Why Change Is So Hard

Why Change Is So Hard

Fast Company

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_mellow_ - 05.08.2023 17:33

I searched this after amphibia wah

I, Lemaire
I, Lemaire - 19.06.2023 20:13

New research debunks this. We can gain self-control through detachment and paradigm shifting.

Paco_Gaepedores - 01.04.2023 13:18

very well said sir ❤

Judson Gaiden
Judson Gaiden - 13.07.2022 04:35

Surely, individual taste and mood factor into this, right? A genuine-article food-loving foodie oughtta be able to enjoyjoy cookies AND radishes. Radishes have panache in their flavor and texture, plus they fight cancer. Also, we Americans in general don't eat enough roots. We grow plenty of them but don't eat enough of them. Vegetables in general, really. Embrace your inner rabbit spirit animal!

László B
László B - 10.11.2021 22:52

What if you have change all the time?? Aint no routine for showering or brushing teeth fr
Maybe some of us need some settling not new things all the time

Brooke Smith
Brooke Smith - 23.09.2021 21:49

Have you heard of Matthew Kelly? He speaks about this is as well, would love to see him featured on your channel.

LiriksuKun - 16.11.2020 10:05

hi St. Augustine ily skskskksks

James Tolbert
James Tolbert - 14.10.2020 04:14

So THIS is why the Purge happened! Huh, and here I thought it just worked.

Buddy Indian
Buddy Indian - 16.08.2020 20:55

Change has to come on individuals and transformation path happens towards your goal

Edubbplate - 04.03.2020 03:03

So basically, change one thing at a time.

Ritesh Shah
Ritesh Shah - 10.01.2020 02:54

Learning through this good but without applying into real life it's waste of time....

Franklin Muiruri
Franklin Muiruri - 26.08.2019 16:59

Never thought of change in that perspective

Marcel Hübert
Marcel Hübert - 06.07.2018 15:23

And what if someone hates cookies?

Emmillyy - 22.05.2018 22:57

Here's what I like to take from this (it's obvious, but the interpretation might not be) if the people who did this experiment didn't like the chocolate in chocolate chip cookies, or just didn't like the cookies in general, but loved the radishes, they'd be like the cookie-lovers-- they would have no problem with self-control. Then, the experiment would go a lot differently. So, while a cookie is always the sweetest, others might like the less-desirable radish OVER the cookie. Conditioning yourself with emotions to hate cookies and enjoy radishes (cookies could be procrastination if we put this into perspective, and radishes could be studying) and train ourselves to only enjoy radishes (our brain is just a recollection of experiences, so you like cookies because they remind you of the dopamine surge, or happiness. Just thinking of the cookie makes you happy, right? Try it.) by conjuring up a happy feeling and creating a dopamine released association to radishes, you can have the same amount of self control, when before, you only liked the cookies.

M. S
M. S - 10.05.2018 22:54

When you talk to me look at ME ...

Matt Littlejohn
Matt Littlejohn - 26.04.2017 07:35

Wow. What a bloated explanation for "the new way is better/faster/cheaper", when it isn't.

Love. - 07.10.2016 19:53

Maybe the cookie eaters lasted for longer as they had a sudden rush of energy from the sugar in the cookies??

John Huber
John Huber - 21.06.2016 01:57

If you've ever raised a teenager, you have observed, first hand, the exhaustion of self control.

Никита Максимов
Никита Максимов - 11.04.2016 12:21

Don't mean to be rude or to say how awesome I am, but how dumb people are if they spend 18 minutes on puzzle where me personally spent 1 minute before I made a decision.

Bru - 12.02.2016 13:20

Adrian I agree, it's the first thing that came to my mind as well. Well said.🤔

See Ourselves the way Others See Us
See Ourselves the way Others See Us - 24.01.2016 14:20

Our academy (The Little Institute for Financial Independence) uses this video to encourage students to come up with better understanding of their ability to control their desires and urges.

Adrian Smedstad
Adrian Smedstad - 29.12.2015 23:22

perhaps they (the radish eaters) just realized sooner that the task was not possible? Could I not then hypothesize that the radish eaters had superior problem solving abilities perhaps linked to something found within the radish (rubbish probably, but just as probably as what he is proposing)

Andrew Awad
Andrew Awad - 20.12.2015 00:46

Yap, he said nothing useful.
Only introduce the problem in a more dramatic way so that you visit his website and pay some cash..

Wood Duck
Wood Duck - 04.10.2015 11:57

So do psychologists think Obama is exhausted...?

or just lazy? :D

International Institute for Learning (IIL)
International Institute for Learning (IIL) - 07.08.2015 17:37

Interesting psychology and study. Dealing with this is especially important in Change Management; we need to ensure the changes that are implemented do not compromise the premise of the project as well as becoming comfortable with changes.

nattasarocks - 07.08.2015 03:16

Oh. Than you say that if we hadn't have self control, it could be easier to change? :D
Hm. What a paradox actually.
Thank you, sir, for opening this doors of knowledge to me.

David Johnston
David Johnston - 22.07.2015 00:31

Wait, self control is exhaustible? I would disagree. I think it has to do with the risk and rewards. If you told me that my family would be shot if I ever had another cookie, then it's not like at some point I'm going to say "Gah... I'm out of self control, bye kids. Where's the cookies?" The study asks people to trace a line... and they gave up, that's not really a huge failure. There's no good reason to persevere in that situation. Is it not also possible that the radish eaters are just smarter, or perhaps the cookie eaters were physically fuelled by carbs.. Sure, those might be silly, but a blanket statement that self control is exhaustible based on lines, radishes and cookies seems a little ridiculous.

Ieva Bakane
Ieva Bakane - 27.05.2015 16:40

This video did not made a lot of sense.

Askar Ali Khan
Askar Ali Khan - 10.08.2014 18:38

Currently reading this book, a mentor I am following on G+ recommended to read this book.

Bernie Zuniga
Bernie Zuniga - 04.06.2014 23:49

When life gets tough eat more cookies. :)

breathebliss - 04.03.2014 22:37

Ok, awesome. Now what?

angUniv - 31.01.2014 22:28

This case study has the wrong foundation for the conclusion they are trying to present.  Chocolate chips cookies vs radishes so apart from competing and the effects on the brain are so different.  While chocolate chips cookies has tons of sugar, it immediately give a sense of energy, while radishes are so difficult to eat because of it strong spice taste.  I wouldn't be surprise the kids didn't eat them. A better approach would be use apples vs butter cookies.  

CrossoverFan4life - 26.11.2013 01:10

I don't like change but this is more out of depression and being unable to move on.

Martcapt - 29.08.2013 02:35

Actually the studies are broader; For example, if you try to do a task in an uncomfortable chair, or with a an annoying sound (dripping water), wtv, your "mental energy" will run out faster. This can be helped by eating sugar (Not LOADS of it, just a bit) and by resting some twenty minutes (power nap) Meditation is a good training for Increasing your self control, since it is one of the hardest tasks you can do (search what it is exactly); or by trying to remain calm at work (reducing stress) :)

wastnTIMEwastnTIME - 03.08.2013 11:46

Just another lazy guy making excuses for himself :-D

Tyrone Bunyon
Tyrone Bunyon - 18.07.2013 02:10

(cont.) Basically all I hear from this cry baby is life sucks, I have no reason to live and I can't change myself.

Tyrone Bunyon
Tyrone Bunyon - 18.07.2013 02:08

SO what this guy is basically saying is that change comes down to will power and self control. But the thing is what is your motivation* to change? According to your theory which I believe is true, will power takes energy but energy becomes exhausted. However what we have to acknowledge is everyone knows what they want and everyone who works towards their goal becomes exhausted BUT how do you explain difference between those who make it and those who don't? (cont.)

James Neider
James Neider - 12.07.2013 20:11

The guy looks sooo sadd! :( (Pop d' molley, im sweat'n. Woo!) 6

Mark .Smith
Mark .Smith - 08.04.2013 18:01

Maybe the radish eater ran out of Blood Sugar. The cookie group was infused with a glucose load that provided quick energy to pursue the goal. All the participants were told not to eat for 3 hours before the meeting. Study is confounded.

randsonic - 04.01.2013 20:52

This is why employees who are motivated through positive means are much more productive and innovative. Fear, anxiety, anger are all energy depleting emotions. Remove these from your workforce and watch them go.

seaofclay - 26.11.2012 04:36

Good vid x

Jamiel Cotman
Jamiel Cotman - 09.08.2012 23:59

In looking back...maybe he is suggesting that we make typically difficult things as easy and fun as possible [you know].

Jamiel Cotman
Jamiel Cotman - 28.07.2012 22:09

I wish he gave us a solution. I mean he basically said, "Self control is limited. Bye now!"

osrball - 18.07.2012 23:13

thanks for uploading !

socksumi - 23.03.2012 21:40

There is beneficial change and there is destructive change. This simple fact is never talked about at "change management" seminars. Im not very good at coping with destructive change. I tend to fight against it but hey---that's just me.

MegaEzio11 - 11.11.2011 14:15

@RolandRhodes1 Oh man, I was thinking the EXACT same thing.
