You Are Not Special Commencement Speech from Wellesley High School

You Are Not Special Commencement Speech from Wellesley High School

Wellesley Public Media

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Leslie Sattler
Leslie Sattler - 04.12.2020 05:32

I watched this speech for the first time in my eleventh grade English class, and it completely changed my life. At the time, I was an overworked honors student who put mountains of pressure on herself simply because everyone had always said that I was capable of excellence. "You are not special" was one of the most liberating things I had ever heard. Now, as a college student, I go on impulsive adventures, sometimes around the globe, I try new things even if I don't have a decent reason to, and I cherish the relationships that I've built throughout the years. But more importantly, I am finally learning to live for myself. Thank you, Mr. McCollough.

dongle puss
dongle puss - 04.11.2020 09:15

I am a unique and special little snowflake in every way

Isaac MA
Isaac MA - 14.10.2020 22:38

This is great. We are seeing the generation of spoiled kids raised by their mommies as special princesses or unique heroes becoming adults and so the world is becoming increasingly stupid; a world in which someone’s feelings are more important than the truth; a world in which everyone can choose to be a victim. Many childish now-adults should listen to this and realize how irrelevant they are

Billy Buck
Billy Buck - 07.09.2020 22:59

such a boomer speech

Jeff Stahlhut
Jeff Stahlhut - 03.09.2020 04:03

I come back to this speech often. So well written. Inspiring.

Isabella Angus
Isabella Angus - 02.09.2020 18:05

I love it, this speech has jokes AND existential dread!!!!!

Bubble's Glass
Bubble's Glass - 26.08.2020 03:25

Why not agree no body is special and still give everyone a trophy ? Cuz they are loved !

Bryan Gillespie
Bryan Gillespie - 16.08.2020 20:50

Well done sir

TRiG (Ireland)
TRiG (Ireland) - 07.08.2020 16:48

Half of marriages end in divorce, yes, but not half of first time marriages. The serial marriers bump the numbers up.

Also, this guy has clearly never seen a gay wedding.

Grizzermacht - 20.07.2020 21:42

Why is this suddenly in my recommended? Is the past trying to come back to tell us "we told you so"?

Chidera Stephen
Chidera Stephen - 13.07.2020 16:34

This is deep

Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 09.07.2020 19:23

Everyone is special. Special is being the only you that ever be. There will never be another you ever. What this man describes is arrogance. There difference between special and arorgance.

Patrick Evans
Patrick Evans - 02.07.2020 06:02

In 2020 this needs to be played over and over

Sough - 02.07.2020 01:04

Young people are always inspired but trite kids these days complaints

Jimmy, “the Buddha”
Jimmy, “the Buddha” - 26.06.2020 13:57

This man is a hero.

Kevin Carpenter
Kevin Carpenter - 13.06.2020 01:08

If only every commencement across the country from this time to the present had a similar message, we wouldn't have the mess we're seeing in places like Seattle.. Millennials' disenchantment with not being treated as special and lack of drive have led to their misconception that socialism will cure their ills by providing free education and fixed rent. Unfortunately, the unionized public school systems have neglected to inform them of the atrocities that occurred under Lenin, Stalin and Castro; not to mention the acts of violence and oppression in China and Venezuela.
The sense of entitlement has blinded their ability to perceive that there is no other country on the planet where you have the freedoms we enjoy and opportunity to succeed...if you are willing to work.
Unfortunately, it may be too late, as their minds have been poisoned by the likes of Bernie Sanders and capitalism is viewed as evil in their eyes.

Mushtaq Ali
Mushtaq Ali - 15.05.2020 19:25

I hope students and High School staff came in touch with reality after spending 4 years in ignorance as most of them do.

Mushtaq Ali
Mushtaq Ali - 15.05.2020 19:16


AMAZING GRACE - 27.03.2020 18:54

The Trump comment was out of place. Booooo. But I do agree with the overall speech. My son (growing up in the 90's) was always told how "special" he was (yes by me as well) because making your kids feel like the center of your lives was something we parents were instructed and expected to do at that time. He told me all this fawning gave him an "over inflated sense of his own self worth. Parents and educators...stop it!

Emily Davis
Emily Davis - 19.03.2020 14:55

Anyone watching in 2020 and being like "There's 7.5 billion people in the world now."

ABHISHEK KUMAR - 08.02.2020 10:02

Wonderful person and ♥️ u

Pyradus - 01.01.2020 14:36

You aren't special, no

but you are *unique*, and not in a namby-pamby sentimental sense.
You are objectively and factually unique.
You are a unique instance of human being occurring once in the entire history of the universe.
Even if there are a million others similar to you, even if there were a million others just like you, even if there will be a million others after you die that will be almost identical to you, there will still be, have been, and will only be one you.
Make it count.

LEEJUNGEUN1000 - 24.11.2019 01:52

Can I know where i can get this video clip with a subtitle~ : )

dongle puss
dongle puss - 23.11.2019 08:54

i am special. i am great! i am special because I AM ME!!!!!!

Elsa Bauer
Elsa Bauer - 20.11.2019 11:06

I watch this every few weeks to sort of restart myself

jenny lee
jenny lee - 19.11.2019 07:25

Ok boomer

굿다이노 - 12.11.2019 05:46

Thanks teacher, you give brave to me

ABC - 04.11.2019 00:42

Read, read, read. But do audio books count?

Charlie - 15.10.2019 00:25

The only ones downvoting this video, are the ones who categorically believe they are special sweetie-pies...

Panta Rei 83
Panta Rei 83 - 24.09.2019 17:17

So true that part about weddings

Chad L.E McGhie
Chad L.E McGhie - 27.08.2019 06:14

Amazing. From Alberta, Canada.

OkyAwesome - 08.08.2019 13:03

“If everyone is special the no one is”

I said those exact words years before I watched this video wtf he’s right

dongle puss
dongle puss - 22.06.2019 17:37

i am special!!!!!!

ItsNoha - 14.06.2019 21:42

Who IS this guy?? I love him!!

CapCanada 2020
CapCanada 2020 - 09.06.2019 18:24

To be honest ADULTS need to hear this as well because it applies to them too. How many times have we seen overbearing, immature parents fighting over a stupid referee call at their children's soccer or hockey game? More often than not it is about the parents achievements, not the child playing their heart out and trying to have fun. It does not matter how much money they invest in equipment and training nor the fact that they drive their kids to practice or to their games. If you ruin your kids fun by acting like violent douchebags over them not winning or having a call not go their way it's not worth it and the kids are better off you not being around for their games. To be honest the kids should get a trophy for putting up with their parents bullshit embarrassing them during the game with their bad behavior and poor sportsmanship.

And often failure often leads to success and makes it all the more worthwhile because it is more gratifying and more fulfilling. Parents do not get this sometimes.

RealKimPossible - 04.04.2019 19:45

I'll admit... in 2012, I was unsure how I felt about this.
I'm positively, unquestionably, emphatically and indubitably compelled, he's absolutely spot-on.
And I know now I won't change my mind ever again. I guess I finally grew- up.

Jim Davis
Jim Davis - 02.03.2019 07:34

Get busy living or get busy dying

Mel Lake
Mel Lake - 07.02.2019 18:37


Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart - 29.12.2018 01:24

You need to tell this to the iPhone generation Z’ers born around 1998 on up. They are even more clueless and sheltered than Millennials were. That generation is extending childhood, not adolescence!

Axl K
Axl K - 20.12.2018 15:29

Very good speech... every one of the 7.x billion should listen to's the medicine to so much depression

Todd Larson
Todd Larson - 25.11.2018 17:59

A model high-school graduation speech that blends common-sense counsel with winsome wit and wisdom in a way that debunks the "You Are Special" myth of entitlement perpetuated by Sesame Street and stresses the necessity to work hard to attain specialness. Thank you, Mr. McCullough!

Sofia - 21.11.2018 07:40

My English teacher used this as an example in her class and it stuck with me since

G Gates
G Gates - 25.10.2018 23:30

Trophies are still meaningless, even when earned. For we all die.

Rida Malik
Rida Malik - 30.08.2018 15:17

thank you :)

Unlucky Wanderer
Unlucky Wanderer - 10.08.2018 11:03

I understand the point that he’s trying to make, but I think it’s totally false to say “You’re not special.” When you really dig into it, there’s not a single unspecial thing in the entire universe. For some reason, the universe happened and planets soon formed. Ours was in just the right spot in our solar system and, for reasons unknown, life started- one single cell organism. Time passed, then arose the multicellular organism, and then a host of other species. Somewhere along the line, humans arose from the great apes. We’re a species like non other. We’re highly intelligent, we’ve created language, we’ve built a beautiful world for ourselves, we’ve created art and music, we’ve learned to float, fly, and even leave our planet, and last but not least we’re highly conscious. We are walking miracles, as cheesy as that sounds and the world around us is just as special as we are. Think about how fantastic it is that any of this exists at all. It is simply untrue that if everything is special, nothing is. An inexplainable essence permeates everything in this universe from humans, to pets, to frogs, to inanimate objects, and even abstract ideas and thoughts. Look honestly at whatever person you think is the least “special,” by this mans standards, and you should recognize the falseness of his claim. Like I said, I understand what he’s trying to say, but it’s dangerous to write people in general off as unspecial. When people are unspecial, they can be discarded without a care in the world. This sort of thing can be seen in authoritarian countries, where people are seen as less special than the ideology of the State and as a result, no one cries when a couple million die. Only approved ideas become the only thing worth viewing as special.

Victoria Gomes
Victoria Gomes - 19.07.2018 03:11

Could anyone transcribe this video?

Andrew Asonibare
Andrew Asonibare - 16.07.2018 21:37

Everyone needs to see this speech. Sadly, the truth hurts and with the pervasive entitlement mentality of the age, people will continue to contest it. Some say he is cutting the kids' confidence. I agree with those who say he's cutting their arrogance. The context is important. I personally have never understood when motivational speakers go on and on about nobody has your DNA and fingerprint, you're one of a kind. Yaddah yaddah. I don't need anyone to tell me I'm special. The speech is not condescending - it is real! The kids don't seem to think it's condescending; they think for the most party that it's funny. But I see some nods and gestures indicating understanding - however fleeting. I sure hope some of them take it all to heart.

Ed Thompson
Ed Thompson - 25.05.2018 22:41

My college freshment English teacher said (upon reading my first composition): Ms. T, you write very well, you just don't say anything." That wiped out any specialness remaining at the time.
