Critical Race Theory in American Schools

Critical Race Theory in American Schools

John Stossel

2 года назад

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@Daniel-ty5uc - 08.12.2023 21:04

Its why my daughter is suffering now because i will not alow that shit to be taought to her period

@j.cmarie271 - 05.12.2023 10:21

She’s in a delusion.

@emmanuelsmoot5364 - 04.12.2023 19:47

Might be controversial but I believe that CRT should be taught in schools but not like this. Black and Whited people both played a part to helped end slavery and they both helped end segregation. We should acknowledge that their were wrong doings in the past but also understand that their were white people who helped us along the way. Whenever we worked together we progressed and succeeded and no one should feel shame in who they are. But we also we have to bring light to the issues dealing with race and accept that they were wrong. It will help no one if we try to hide or bury them and tell minorities to get over it and forget it. That will only fan the flames and lead to more problems.

@brianfunke981 - 04.12.2023 17:20

Randi Weingarten is bad for America.

@charleskennedy8548 - 04.12.2023 07:14

This is teaching children to hate white men . How is this not radical racist teaching . Teachers union needs to be removed in order to save our children .

@scottjohnson7780 - 03.12.2023 17:22

Let's see how dedicated these people are to CRT when their schools are empty and private schools are overflowing. As this brave woman said, this is taxpayer funded hate for a particular COLOR of our citizens. This is shaming people that were not even alive when slavery was in this country.

@jasong428 - 03.12.2023 13:55

It's all just a plot to marginalize the majority of working America. You can still buy a person in some african countries.

@edwardgiorgio2904 - 02.12.2023 18:58

Don’t see that being taught in the private schools. Only in the public school cesspools.

@LivingAwake - 01.12.2023 16:50

Resentment is the ultimate offender and kills. Get some help

@michaelWNY - 30.11.2023 21:13

Only racists believe in races and promote programs based on race.

@CaptainsLog73 - 29.11.2023 23:53

As long as blacks live in the past, and hate themselvers because of their own ignorance nothing will ever change! The balls been in their court since 1964 ! Any progress ?

@johnwalker3473 - 29.11.2023 19:06

I saw this coming down the road back in 1972 during the court ordered desegregation of Southern public schools.

@KirbyHeath-wp2db - 29.11.2023 15:54


@srdjan455 - 27.11.2023 13:10

Some Americans believe that the USA invented slavery, some people that the civil war was about state rights and some believe the revolution was about the lack of representation. People believe a lot of things that are wrong

@MrProy33 - 22.11.2023 18:52

If professors want to teach CRT in college, well, that's what college is for--to expose students to multiple viewpoints in a safe, academic, mature setting. College is for adults.

CRT absolutely does not belong in elementary or high schools. Simple.

@malcolmbrown9266 - 21.11.2023 00:04

Teachers at a catholic elementary school in Ontario, Canada were told to fill out a "Cultural Humility Self-Reflection" survey. The survey, or "self-reflection tool," outlines how teachers should adopt specific ideas related to race and culture. Those include recognizing the "privilege" of "dominant cultures" and "systemic racism and white supremacy." They must also accept that gender is a spectrum. The tool has been compared to Maoist doctrine whereby you are continually ‘re-interrogating’ yourself and being ‘rectified’ so that you have the correct Maoist line. We’re so screwed.

@jimkrueger3843 - 20.11.2023 05:58

CRT is a LIE

@lukebogacik2793 - 20.11.2023 01:15

Do any of these people understand what HISTORY is ?

@karlbmiles - 20.11.2023 01:15

Everything you see on CRT is intentionally vague and even deceptive so we stand up to it. So I suggest you study the source, 'Critical Theory' and the 'Frankfurt School'.

The roots of 'Critical Theory' goes back to Communist Jewish intellectuals who wanted to dismantle the German government in the 1920's. The brains behind it called themselves the 'Frankfurt School'. The word Critical is exactly what it means: you must be critical of the system if you wish to destroy it. They were against the Iron Chancellor Otto Bismarck who was a monarchist, land owner, and nationalist, and later against Adolf Hitler the dictator. Both leaders hated Communists, and Hitler suspected Jews of being against their own country of Germany. But some members of the Frankfurt School made it out of Germany to the U.S. where they continued their subversive communism.

Beginning in the 1980's leftist in the U.S. found the utility of the Frankfurt School's theories, and added 'Race' to the title to make it more relevant and destructive to the American system to create Critical Race Theory (CRT). But the Theory remains: be critical of the system to tear it down to replace it with communism. I think a lot of leftist teachers and professors understand the "why" of CRT, presented as a system that is unfair to minorities due to their race, which sounds well intentioned. What the duped leftists may not know is which system will be the replacement after we've dismantled our democratic Christian capitalist government and marginalized all the white people.

@travisbare1757 - 20.11.2023 00:13

Currently, the worse thing you can be in the new progressive America is white. Even worse is to be a white male. Even worse than that is a white male conservative. Even worse than that is a middle aged conservative white male. Even worse than that is a Christian middle-aged conservative white male. It is so hard living in the new and improved America!

@bobcat8439 - 18.11.2023 18:49

This is about the Democrats dividing blacks and whites and Jews and Muslims and Asian and Spanish and so on. The Democrats in power want division so nobody's paying attention to them stealing our country and our freedom.

@bobcat8439 - 18.11.2023 18:29

Blacks are the biggest racists of them all👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾 I live in the city I hear it and see it all the time it's not everybody but it's a lot of them

@jamesskinner7185 - 18.11.2023 14:41

Ba ha ha the Romans enslaved everyone they conquered 😂😂😂 biggest ass scam is CRT😂😂😂… they should teach why da bros commit most the crimes 😂😂😂😂

@ReasonablySkeptic - 17.11.2023 22:03

It's funny how it was the Democrat party that fought for segregation and slavery. And now it's the Democrat party that's fighting for racism in school. As long as it's racism against whites. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY THAT PARTY IS SO OBSESSED WITH SPREADING RACISM!

@tommcfadden5232 - 17.11.2023 21:28

Rutgers lowered the professorial bar. DEI has lead to the devaluation of PhD’s.

@CuttySX455 - 17.11.2023 07:30

Watch any video with Bob Newton or Thomas Sowell being interviewed to get a better insight into the plight of African Americans in the U.S. One must ask themselves how some African Americans become successful while many others do not. There's way more to it than CRT or just plain old racism. Racism goes both ways. CRT is trying to teach that all white people are the oppressors. Please. That's like saying all African Americans are criminals. Neither one could be further from the truth.
CRT is just teaching one group of people to hate another group of people. In a time when all people of our country should be pulling together to save whatever is left, there are people that just want to drive us apart.

@davelynch66 - 17.11.2023 04:11

C.R.T. has proven to be nothing more than the brainwashing of people into shaming and victimhood. Human nature is to fight or fall back into the "victimized" - I am a victim of you (however / whatever) I don't like, want, etc. This is playing to all the weaknesses that the devil loves. This makes people think they are not accountable for their actions and or behavior. Be "human" and rise above the noise and you are free but it's easier to blame others for your own choices. This is the same as stealing versus earning!

@GregMoress - 17.11.2023 02:58

"Them white people that freed the slaves are racist!!!"
"Them white people that removed segregation are all racist!!!"
"We're gonna punish them white people for doing all that!!!"

@timothypacker4276 - 16.11.2023 19:43

Democrats. Nuff said. 😞

@Jtex_123 - 15.11.2023 13:09

Mexicans , natives and and many more were also slaves in the USA wonder why that’s never talked about

@LeAnn610 - 15.11.2023 04:02

Our schools have become a political sickness.
Public school teachers don’t want to teach basic skills.

@jamesmac357 - 14.11.2023 14:26

Erasing history is an ancient despot move, because it is about being the oppressor and making victims. Many wars of history are fought this way, where the erasure of a culture is done to in order to subjugate them. What it does is make everybody hostile, because now the government is a liar. Almighty God doesn't support this, where you either want righteousness, or you turn the tables to be the oppressor and be guilty of everything you complain about; this is a system of continual abuse and warfare to reject the righteousness.

@jamesmac357 - 14.11.2023 14:20

CRT isn't critical, it is a slander that white people are born demonic, and whiteness are evil doers for success, of something the others are seeking to ruin.

@redtobertshateshandles - 14.11.2023 11:53

It's Communism. And it's very dangerous to your freedom.

@user-el5fv9dn6v - 14.11.2023 10:17

Critical Race Theory Is A Lie... The Word "SLAVERY", Comes From The Latin "SCLAVA", Meaning "SLAVONIC CAPTIVE", Referring To The 9th-Century SLAVERY Of SLAVONIC PEOPLE; SLAVS (Which Are White People)... SLAVS And Other EASTERN EUROPEAN PEOPLES, Were Sold As SLAVES To MUSLIMS And BYZANTINES For Hundreds Of Years... EVIL Black People In Africa, Sold Other Black People, To EVIL White And EVIL Black Slave Owners In America... The Jewish People Were Slaves In Eygpt For Over 400 Years... The Vikings Took The Irish And Made Them Slaves For Hundreds Of Years, Many Of Which Were Decapitated Or Beaten To Death And Offered To Viking Gods... SLAVERY Existed In Africa For Thousands Of Years, And Exists Up Until Today, Where Black People Enslave Other Black People... Slavery Exists Today In The United States, At The Southern Border, Where Children Are Sold As Labor Or Sex Slaves.,. The PROBLEM IS SIN, NOT SKIN COLOR...

@cusher977 - 13.11.2023 15:35

CRT is pushing racism, not preventing. Please people wake up and listen to the meaning of her words. 18 seconds in, just listen to her

@criptard - 11.11.2023 21:17

Racial profiter s are scared of losing $$$ and fake power. Most of us get along . Live laugh and love.

@stevenewsome9185 - 11.11.2023 12:33

It's obvious who the racist POS are.

@larrybrock6811 - 11.11.2023 05:40

CRT IS racism.

@BadMonkeyMike - 10.11.2023 19:57

Seems to me that it's the black people keeping race alive. I never see anyone screaming the race card except black Americans. I never see blacks people outside America doing it, just the entitled

@JosephDiveley - 10.11.2023 16:13

Does CRT teach that it was black people who invented slavery some 5000 plus years ago? Does it teach that all races have been enslaved by others as war trophies as far back as history goes? Does it teach that a black man was the first slave owner in the history of the USA? Does it teach that there were more Irish slaves/indentured servants in the USA who were sent to the USA to die as slaves for the purpose of genocide by England?

Do these teachers dare to teach the TRUTH?

Or do they teach CRT which is just propaganda that says black people are victims and white people are the ones who made them into victims? Asians don't count as victims since they got paid less than slaves and well their kids are smart because their mom and dads demand they study hard.

CRT doesn't teach kids how to get along but just to blame white people for all their problems.

@charlescasaburi5333 - 09.11.2023 17:54

I am an all out white supremacist Racist . How do I know whites are better ? Look at all the places that don’t have white people. You wouldn’t want to be in any one of them. The main reason I know whites are better is because non whites move thousands of miles at huge expanse to live with us.

@grampydeathblade2217 - 08.11.2023 21:40

WHY is teaching the "truth" wrong??? BECAUSE TEACHING SHOULD ONLY BE ABOUT VERIFIABLE FACTS!!!!!!!! TRUTH IS AN OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@user-wp8pm7nw1c - 07.11.2023 05:49

Cameras in the classroom because of covid turned out to be a great blessing.

@johnlinehan8564 - 06.11.2023 23:22

WOW. Teachers are not teaching kids the studies that will help them in life. Like math, reading and writing. That whino leader of the union, who’s making about $ 500000 salary should b held accountable and be fired for leading teachers to indoctrinate parents children. But they believe a “ dumb society, is easy to control, than an informed one”. Period

@MarkLandrebe-ef5yd - 06.11.2023 00:54

Just because blacks lag Whites, is NO REASON FOR. C R T.

@peterjaimez1619 - 05.11.2023 19:53

Some of the many billions of the Venezuelan oil were used to help destroy America & Europe from within, I can't believe how much America has changed in the last fifteen years!

@markdavis580 - 05.11.2023 15:58

The far-left destroys everything it touches. The only thing they've ever built is a propaganda machine. STOP VOTING FOR THEM.
