a comprehensive guide to omegaverse

a comprehensive guide to omegaverse


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@ColeyDoesThings - 13.11.2022 18:26

if you have any more questions about omegaverse or want me to elaborate on anything further, ask away below! i'm going to do a follow up to this video answering everything B)

@Smoldragoncat - 06.12.2023 05:13

So I’m watching this and I’m at the part where the videos describing scent flavours

“Perfect flavour in every bite of Pringle’s.
A taste you can’t let go”


@sebastianhama5624 - 05.12.2023 17:34

nothing adds meat to a fanfic like detailed anatomical diagrams and lengthy passages on speculative genetics

@CakeofRage - 03.12.2023 07:41

special shout-out to that Thai BL omegaverse TV series that just came out

@samaelmors3901 - 30.11.2023 03:39

A/b/o was completely ruined to me for a very long time, because I don't read any of the fandoms where it is common, so the encounters I did have with it were the rare instances of it within the fandoms I did read. And almost all of these were largely or even completely non-con. So for almost a decade a/b/o has been synonymous with abuse and non-con in my mind.

@orangetreestudiosII - 29.11.2023 02:37

Everytime I watch this video I want to expand on my omegaverse worldbuilding and write little omegaverse oneshots and I don't know why???

@BrilliantShadows - 28.11.2023 21:59

I watched this whole video because of my gf. I adore this woman so much that I am willing to become clinically insane for her

@malcompris6047 - 28.11.2023 11:16

I made a presentation explaining Omega Verse and showed it to my friends on presentation night...they learned a lot of things they didn't want to learn

@tsukiakari6933 - 27.11.2023 05:45

Highly recommend the 12 sectors series by Isoellen

@ShelbyLikesStuff - 26.11.2023 19:59

Am I interested in this? Yes. Is the reason because I’m reworking an entire stories world for a rewrite of a story? Yes, yes that’s the reason.

(Help me, I don’t know how to do anything on AO3 I just learnt how to add stuff like bold text things and I don’t know anything this is a call for help)

@Addictedtogenshin - 26.11.2023 07:44

Is it possible for an alpha to bite an omega that was already marked by another alpha?

@nicowasnothere - 24.11.2023 02:45

omg, I would love a video purely about omegaverse genetics, that would be so super specific but also surprisingly interesting I think

@heartless2412 - 22.11.2023 00:50

Me, popping my head out of the A/B/O hole: oh more info on omegaverse!

@matchalatteemwanii - 17.11.2023 09:01

I just started getting into it. I'm reading one right now where the omega is like a fox hybrid and in the universe, hybrids are rare and misunderstood and generally treated like subhumans. And it generally follows the tropes Coley talked about, but oh my god it's so dirty.

@KingofYggdrasil - 15.11.2023 22:50

If I weren't already desensitized this could absolutely ruin my mental state.

@wispytouch1022 - 15.11.2023 21:07

as someone who has read quite a bit of omegaverse, very entertaining to watch lmaooo ☠☠

@animesvt1234 - 14.11.2023 14:34

I found out Omegaverse on accident 2 years ago.

I am addicted to reading bl books, manhwa, manga etc and i just stumbled upon an omegaverse manhwa....which was very explicit...

I was out of my mind confused for days until i found out another one which had the basic explanation (thank you my dear mangaka) and thus started my addiction to all the omegaverse and i dont regret it one bit because they are just soooo good!!! (Provided you read the good ones, not the ones written by 14 year olds T_T)

@byrrnitdown - 12.11.2023 22:20

I can only speak for myself but I’m definitely interested in the biology-based explanations of how some of these different versions of omegaverse work! Evolutionary biology stuff is really fun.

@ahappyshep7921 - 10.11.2023 16:21

Unfortunately, I’ve found that this 45 minute video is not enough to satiate my intense desire to write atomically accurate fanfic and now I must peruse the wiki for hours on end. I will never dodge the Ao3 author allegations.

@maschenny - 10.11.2023 06:29

As a reader of a/b/o Chinese yaoi web novels, I was always used to more of an interstellar (usually military) society (like 5000 years in the future, and they are fighting aliens (Zergs)), and ofc there are the ancient historical ones and modern-day days one as well. In the interstellar ones, since it's such advanced technology, the author could choose to have IVF so the omega doesn't need to give birth. They send their DNA or something to the Center, and 9 months later, they have a baby in their arms (really good for AA ships/non-traditional ships). Also, since it's a military society, the male lead is usually a general ranked SS in mental/physical powers. They are rare cuz they are so powerful, so the omega MC is the one that is compatible with him to have babies; otherwise, no other omegas can handle the general and not die through doing it (depends on the author). There are also many animals (hamsters/pandas/otters, etc) MCs who can have a human form as the MC. I read some of them where the omega would have surgery to remove their omega gland in their necks and this will crippled them or stab the gland and stuff to rebel their position in society.

There is also a similar concept to omega verse in Chinese novels where the third gender is a "ger" instead where there is no a/b/o, "gers" can be female or male, but usually male gers are the lowest and least wanted unless the author creates the whole story of no females and just gers and males.

@RunningOnAutopilot - 07.11.2023 06:11

I had to check
I thought it couldn’t be done
Worm omegaverse fanfic exists
They will either be amazing or worthless no in between is possible
I wonder how much of it is lesbian proportionally

@PeanutWithWiFiAccess - 05.11.2023 09:45

I humbly request that biology breakdown (making a demon slayer omegaverse au, need lore)

@Styxx_theFox - 03.11.2023 13:52

Im yet to read a A/B/O Fic.... but im really tempted, its got a lot of my kinks as main points of it...

Probably bc im a furry

@chimmie1017 - 03.11.2023 02:56

As someone who has always had a sort of interest in these AU, and has wanted to write in these AU as well, this video was very informative. Thank you

@thathorsegirl5088 - 02.11.2023 08:03

Not me immediately knowing what knotting was based on as soon as she started talking about it despite never hearing the term before. Consequences of watching the dogs do the deed as an eleven year old to make sure we got a tie, because my mom was busy, and we only had the site for a few days.

@gacktsnipples - 01.11.2023 06:37

isn't the omega verse why ao3 is banned in china

@eeeeeeee57478 - 31.10.2023 09:29

Coley, i love you. but idk if i can finish this video man

@eeeeeeee57478 - 31.10.2023 09:21

sounds very... interesting?- wouldn't read it, compels me though

@eeeeeeee57478 - 31.10.2023 09:17

lmao i got a therapy ad half way though this video

@mal7169 - 30.10.2023 05:47

i miss who i was before i watched this video

@CitizenDoctorRoseKelmp - 29.10.2023 12:45

I knew absolutely too much of this, and would be interested in the biological aspects of it if you haven't done it and are still intersted in doing it!

@randominternetpersonwastaken - 26.10.2023 18:23

oh sweet man made horrors beyond my comprehension

@Signorasbutterfly - 21.10.2023 19:12

I despise omegaverse but I listened to every single word you just said. Which is better than I can concentrate in school for a course I chose xD

@brambythecat7030 - 20.10.2023 03:39


@theangelicpyro42 - 18.10.2023 07:04

i haven't seen the video yet, but uh
never read a/b/o until i saw a summary for kakaobi that was interesting, and figured i'd finally give it a shot
i stayed up all night reading that and it's a fucking gateway

@Aurora__sea__snake - 15.10.2023 20:23

I'm Bi but when I'm not in the 'mood' (as I sometimes say it), it really feels I'm researching animals mating

@alexandradevorak3901 - 15.10.2023 08:17

This video led me to discover and become a part of the miscecanis community.

@iamanarmywhoblinkedatanexo4705 - 14.10.2023 18:38

When I discovered Omega verse at the age of 15 in MT my mind went blank with all kinds of out of the world information

@notthesimi - 14.10.2023 01:36

I’ve read a MCU a/b/o where the established relationships are a omega/omega and a alpha/alpha. The story is about a omega couple that want to find a sperm to get one of them artificially inseminated. While one of the alphas genuinely wants a child he other wants a child as means to control his partner. This story goes into oxide beliefs, recognizing signs of abuse and waving it away because that person doesn’t belong to a certain demographic.

@ishipkookmin7552 - 14.10.2023 00:29

God i love a/b/o

@DancingInDreamWorld - 13.10.2023 19:04

I am watching this while working on a data entry project at work, I am so glad I work from home 😂

@FriendofOwls.and.Titans - 12.10.2023 02:19

I took one of those omegaverse rank quizzes expecting to be a beta since I'm pretty basic and I got alpha lmao

@hoseki3005 - 11.10.2023 22:07

that Kaeya body pillow in the back-

@_amarmas_4962 - 10.10.2023 04:18

I expected myself to not learn anything new from this video based on my 5-6 years of reading....and I was right😭 Also, I swear to god I almost burst a lung laughing at your hat😭😭😭

@ilikebeingsmart - 09.10.2023 21:43

I like reading omegaverse fics and would love to write one but I don’t know quite how to start writing one. I’m excited to learn the ins and outs from an expert!

@cristianojeda2418 - 03.10.2023 08:44

Can you explain sigma cause I can’t find any info on the supernatural abilities and fan fic of that tank I can’t find a thing except general werewolf tank and still no given information other than the fact they sound like a lone version of an alpha which sounded weaker in my opinion. Others vaguely mention but says Zegma I believe it was called sounds more like the way you mildly spoke of Sigma that’s why I am asking

@_edible_ - 03.10.2023 05:24

I read an omegaverse smutfic last night just to see if i'd actually like it (ive never really been interested, i always js thought it was weird, but hey- try new things, right?) so anyways i genuinely cried. i shed a tear. it wasnt sad, there was no angst, it was entirely smut, but i genuinely cried. i literally sat there thinking "what has happened in my life that has lead me up to this point", etc., i was actually so disappointed in myself 😭😭 i ended up finishing it, since it was only one chapter, but oh my god i cried more at that than any angst fic i have ever read im not even kidding right now 💀. anyways i havent watched this yet, but im in for a rollercoaster this time (only watching this to figure out what the hell knotting is 💀)
edit: oh.

@kirbstagoontheaxolotl - 02.10.2023 11:31

Seeing Sonic called furry adjacent, as a member of the Sonic fandom (I can't escape although atm I'm hanging out on the borders) was comedy gold for me. I've read some omegaverse and understood the basics but didn't know it was so detailed
