Yooka Liptus - Cosmic Kingdom 🪐

Yooka Liptus - Cosmic Kingdom 🪐


54 года назад

668 Просмотров

Name: Yooka Liptus
Sound: Synth mimicking a leafophone
Elements: Mech, Crystal


Liptus, dubbed Yooka Liptus due to his kinship with the Yooka leaves which grow off of the Arborite trees native to the Cosmic Kingdom, seems to be a drone created by some unknown being, as he wanders the vast glassy lands of Vitrimutis looking for Yooka leaves that he can play. Sometimes these leaves aren't good enough and he likes to change them every day, so finding the perfect one takes up a lot of his day.

CREDITS 📋: Designer of Yooka Liptus + Background artist - @eurisgamer5796

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6SfP6KH52g

Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RefriedBeaniee

Fankit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18skSMn3M3VWbVKNu3Gx73BfzA6XYFOXY?usp=sharing
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