Heart Attack Warning Signs Can Save Your LIFE! (Male & Female) + Giveaway!

Heart Attack Warning Signs Can Save Your LIFE! (Male & Female) + Giveaway!

Bob & Brad

2 года назад

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قناة لنشر الخير
قناة لنشر الخير - 03.09.2023 19:41

Don’t use canola or vegetable oil, cook with olive oil instead

Potluck - 17.08.2022 16:03

I went to the ER twice due to anxiety. The second time I told them I had a history of partying and substance abuse plus smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for about 6-7 years. My anxiety was causing me to have shortness of breath, chest tightness and pain, numbness, etc…and my anxiety was telling me because I had a poor lifestyle when I was younger I’m having a heart attack. I got there at like midnight, so by time the doctor got to me it was about 3-4AM. I began passing out I was so exhausted. He came in & I was sleeping. Talked to me like I was a total idiot and seeking drugs. Pretty sure it’s because I told them I had a history of drug usage.

Rain 70
Rain 70 - 07.07.2022 20:35


Jonny Green Creations
Jonny Green Creations - 18.06.2022 22:44

Just over 2 weeks ago at work my left leg suddenly went hot and numb then it spread to shoulder and all down my left arm with pain and tingling then my neck and left side of my face felt numb, I went A&E after work doctor had no idea what cause was and sent me away every day since I feel so fatigued and now my left eye won't stop watering and twitching any ideas please

W Booker
W Booker - 10.05.2022 06:28

Expedient information.

Mary Jacobs
Mary Jacobs - 09.05.2022 23:47

Another reason women tend to delay getting help is that many doctors STILL only half listen to a woman, and just poo-pooh our concerns.

James Lake- Mental Game Coach for Cue Sports 🎱
James Lake- Mental Game Coach for Cue Sports 🎱 - 05.05.2022 10:43

Fear of Death gets everyone’s attention. The bible tells us we have broken Gods law (10 commandments) but Jesus paid the fine for us on the cross. You like i have lied, committed adultery in our heart, blasphemed Gods name and hated others (Jesus said this is committing murder in your heart)...

So we are in mortal danger on judgement day. So let go and repent of the sin that’s weighing you down and trust in Jesus like you trust a parachute 🪂 and you will pass from life to death and you can live forever all cos of what Jesus did for you on the cross

Peetos-chan - 03.05.2022 21:24

This gave me anxiety 😀

Kalpesh Kapadia
Kalpesh Kapadia - 03.05.2022 21:14


Flabba Jabba
Flabba Jabba - 03.05.2022 09:53

I've never heard any doctor 'anecdotally' say women are "tougher", mainly because it's a myth.

Dorothy Irby
Dorothy Irby - 03.05.2022 08:48

This was excellent! I went through a month of arm pain, no other symptoms, mostly when I was active. The pain started in my wrist, (thought it was carpal tunnel ) moved up to my lower arm after a week or so, A week or so later, it hit my shoulder as well. Paramedics came out, EKG normal, but blood pressure was very high!! I opted to ignore it. A week later it hit my left breast. Called 911, First group said it was anxiety, make me walk out to the ambulance, second group saw I was having a heart attack. Women's symptoms are often so different. The education is invaluable. I'm 7 years past, and feeling good, but still it haunts me.

Mark Dunn
Mark Dunn - 03.05.2022 04:16

Bob and Brad, I received an email saying I won a prize from you guys. Is this legit they are saying they want 60$ for shipping. Doesn't sound right.

3 Card Monty
3 Card Monty - 03.05.2022 04:09

I didn’t have a heart attack, but I eventually (took 6 months) was diagnosed with a congenitally defective bicuspid Aortic Valve. It didn’t show up on echocardiograms until I changed Cardiologists and she heard my murmur right away. I’m 3 weeks away from having my aortic valve replaced. It was brutal. My symptoms before the proper diagnosis was fatigue, and fluctuations in BP. Mostly low, but sometimes high BP. When low it was 90/40. When high it was 180/110. So, if you have a Cardiologist who is not giving you any answers - get a new Cardiologist. Also - STAY AWAY FROM HIGH SODIUM MEALS. If you want to trigger AFIB or heart issues - Eat a Pizza or Fast Food Junk Food.

Mike's road trip 2017
Mike's road trip 2017 - 03.05.2022 03:10

I'm 56 and was told today I have a leaky valve. Told me nothing to do right now. Let's just keep a eye on it. My arteries are clear and look good.

Cody Copithorne
Cody Copithorne - 03.05.2022 03:04

When I had my heart attack, it felt like my back went mildly out. I was twisting and turning, trying to put it back in place. It's when the sweats hit me and I felt sick, that it showed more what was happening and a lady on the jobsite told me what was happening. Her mother was a nurse and the sweating and feeling ill were what convinced her. Unfortunately, my foreman wouldn't bring me to a hospital for another 2 1/2 hours and they flew me to the nearest city. They put clot busters in my system and kept watch for about 7 hours until things went back to what normal should be.

Cackleberry Cottage
Cackleberry Cottage - 03.05.2022 02:11

I have fibromyalgia and have so much pain on a daily basis that I won't know when I have something major wrong with me.

Ann - 02.05.2022 23:05

Hello, I’m wondering where Bob is? Is he sick? I miss not seeing the both of you guys together. Take care!

Zozo Panda
Zozo Panda - 02.05.2022 22:49

Great video. I just lost a good friend to a heart attack only a week ago. It still doesn't seem real that he's gone and only at 51! He did his best to exercise, but maybe his diet wasn't the best and his father died of a heart attack at 41 too. I wonder if he ignored any symptoms.

Nick - 02.05.2022 15:51

Excellent video guys 👍 🇬🇧

Josee Noel
Josee Noel - 02.05.2022 14:38

Shall we crowd fund for a cure for the man flu?

Sassy Sandie
Sassy Sandie - 02.05.2022 14:27

We called paramedics years ago for my husband when he though he was having a heart attack. It ended up being a pulled muscle from working in the yard. Thanks for mentioning prevention. Eating healthy Whole foods, exercise, drinking 8 glasses of water (natural blood thinner) getting proper sleep and maintaining a healthy BMI.

Josee Noel
Josee Noel - 02.05.2022 14:24

Men, who made the bucks, were the ones who supported heart attacks research. They studied themselves and left womens' studies out! Rosie
O' Donald was having one and it was her arm sensation/tingling which caused her to call 911!

line brunelle
line brunelle - 02.05.2022 12:52

i have severe chest pains. turned out to be an infection in my ribs.... hmmm. but it would never have been diagnosed and taken care of if I hadn't gone to ER.

Skye's thoughts
Skye's thoughts - 02.05.2022 10:33

Since December of 2020 I've been diagnosed with anxiety, basically severe anxiety. Ever since then I've gone from chest pains every day to every now and then. I've been to the doctor and ER several times. My heart was always fine except for my adrenaline boosting my heart rate up but it wouldn't go past 107. As soon as they would help me calm down my HR would drop and calm down. Also my doctor found out that I am anemic which can cause pains as well. I am still learning everyday to not panic so much. When my chest does hurt I take an anxiety med that's prescribed to me and I relax. My partner also helps me when I'm really panicked and keeps track of my heart rate. It's been a huge battle learning about my body. Understanding that every pain in my chest or around my chest is not heart related. Can anxiety and anemia give me similar pains? Yes. And the last time I was at the ER the doctor asked me "what other proof do you need to be sure that your heart is fine?" And the truth is, I don't need any anymore. My job is very physical and I feel great after every day. It's when I sit down and think about it that makes it start. Chest messages help as well. I'm doing better but every now and then my body will throw me for a loop but I will conquer this. I'm facing it head on but being smart as well. Positive vibes to everyone on here. 🙏🏾

AnnoulaXeni - 02.05.2022 09:39

This is terrifying!

Walkertongdee - 02.05.2022 09:39

One of the main reasons in America for heart-reared death is no medical care available due to no insurance a failed medical system. If you go to the hospital with no insurance they will bleed your middle-class life till you die, They will take your house, your car and you will join the homeless sleeping on the streets, better to die of a heart attack, less suffering.

OldSchool Jeremy
OldSchool Jeremy - 02.05.2022 09:31

I tried chewing an aspirin once, just as an experiment. Good God it was horrible. Not sure I could ever do that again.

theeggtimer tic tic
theeggtimer tic tic - 02.05.2022 09:27

Just a question ... Is it the pain down the inside of the arm or the outside ? And can you get a pain just under your left shoulder blade?

Dulce Nails
Dulce Nails - 02.05.2022 09:21

Love your channel and very informative information and I even love ❤️ your cheesy intro lol 😂

Beverly Hebert
Beverly Hebert - 02.05.2022 09:15

Thank you both for this excellent information.

Samuel Placensia
Samuel Placensia - 02.05.2022 08:59

These are symptoms that I’ve been experiencing except I had a fainting spell about three weeks ago. If one starts eating healthy and exercising and stops eating foods with a fat can you prevent a heart attack that way?

Lesley Lesley
Lesley Lesley - 02.05.2022 08:41

My dad had one where he was vomiting continually and dizzy, sweating, but no chest pain. It turned out to be atrial fibrillation, his heart was beating very irregularly, they had to use shock to the chest.

K  R Webster
K R Webster - 02.05.2022 08:27

Thank you. I may need this

nycbliss - 02.05.2022 08:22

Can someone check for spam?

glasshousefuture! - 02.05.2022 07:57

Except for the fact that the heart muscle is NOT on the right side of the body

Mrs. Marks
Mrs. Marks - 02.05.2022 07:32

I see many comments related to anxiety and panic attacks.. fyi, please check out information on a link between gluten and anxiety/depression.
From a former sufferer.
Be well, friend.

Kara's Mom
Kara's Mom - 02.05.2022 07:14

My brother is a doctor. He drove to the ER when he thought he had a heart attack. The ER doctor wasn’t happy.

Truth Talker
Truth Talker - 02.05.2022 07:12

My husband had a heart attack and passed away at the age of 50 in June 2019. He had symptoms for 2 years before he had it. He kept going to doctor for little twinges of chest pain, but it wasn't bad, and EKG always came out normal. For 2 years, he was sent away. The night of his first heart attack in March 2019, the EKG was reading he was fine. His only symptom was chest pain, and it wasn't that bad. The only way the doctors knew he was having a heart attack was from his troponin level. He got 2 stents placed that night and then died 3 months later. I believe the stents failed.

WeAllLivethesameLife - 02.05.2022 07:04

Mines was anxiety and stress

JLT Yes - 02.05.2022 06:53

Heart disease is actually the no 2 killer. The first is abortion. 😞

DarkSouljah - 02.05.2022 06:50

I literally met with orthopedics on Thursday for my knee and start PT in it this week. That device would be perfect!

peaceangel111 - 02.05.2022 06:08

My mom had trouble breathing and was sweating real bad. She thought she was having an asthma attack. No pain. She was 65 years old.

woopsohdamnit - 02.05.2022 06:05

Look at the data 2019/20 vs 21 huge rise since the v. I got the v thinking I was doing the right thing. Since then I've looked at the phz safety data that was released after they were sued to release it... I was under the impression we had been given the whole story, then I find out after getting the v that they hid all the data from after 6 months in the trial. Over two thousand people died out of under 50k people in the study!!! I feel sick. :(

Mark Faby
Mark Faby - 02.05.2022 06:04

Had a HA 10 wks ago that showed itself as 1st., s tingling across my back, then 2nd a tingling across my rib cage. Drove myself to the ER and damned if it wasn't a HA. Had a quad bypass 6 weeks ago. HA was called a 'Stemy' or 'Stemie'.

AnotherLover - 02.05.2022 06:00

Warning sign #1: You took the vaccine.

Sandra W
Sandra W - 02.05.2022 05:51

2 yrs ago I had a simple calcium cardiac check because it was being offered free; I flunked but no definite blocks were detected. Dr ordered a stress EKG as follow-up; I flunked in that it wasn't entirely normal but was not diagnostic. A cardiac cath was scheduled as "just as a precaution" but they expected it to be OK. I ended up with 2 stents being placed during the cath, with the comment that they had debated doing 3 but that 3 was their line for doing bypass surgery along with the hints that they felt I very close to having a major heart attack. Upon reassessing my history it turned out that various symptoms I had dismissed for various reasons were actually signs of cardiac trouble: 1) Shortness of breath on exertion (I thought I was just out of shape). 2) Chest pain (I had been thinking I needed to watch my diet because I was having severe episodes of heart burn without clicking that the "heartburn" was not occurring after eating). 3) Intermittent neck/jaw pain (I had been having dental problems and was considering making an appointment with my dentist because I was thinking I had some sort of tooth infection going on). Turns out these are all symptoms, especially when combined, of mild heart attack!

Rapture Is Soon
Rapture Is Soon - 02.05.2022 05:48

I was having discomfort about six weeks before. Doc was running tests and the blooming insurance dragging feet... When my heart attack actually happened, no pain BUT cold sweat broke out immediately on forehead. And pulse 37.

Kenny Omegas Cavity
Kenny Omegas Cavity - 02.05.2022 05:47

This channel is a life saver
