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2021年6月20日“印度快報”報導稱,消息人士透露,印度國產航母“維克蘭特”號的海試原本計劃在2021年早些時候完成,但受到新冠疫情的影響,進度遭到延誤。 6月26日消息,印度首艘國產航母“維克蘭特”號於7月開始海試、2022年服役。
The Vikrant aircraft carrier is India’s first domestically-made aircraft carrier. It is 260 meters long and 60 meters wide. It has a displacement of 37,500 tons, a full-load displacement of 40,000 tons, and a maximum speed of 28 knots. This aircraft carrier is designed with two take-off runways and one landing runway, and can carry more than 30 carrier-based aircraft.
On December 3, 2020, the media reported: Anil Kumar Chora, the commander of the Indian Navy’s Southern Command, announced on the 2nd that the "Vikrant" has entered the final stage of construction and will enter service at the end of 2021 or early 2022.
On June 20, 2021, the "India Express" reported that sources revealed that the sea trial of the Indian domestic aircraft carrier "Vikrant" was originally planned to be completed in early 2021, but due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, the progress was affected. Delay. According to news on June 26, India’s first domestically-produced aircraft carrier "Vikrant" began sea trials in July and will enter service in 2022.
On August 4, 2021, the "Vikrant" began its first sea trial.


#維克蘭特號航空母艦 #INS_Vikrant #航空母艦 #飛機 #“維克蘭特”號 #印度海軍 #印度國產航母
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