The Forever Chemical Scandal | Bloomberg Investigates

The Forever Chemical Scandal | Bloomberg Investigates

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@ernestoezequielmarmol4227 - 02.11.2024 05:04

Este es el veneno del Capitalismo.

@qaz-fi1id - 02.11.2024 01:13

I bet all these people said nothing about East Palestine Ohio.
Bunch of fake carin leftists

@thothmage - 01.11.2024 17:10

Anyone tried using oscillating ultra or hypersonic frequencies? Almost everything has a harmonic breaking point.

@dianerichards7932 - 01.11.2024 17:00

Yet there’s not one agency or anyone to stop it ? $$$$$

@goddesslivy - 01.11.2024 07:02

Honestly, why are humans like this? Why are we working hard to erase our own kind? In a thousand years in the future this planet will only be inhabited by animals, plants and other organisms. Bye bye humanity!

@briansawdo6245 - 31.10.2024 16:36

What happens to the pfas you take out of the water?

@andynewfriends - 31.10.2024 05:38

What blows my mind...I get it VPs upper management wants to keep it quiet because of making profits but how is it possible that people that works there can not say anything. Most of individuals live around the area of work, how can they not tell the neighbors or their kids do not eat or drink because of xyz.

@djmapj8489 - 30.10.2024 23:03

Plastic: Lemmi introduce myself🤵‍♂️

@albertawheat6832 - 30.10.2024 22:45

Another corporate site...great.

@sct4040 - 30.10.2024 21:45

The human race is heading toward extinction, completely due to greed, and short term gain by a few.

@sct4040 - 30.10.2024 21:35

Even living in your own farm would not keep you safe.
Even buying organic foods would not keep you safe.
It’s in our water.

@sct4040 - 30.10.2024 21:28

Epidemiology does not lie.

@sct4040 - 30.10.2024 21:19

I have learned of this, this year at age 65. I hope it is not too late for me. Tossed all my plastic kitchen utensils, food containers, coffee maker, cutting boards. Started buying some organic food where cost is not too high.

@jimbotron70 - 30.10.2024 19:32

Too late to complain.

@TheSiggib - 30.10.2024 16:01

The factories here get green energy but put out polusuan!!!

@LuisRodriguez1983 - 30.10.2024 15:26

La naturaleza los castiga

@luisbrito7565 - 30.10.2024 14:47

Que hp ...😮.... ustedes mismos an creado el problema para después lleqar hasta aquí..

@LuisRodriguez1983 - 30.10.2024 08:28

Estamos jodidos por donde lo veamos 😂

@suzyp7178 - 30.10.2024 02:32

Gyphosphte and metformin. For profit, we die.

@joeyc1725 - 30.10.2024 02:20

Literally every single person will not care about this at all. Try telling people and they'll say, " there's chemicals in everything." People have been programmed

@gloriarosas2793 - 29.10.2024 18:38

Lo que me sorprende de estás empresas es que ellos están viviendo en el mismo planeta, ¿acaso a ellos no les afecta y a sus hijos y nietos o ya descubrieron la fórmula para limpiar su organismo de todos los tóxicos que ellos no hacen consumir ? 🤷‍♀️

@TinusTegenlicht - 29.10.2024 18:36

About the covid vax will be made many documentaries in 5 to 10 years. If you read the scientific literature there is so much wrong now, but the media covers it up. But what do expect when the same people who own the big pharma, own the universities and media and often the governments.

@TinusTegenlicht - 29.10.2024 18:31

A friend has an auto immuun disease, with really weird problems, like he cannot stand sunlight, many different foods from supermarkets (he eats only fresh vegetables, bread and cookies), his skin has all sorts of problems, his eyes, etc, etc.

I think his parents were poisoned by chemicals, like pfas also and other stuff without them knowing.

@EVEY451 - 29.10.2024 17:46


@blank0the0new91 - 29.10.2024 17:20

when will people stand up and bring these greedy corporate scums to justice . clearly we cant depend on the government

@PWigglman1492 - 29.10.2024 16:09

This documentary was more of a bowl of onions about kids rather than facts.

@inesdritschel9889 - 28.10.2024 21:35

Ellos nos han contaminado! Nos están matando poco a poco! Terrible! Por eso toda la Humanidad estamos Enfermos!

@luiscarlosperezparodi3368 - 28.10.2024 17:44

Toda esta gravisima contaminación a la tierra 🌎 y a la humanidad, agradezcan a los Científicos y su dizque ' Ciencia y Tecnología ' ,irresponsable.
Las Potencias y países con más influencia y poder, debieron controlar, fiscalizar, prohibir y hasta sancionar a todas las Empresas y Científicos que iban a crear desarrollar dentro de sus investigaciones, diversos tipos de productos.
Que se iban a usar en la agricultura, en la cosmética, en el aseo diario, en la limpieza.
En pinturas, en las diversas industrias química, agroquimica, textil, alimentaria, tecnológica,Militar, etc.
Y no dejar que las empresas y Científicos hagan lo que quieran.
Y ya vemos las terribles consecuencias a la tierra y a la humanidad.
Y encima las guerras que están arruinando y recalentando muchísimo más la tierra ya recalentada.
Todo esto ya estaba predicho en la biblia.
Escrito está y Jehová Dios profetizó: " Causaré la ruina de aquellos que arruinan la tierra 🌎 ".

@LalinGouki - 27.10.2024 20:24

Como es posible osea que tengo 120 años intoxicandome y no me he dado cuenta, donde puedo meter mi queja, habe rsi me indemizan

@JL-bu8bz - 27.10.2024 15:55

Is this true? Great corporations destroing people and the Earth? Or is this the NGO trying to get money with this fake News? i was work for 30 year in great corporations and I never saw they destroing the Earth. I saw people and govement doing this.

@edercervantes270 - 26.10.2024 06:06

Con la agenda 2030 estos productos dejarán de existir

@lost94133 - 25.10.2024 14:15

Yeah and the FDA approves everything in America is a total scam and the public doesn't know or doesn't care

The politicians are solely to blame

@LaylaDSmith - 25.10.2024 05:45

Our planet is destroyed beyond repair. How many extinctions are due to pfas pfos? We will never know, even when our own is added to that list.

@maidenofsantafem.g.valdez1154 - 25.10.2024 03:08

Absolute Estoppel of Chemical Industry 🇺🇸
New screening all inventories for death chemicals for immediate confiscation forfeiture. The death toll provides evidence longstanding. All inventory delivered to ATF or U.S. Military Armaments Command.

@JdjxjxDjfkkf - 24.10.2024 05:53


@fanatik2408 - 24.10.2024 02:46


@christophermotyka5384 - 24.10.2024 01:37

The companies and the chemist who made these compounds should be held accountable.

@adraiptt7550 - 23.10.2024 19:00

welp this is depressing

@PartyCrewCoolPAD - 23.10.2024 18:22

We should label the (+ calories) nutrition facts


@SILrpn - 23.10.2024 15:03

Sera que los quieren desalojar de alli?

@Bethesam - 22.10.2024 21:22

Isso é só a ponta do iceberg

@st3221 - 22.10.2024 08:50

Just because its bloomberg ita sort of justified This is utterly disgusting and criminal Real native people would ha e NEVER done something so against nature and living beings

@samuelfink4799 - 22.10.2024 05:49

Not only were these companies guilty but our government was as well that’s why I struggle to understand why anyone would ever be so dumb to think the government has our best interests at heart.

@Christina-y7z7u - 22.10.2024 03:11

Y’all talk about this but don’t talk about the poisons in our food smh

@amgguy4319 - 21.10.2024 22:41

So Republicans dumped, intentionally, their ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS, on Republicans.
So what's the problem?

@amgguy4319 - 21.10.2024 22:37

We didn't create these Chemicals...
Republicans did, to destroy GENDER, FERTILITY & HEALTH.

@puritateeterna3959 - 21.10.2024 19:55

Alchimizarea constantă,pe lângă multe altele,are rolul de a "purge" corpul uman de chimicale care nu-i fac bine precum şi purging of the mind from illusions şi menținerea limpede a emoționalității baby şi bine înțeles şi repararea erorilor, responsabile pentru naşterea bolilor,la nivelul fiecărui ADN şi ARN în parte.

@wpankey57 - 21.10.2024 05:41

