

@F-15-EAGLE-USAF - 04.05.2024 03:59

The silent jets are annoying asf

@Los_da_gamer - 04.05.2024 02:45

I used to be pretty good in the lazer jet before rockstar nerfed the explosive cannon from it. Generally, I'm still good at flying the lazer but I'm not as accurate with my shooting anymore. To be honest, I'm glad I don't play GTA 5 Online Anymore. This game really has been dead for a long time and there are other better games, even offline games, that I can give my attention to these days. Hell, after I stopped playing GTA 5 Online for good, I beat all the LittleBigPlanet games and Sackboys Big Adventure. These games I didn't expect to be that good but they're pretty neat.

@TyroneMCR0161 - 04.05.2024 02:33

Why does this guy constantly try to change GTA Online, his generation are not happy unless they are spoon fed things they accept 😂😂😂

@bxrnie - 03.05.2024 22:40

Save bye to spamming… because why are you complaining about it it’s so easy to fight around it 🤣

@sinistan1002 - 03.05.2024 22:36

Hmmm I have zero problems, I don't go into public lobbies. But if I did I wouldn't want to waste time with pvp either, I'd go into my apartment as well or simply leave. Except I wouldn't because I don't go into public lobbies but if I did that's what I would do, because it's a waste of time

@jetzsetter6205 - 03.05.2024 21:29

I don’t have any of these problems at all. It’s GM,VGM, aim bot and modded weapons.

@B33F22 - 03.05.2024 20:18

It would be better if player blips weren't on the map all the time, so players would need to find other players instead of knowing where everyone is.

@TheFreeStateOfO - 03.05.2024 20:13

I grind, PVP is butt on GTA. See me in RDO - we can pvp all day.

@TheFreeStateOfO - 03.05.2024 20:08

Keep the PVP out of free roam. There are game modes for that.

@rafciopranks3570 - 03.05.2024 16:16

What? Me and my bros play deatmaches so much! Like 20 in a lobby couple times a week

@RiZeSweatZ - 03.05.2024 15:48

we all got jobs and want to have fun, pvp nerds grew up thats the reason i used to sit there and fight someone for hours but know i just orb them and carry on i dont got time for it i just wanna buy stuff and have fun while i got free time

@Sultan-Zaviyar-Rehan - 03.05.2024 13:11

Heyy, you should maybe try on ps4

@tony42898 - 03.05.2024 12:59

I recently got into a fight with someone in their Hunter who was griefing every player in the lobby. The moment you attacked their chopper or got close in a Mk II, they teleport to their apartment.

Then they have the audacity to send me a vulgar message via PSN, but you can't even reply to them.

@SistaCitizen - 03.05.2024 10:44

I've said it before and I will say it again, there needs to be a PVP only lobby,, and a friendly lobby where players cant harm each other yet still meet other players for more of a RP play style where you ccan actually walk down the street, or have an impromptu car show without getting orbed, and an invite only. That way everyone would be happy. whenever I suggest this, pvp players always get upset because deep down, they like being able to shoot at anyone they want in the lobby, regardless if the other player wants to PVP or not.

You think you are PVP ing with a player, to them, and I can tell you as a casual player, you are a griefer. "Trolling" is the new way to clean up the fact that you are really griefing people. And if you are a TRUE PVP player, why not be in a lobby with other PVP players ready to jump? But of course, like I said, "PVP" players like starting a fight with anyone they want, ruining someone's time here and there is hilarious to them. But they are just "trolling" NOT griefing of course. PVP WAS good 7 years ago, before players had businesses and RP was popular. PVP trying to play GTA like its 2017.

@bradleybrewer9576 - 03.05.2024 10:30

Heist warping is the lesser of two evils it at least gives you some chance to kill them an keeps them in the same lobby take that away and the same player heist warping mid combat will just hair trigger kill their internet connection or rapidly swap lobbys!

@JonathanJarvis-lx9ix - 03.05.2024 08:05

I hate pvp. I'm story based

@ekeyzsheik1369 - 03.05.2024 06:31

There's no actual pvp players anymore more cheating or spaming rather them a good old fashioned gta gun fight without blowing them self up or gng ewo

@BingBingEnterprises - 03.05.2024 06:14

Why is it illegal to just be minding my own business, buying clothes or something and some level 900 with thermal goggles and a dunce hat kills me then proceeds to blow up my car, then when I go passive or drive away I get the classic “1-0 cry” or “Lol run, you’re so bad”text.

@TheNotoriousGag - 03.05.2024 05:22

GTA 5 (Mainly Online) was dumbed down way too much.

Letting players hold every weapon in the game with copious amounts of ammo, along with the ability to buy more instantly from the interaction menu was a huge mistake. Especially with explosives.

Here’s hoping GTA 6 will take an approach similar to Red Dead’s limited weapon loadout.

I also hate that we can’t fully control helicopters in GTA 5, especially with how easy they are to take down.

Then there’s the cars that feel very similar to one another and stick the to the road to much. HSW kind of helped with that due to the significant power increase thus creating more wheel spin and longer braking distances.

Can’t forget to mention vehicle combat. Yeah, air-ground lock on should be dropped, or have missile lock on jammers be universally available to ground vehicles for a low price.

MK2’s gotta go. Honestly all the whacky futuristic weaponized vehicles can go for all I care, or at least be heavily nerfed or be non-weaponized.

Orbs obviously gotta go.

Enemy AI hasn’t been interesting to engage with for quite some time.

My proposed solution for warping is after accepting/starting and then exiting the accepted Heist invite or Map Job, it then puts you back exactly where you were before. To visualize let’s say the player attempting to warp enters an invulnerable state with a phone in hand. After they inevitably fail to warp and are sent back, their character goes into an animation to put the phone away. After the phone is put away they are vulnerable again.

@user-bs6mt9gs6c - 03.05.2024 03:40

i can’t even buy a car in peace without someone killing me for bo reason and then i get spawned killed

@Funnhouse - 03.05.2024 02:39

A new lobby mode without orb, weaponised vehicles (with exceptions for mode) & a cops/crooks style ceo/mc toggle style faction when you load in. Maybe a cooldown before you can switch sides. Idk man I haven't wanted to play since last getting orbital cannoned

@AnthonyChopra - 03.05.2024 02:32

i noticed teleporting in 2019 and random others would just go after anyone and blow there car up like with rockets as soon as soon as u go online

theres no normal use were u can just walk past someone without being hit or killed and u hardly have any time to do anything on the server.
but thats the player who just blow and catch who ever u are.

i think private server could be better. u could actually roll play rather than being constantly hit for no reason in GTA5.

i hope rockstar can sort some issues out with rocket spam and maybe even have a few server type locked
make it like FivePD

@zacharydent4965 - 03.05.2024 02:03

In the past 3 years I've only run into people who use snipers,explosives or kanjali spams if you try to force a close fight

@SassquatchxMyth - 03.05.2024 01:09

Bro I literally had a dude follow me cuz he couldn’t insta lock on to me ( Imani Tech) till I got out he killed me ONCE then proceeded follow me more so I just blew him up with a sticky out the window 1-1 I get me Mk 2 fly to a tall building because idk how they do this but they spawn on me so I gotta move quickly and i Thermal Snipe him 3 times 4-1 then he hid in his facility for an hr while I waited out side cuz he wouldn’t leave me alone at all went into passive mode flew his mk2 to the casino for another fuckin 2 hrs im still waiting then he goes passive again an goes to the wall glitch spot which I thought they patched an 2 hrs again so I left

@sophiacole61 - 03.05.2024 01:04

PvP is terrible as heck
Moving side to side with sniping when it’s really not good pvp sportsmanship
Cheating and god mode
Too many weapon type cars to win fights
Spam lol, lzzz or being toxic is so annoying
Etc etc I hope this don’t happen with gta 6

@WASTOIDSUPREME - 03.05.2024 00:31

The only time PVP is ever interesting is when you're a spectator. Actually engaging in any of it is more annoying than anything when you're just trying to do business stuff for the high sale bonus.

@danielstevenson1250 - 02.05.2024 23:59

I don’t play fair. I play to kill while minimizing you killing me.

@ConGamePro - 02.05.2024 23:52

They need to just keep the Deathmatches triple pay for the rest of GTAV lifetime.

@sirusthevirus6879 - 02.05.2024 23:04

The true pvp was in ps3 ,2013 when the game started. All visible on the radar without tricks, simple weapons and on the foot war ,city war

@richietb96 - 02.05.2024 23:00

I still think the best time in gta for fights land & air is when the original heists came out. No hiding or anything like just boots on the ground LFG

@nathanwilliamson3937 - 02.05.2024 20:38

“No one is playing the game.” because no one is PvPing.

No. People aren’t PvPing because they’re playing the game. It’s GTA - not CoD.

@RubyDew-yl1eu - 02.05.2024 20:15

The explosive spam has been a thing since day 1. Idk why people keep saying they miss the “golden age” like dude there never was a golden age, just people being nostalgic

@micahsirles8319 - 02.05.2024 18:39

I have no issue with spamming explosives. I love fighting, but that's not the first thing I do. I fight how you fight. I do think RCs should work like the drone

@Lava-pe6wu - 02.05.2024 18:08

I say fix number 4 (vehicle bugs ect) , number 3 the orbital cannon should be only effective against items such as the Submarine (Surfaced), and the Yacht (like if someone is doing the piracy prevention job), I say for numbers 1,2,5 they should stay the same. I play this game as its intended (your a criminal trying to make money) this is NOT a pvp game if you want pvp go play Call of Duty, or Fortnite, Apex Legends, Overwatch some other game that is exactly that PvP. Stop fucking us who wants to play the game as intended so that we also dont have to deal with some asshole blowing up our cargo delivery or product sale " because they felt like it ".

I haven't tried the Cops & Robbers dlc but the only exception to the not blowing up cargo deliveries and product sells and such is if your in a Cops & Robbers game mode that gives bonuses to Cops for destroy the Criminals product, but on the same token if your a Robber and make a successful cargo delivery or product sale while in the game mode you get a bonus to your payout. Like a full delivery with 0 loss of product maybe you'd get a idk say 25% bonus on top of the Base price + high demand bonuses.

@The_Grindhard - 02.05.2024 17:23

Everything you have mentioned is this video is exactly why I quit this broken game along with cockstar games doing everything they can to fuck the player base and adding more bugs to the game.

@drabhand - 02.05.2024 14:09

The reason PVP is dead is because for a long time PVP sweat spergs used to have the advantage and continually grief lesser skilled players. Guess what, it's over for those sweats and they're the first to have a big sook. Boom, thats thats the sound of my RC on a lvl 600+ nerd.

@iiiiijiiiiii_-i-774 - 02.05.2024 13:50

Upsidedpwn mk2 is the most op vehicle i cam dodge literally eveything including a torredor luckily it takes alot of practice to use consistently

@iiiiijiiiiii_-i-774 - 02.05.2024 13:44

If I want to play good PvP I play red dead 2

@Rckstrroma5 - 02.05.2024 13:15

I just orb or do strike team 3

@bravof1873 - 02.05.2024 12:35

When they get shot once and ewo 😭

@_Rammstein - 02.05.2024 11:07

Lol i got a voice and text chat suspension a day after making a dude rage quit after killing me for absolutely no reason

@ImSpecialDurr - 02.05.2024 11:04

I really hope GTA 6 online doesn’t have any stupid shit used to gain an advantage in pvp. This game isn’t even competitive, I don’t understand why losers like to try so hard in this game.

@FrostyIce6 - 02.05.2024 10:27

Buds crying over a game 💀

@vipertrudeau9964 - 02.05.2024 07:54

They just need to bring back spawn trapping with lazer cannons then the players would return

@imscruffy1244 - 02.05.2024 07:37

Hi Gillie, There is a super simple fix to the mkII Oppressor.....REMOVE friends and I all removed rockets and use the explosive rounds which suck. It changes this detestable, hate full machine into a fun vehicle that takes a bit of skill to get a kill with. We had a ball having a huge battle with them it was like knights with jousting sticks.

@TekkenLegacy-UWE - 02.05.2024 06:01

Very cool video PvP, i come from a RedDead2 era, Will see how it goes when i have the latest GTA online game in ps5 PRO black color Will try to buy that in september release 🧐
